Thursday, 28 April 2022

Kundali Bhagya 28th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Preeta gets sad hearing what Karan feels about her intentions


Kundali Bhagya 28th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Rakhi informs Shristhi that she is the first girl on whom both she and Mahesh jee trusted a lot and even loved her, she from the first day felt like their own and they made her their daughter but this same girl broke their heart to the extent that it would not be able to join again which is why she is saying that Shristhi should always remain the same and never change, she must uphold the teachings of Sarla jee.

Shristhi rushes to Preeta who is crying, Preeta explains she is feeling that it would be really difficult and she doesnot know how it will happen, she has to take each and every step after immense calculation and it seems as if Prithvi has a lot of cameras and is watching them both, prithvi is looking at them both from his room but is worried since he cannot hear anything, Preeta thinks that she doesnot want Prithvi to know that her path is different from what she desires. Ganesh comes informing that the lawyer has come to meet her, Preeta goes to the lounge when he apologizes for coming like this but the court hearing is in two days and she must also come to the court with any evidence that she finds so he can use it, Preeta pulls Shristhi away with her not revealing anything.

Prithvi in the room thinks that they can use anything which they desire but he would be the one to win the case as this time the Karan Luthra will not be released, he is feeling as if these are not two days but two months which he would not be able to spend. Prithvi gets a call from Sundesh mentioning he is going to meet him tomorrow.

Rakhi is sitting in the police station when the police bring karan, she hugs him informing that she was really missing him so decided to come and meet him, she even brought his favorite food, she asks him to sit down. Raki sitting takes out the tiffin when he asks how is dad, she says that he is angry with him and wanted to come with her if she did not stop him, Karan mentions he would be happy if his father got angry with him because this would mean he showed some feelings, Rakhi doesnot understand when he explains that he feels she is lying. Rakhi replies she did not want to tell him the truth as he is already very worried and if she told him about his father then he might get worried, Karan immediately feels as if someone is watching him from behind the window.

Preeta tries to go and meet Karan but Shristhi stops her thinking that she knows he really hates Preeta and so she advises that she must first let karan eat the food because after that she can meet him.

Karan asks if Preeta made this food but Rakhi replies that Ganesh cooked it, he replies that Ganesh has started making delicious food. Rakhi is weeping while feeding karan when he mentions that he promises her to change when he is released from this jail then he is going to surely change because no one in this world cares for this karan but Rakhi says that he must not think like this because when they are forced to change with the time then must always remain the same, Karan replies he doesnot want to hear anything because he knows what Preeta is, she only cares about money and nothing else, she only asked him to play because then he can earn money for her but when she realized that he might earn more then her and so would be able to take over the Luthra industries. She send him to jail. Rakhi in anger slaps Karan warning him to not talk about Preeta in this way because she feels that Preeta cannot do anything so wrong, she loves him a lot including the entire Luthra family so he must not talk like this. She says that he is the only one with whom she can talk her true feelings but he must not say such things, karan says that he would not talk like this with her but is really hungry.

Preeta is running when Shristhi stops her, Preeta exclaims he thinks she is the one behind it all, Shristhi replies she knew which is why did not want her to meet karan. Preeta questions how can a husband think like this for his wife., Shristhi requests her to understand his condition as he really loves her. Preeta asks her to let it be as what kind of love is this because there is also trust in a relationship, Shristhi tries to explain that he trusts her but Preeta replies where there is love then there is also trust, but karan doesnot know the meaning of trust, she has loved him as a husband and was alone for two years. He had a lot of distractions with him including the problems of the business for that karan who threw her out of his house, she still loved him. Preeta explains she doesnot understand what problem does he have with her intentions whenever she tries to work for their betterment, Shristhi asks her to scold her for anything but not say anything to Karan since he is really vulnerable, Preeta replies she is going to all with karan cone and for all when he comes out of the jail, she is going to tell him what is a fight, she will give all the clarification clearly and even ask if he wants her in his life. She married him and he has to give her the love which she desires while she also has to give him the love. Preeta receives a call from Maddy, he explains that he wants to share some transitions with her. Preeta replies that he can give it all when the task is completed. Maddy says that he has taken her case and knows the entire details, Maddy asks when can they meet, she says they can meet at her house.

Preeta and Shristhi are waiting when a person tries to enter the house, Shristhi threatens to call the police if he takes a step ahead but Preeta informs that he is the person she was talking with on the call, Maddy greets Shristhi and reveals that Karan was arrested at exactly twelve pm, Shristhi replies they all know about it, Maddy takes back his card explaining she doesnot have patience so cannot work in their field. Preeta questions what was the important thing, he reveals that he was able to reach the CCTV camera after using some contacts and found out that the reporters were already present before the arrest so this means that someone had planned it all and karan is innocent. Shristhi questions why are they waiting for anything else and should leave with the proof, Maddy explains the police might say it is just coincidence so they have to find multiple evidence to prove his innocence, he asks if what he texted is ready. Preeta hands him an envelope containing money. Sameer sees Preeta giving him money, he hides behind the plant so is suspicious of her actions.

Update Credit to: Sona

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