Precap: The election for class representative in the sports festival happens. Anish makes Suman run for it against Shravan, Suman won.
Shravan’s gang is in a meeting. Everyone is sad. Most of the civilian kids lost the election. Someone checks the score board. They are now a lot behind the army gang. Shravan looks at the others sad faces. He smiles to encourage them.
Shravan: What is this guys? Who told you that everything will be easy? But does that mean we will accept defeat whenever we get a setback like this?
Everyone doesn’t react much.
Sahib: But Shravan we are way behind them in the points now. How will we catch up to them now? The only thing left is now the sport festival. And that is one of their strong point.
Shravan: When we were about to give our exam even then you all thought study is their strong point. But we worked hard and proved that if we try even we can do it.
Ved: But study and sports are two different things.
Shravan: So what, we will again work hard and achieve victory. And why are you guys are not thinking about the most important part?
Sahib: What is that?
Shravan: There is going to be so many sport competition, which means so many opportunities. Till now civilians students didn’t take part in sport activities but now that will change. We will take part in every sports there is. We will start practicing from tomorrow. We are gonna make our own football team, cricket team, basketball team, volleyball team and whatever solo game is their we will prepare for it. We have time. Guys what do you say? This is our last and final battle. We won’t sit quietly when our destination is this close.
Everyone looks at each other. Then they all smiles, stands up and cheers with Shravan. From the next day they started preparing. They all goes jogging in the morning, works out, decides who will play which game and started practicing. Anish’s gang is also practicing hard. Shravan’s team also decides players for the solo competition such as hundred meter race, swimming competition, bicycle race etc. They have a lot of fun while practicing.
Malhotra House
Shravan is looking at Suman’s balcony from his balcony. He seems a bit sad. Suman comes from behind and pats his back. He turns to see who it is but Suman turns the other way so he doesn’t see her. He thinks he imagined it and again looks in front of him. Suman again pats him, this time Shravan turns around fast giving Suman no time to hide. Seeing her, his face lights up like a hundred watt bulb.
Shravan: Sumo! When did you come?
Suman smiles and stands by the railing.
Suman: When you were busy looking at my house.
Shravan: No I wasn’t looking, I was just having fresh air. I’m telling the truth.
Suman laughs.
Suman: It’s ok, I’m just teasing you.
Shravan adores her laughing face for sometime. Then he comes back to his senses.
Shravan: But what are you doing here? Did you need anything? You could have called me, I would have come at your house immediately.
Suman: Calm down Shravan. Can’t I visit my friends house?
Shravan: Of course you can. But you normally follow strick schedule so I thought it’s because of something important that you came.
Suman: I just wanted to meet you, we don’t really get time to meet each other much, always busy with the upcoming sports festival. How is your teams preparation going on?
Shravan: Good, it’s going fine.
Suman: I saw you guys practicing a few times earlier. You seemed to taking part in fewer sports then you should.
Shravan gives a poor smile.
Shravan: Actually my leg is all healed now and I’m running around normally like before. But whenever I start playing a sport, I don’t think I am able to give my hundred percent. I don’t wanna make the team lose because of me.
Suman thinks something for sometime. Then she turns to leave.
Suman: You are not doing anything right now, are you? Let’s go to a place.
Suman leaves the place, Shravan follows her.
Shravan: Where?
Suman: You will see, when we get there.
They comes outside of their house and she signals him to start his bike.
Suman: My scooter is in shop for repairing. And you know it’s better to use one bike, for the sake of country.
Shravan: One second, did you really had something to talk with me or did you just came to catch a ride?
Suman makes an angry expression.
Shravan: Sorry sorry I was just teasing you.
Shravan gets on the bike.
Shravan: Come on, take a sit and tell me where to go.
Suman sits behind him and Shravan starts the bike. They left the house and hit the road.
Shravan: Now tell me where are we going?
Suman: Cantonment. Today papa’s last medical test is happening.
Shravan: Final test, it means Vijay uncle is fine now?
Suman: That we will find out after the results come. Papa thinks he is fine now, so if he gets a ok from the doctor then he will go back to duty. But there is still time for that. The results will take some time to come.
They reach the cantonment, Shravan parks the bike.
Shravan: Am I supposed to wait here like that time?
Flashback shows Suman says to Shravan wait right there, it’s a cantonment. If he moves around and gets spoted they will shoot him. Flashback ends.
Suman laughs remembering.
Suman: Don’t worry, we will go to the hospital this time. You don’t have to wait here.
Shravan follows her towards the clinic. When they reached there, Shravan notices a lot of injured soldiers around, whom are working out or playing some sports. Suman goes inside where Vijay’s checking is going on. Shravan sees them talking from far. After a while Suman comes back to him.
Suman: Papa said it will take some more time. And the results will come on the first day of our summer vacation.
Shravan: Hey, there is not much time for that then. I guess uncle will be back in field soon.
Suman: Papa thinks so too. I think we should go now.
Shravan: Let’s go.
Suman and Shravan are returning by bike. Shravan stays quiet for a long time.
Suman: What happened? You never stop talking, but now you are so silent all of a sudden.
Shravan smiles.
Shravan: Tell me the truth Sumo, you took me there so I can get inspired by those injured soldiers, by seeing their determination, patriosm, right?
Suman: I guess you understood everything without me telling anything.
Shravan: Sumo when you support me like this, encourage me, I feel like I can do anything. When at school everyone was down I was motivating them saying a lot of things, but I guess my own motivation was a bit disturbed. But after talking to you today and visiting the clinic I have found my motivation again. I will work hard now. Thanks Sumo.
Suman: What are friends for.
Shravan: Can I say something?
Suman: Yeah.
Shravan: When I was watching the doctor it was reminding me of you. The way the doctors treat the injured soldiers and helps them till they can get back to their duty, it was just like how you are helping since my leg got hurt for it to heal and still helping till I properly get back on my legs.
Suman smiles and thinks what Shravan said. Shravan looks at Suman’s smiling face through the mirror.
Next: Shravan and Suman start practicing badminton with each other.
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