Meet 21st March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Meet in garden trying to fill police form. Meet Ahlawat walks to her in apron and says you need to be healthy for your admission and change your diet so from now on you will eat which will be good for your health and remove the cloth from food trolley, says from now on your fried food is ban instead of that you will eat dry fruits salad faad, I have prepared your diet chart and explain her diet when she will eat. Meet says take a breath and you don’t look like my boyfriend now. Meet Ahlawat says I know I’m take lot of tension. Ram, Lakhan and Duggu walks to Meet with there hands at back. Meet ask what you three are doing. They take out there water cannons. They all hold Meet and says I’ll colour Meet first and start arguing. Meet Ahlawat stop them and says first I’ll colour her. They ask why you will colour her. He says because she is my wife so I’ll colour her. Meet try to stop her. Meet Ahlawat says wait Meet this is serious. Duggu, Ram , Lakhan join hands and says we are a team now and we will colour her first. Duggu says so you are challenging us so let’s see who will colour her first and they leave.
Meet says to him please take care you have a strong competition if you loose it will be disrespectful for you. Meet Ahlawat says don’t you worry I’ll colour you first.
Sunaina in her room sitting sad. Tej walk to her and ask what happen why are you sad. Sunaina says I thought we will be celebrating holi with our kid. Tej says don’t worry Duggu is in house and he will be your kid forever, see god’s thinking is totally different from our, he want to give you double bonanza and says we can adopt Ram, Lakhan they are all alone. Sunaina it’s okay to the relation on student teacher. Tej says it will be good they are already alone. Sunaina says they cannot jel with us. Tej says don’t worry I’ll handle. Sunaina says you cannot take big decision on emotions, stop it I need to do arrangements for holi and leaves in anger.
Meet in hall with laptop. Babita and Ragini walks to her. Babita says we are going of Holi ritual where is your thali. Masum says to Babita she would be busy, right now she didn’t join police force this is the condition don’t know what will happen when she will join. Meet Ahlawat calls Babita and Masum says it’s her first holi and her thali came from her house. He give thali to Meet. Amma and Anubha walks with thal and Anubha says it’s our ritual to bring thali sorry we were late. Babita says okay we will meet you out. Meet hugs Anubha and Amma. Meet Ahlawat says I’m also getting late and try to hug her. She step back because of mom and dadi. Meet says I’m very happy after seeing you. Amma says it was your first holi here so we came here. Meet says I want to tell you something. Anubha says we already know Meet Ahlawat told us and we are proud of that. Amma says we know you will be more hardworking then your father, our blessings are with you.
Meet Ahlawat in room gathering colour says I’ll colour Meet first it’s our first holi and nobody could colour her first then me. Meet calls himand ask what are you doing. Meet Ahlawat hiding colour behind him says nothing and ask did you fill the form. Meet says no I’m confused and ask tell me what are you hiding. He says nothing it’s a surprise I’ll tell you tomorrow. Meet says show me what are hiding. He says no. Meet says so you want show your hand if I do anything and gets close to him says still you won’t do anything. Meet Ahlawat says no I won’t. She try to do things forcefully but he shouts mom. Meet leave him and he slide the colour packet under the bed. He says you want to see my hand here they are, you were talking something to get close and try to catch her. She run away. Meet Ahlawat says tomorrow I’ll be the first one to colour you.
Ram in call with Hawa Singh says don’t do anything I’ll handle it, tomorrow is holi festival I know how to handle things and remember she is my family member I know how to take benifit of that, I know she is stubborn and she won’t step back till the time I hurt her emotionally, when I’ll hurt her emotionally she will step back and you don’t have to do anything this is my family matter. Hawa Singh says okay. Ram disconnects call.
Meet Ahlawat and Meet in room. Meet Ahlawat get up in mid night and take colour in his hand says I’ll apply this red colour on Meet’s cheeck and sleeps with that colour in his hand.
Next morning. Meet Ahlawat wakes up and see hid hand is open he gets up says I was unable to colour Meet because of my sleep and he gets up to find her. Meet Ahlawat outside house see everyone is applying colour to eachother her mom, her sister and see Ram Lakhan Duggu and infront of Meet applying colour. Meet Ahlawat run towards them and remove there hand and looks at Meets face. Ram Lakhan Duggu says you loose we won and tease him. Meet says to him I told you you have tough competition. Meet Ahlawat get’s upset and crib. Meet says to him come with me and take him infront of mirror and show him red colour…
(Meet sees Meet Ahlawat asleep holding colour and smiles and puts colour on her cheecks with help of her hand and applies colour on his cheecks too with her cheeks and wish him holi)…
Meet Ahlawat happy says I don’t believe show me how and flirt with her. Meet run away. Meet Ahlawat follow her and catches her and try to apply colour on her cheecks but she hold his hand and apply on his cheeks and they both get romantic. He takes colour in his hand but she run away, they both goof around and play holi. Meet run away but stumble into Tej. Meet Ahlawat throw colour at Tej by mistake. He apologized and try to run away. Tej catches him and ask where are you running, it’s holi let’s have drink and take him. Meet stand near table and see a package with her name, she take it and says this must be from Meet Ahlawat, she finds a white saree and a letter in it which reads if you join police your will see your husband dead, she in shock looks for the person says this must be Hawa Singh he can only do this, he must be nearby I have to find it. Meet leave, Ram keeping and eye on her and thinks Meet you have to change your decision.
Meet Ahlawat tries to dance with Meet, Meet swes a man about to attack Meet Ahlawat and rushes to him.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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