Friday 3 December 2021

Bhagya Lakshmi 3rd December 2021 Written Episode Update: Rishi fights with his confused emotions


Bhagya Lakshmi 3rd December 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Lakshmi telling Rishi that he shall be happy that this marriage is fixed due to him. He recalls Malishka’s words that he shall break his marriage with Lakshmi right away. Rishi says I am trying to know what I want. She asks did you get the answer and offers to help him if he shares his feelings with her. Rishi thinks Malishka was telling her the truth, but why I haven’t broken my marriage with Lakshmi. He thinks if he doesn’t love Malishka then why did he feel bad hearing her marriage with Viraj. He thinks why everything is complicated. Lakshmi asks if the matter is about business, and says she doesn’t know about it, but can lower his tension. He asks how? Lakshmi asks him not to disturb her, whatever she is going to do now. She holds his hand and closes her eyes. She then keeps her head on his head.

Neelam asks Virender to hit the thief. Virender thinks he will die and will make me die too. Ayush says meow. Virender says it is a cat there. Neelam says I will check myself. Ayush hides. Neelam checks and says there was someone here. Virender acts strange and says he will drink water from the kitchen. Neelam thinks water is in the room, what was the need to go to kitchen to drink water. Ayush is handing to the wall.

Rishi asks what do you do? He asks if black dog will bite me now. She says no, I have taken all your tension from you and called it in my mind. Rishi laughs and says you say anything. Lakshmi says you was worried and now laughing, so it showed effect. She asks him to tell that he is relieved. Rishi thinks he is thinking to betray and leave her, and she is helping him. He says he is feeling light and unburdened. She does hifive with him and asks him to rest. Rishi smiles. She calls him cool dude and goes. He thinks what is happening with him, he couldn’t understand.

Ayush thinks how to control my excitement. Virender comes out of his room and slaps Ayush. Ayush says don’t beat me and asks him to promise. Virender asks him to say and says you have broken Neelam and my sleep. Ayush tells about Malishka and Viraj’s roka day after tomorrow and marriage date will be finalized soon. Virender is happy and asks him to do gai dance. Neelam comes out of the room and asks who is gone? Virender says cat went, which was in our room. Rishi comes there and asks if your light went? Ayush says you can’t come here now. Neelam says I know you both well and says you are dancing strangely after he told him the joke. Rishi asks why you was dancing at this time. Neelam says he doesn’t care about the time and place. She asks Rishi about the party. Lakshmi comes there and asks didn’t you all sleep? She says Sudeep told that you have slept. Neelam says we had slept, but. Virender says cat had come in our room. Rishi says party was good. Neelam goes to her room to sleep. Lakshmi tells Rishi that Viraj called and insists to talk to you.

Lakshmi asks Virender why was he happy and asks him to say. Virender thinks he was afraid that Malishka will take her place, but now his fear is gone. Rishi calls Lakshmi. Virender asks her to go and says you both shall stay together always and happy. Lakshmi hugs him and goes. Virender prays to Bappa to unite them. Lakshmi comes to the room. Rishi says he is not getting his phone. Lakshmi searches it. She says it was in the room only. She searches for it and asks where did you keep it last time? Rishi says I was calling M…She asks Maa ji. Rishi says I was missing her. lakshmi says it might be in the cupboard and opens it. She asks him to come and see where he has kept the phone. Rishi finds it in the cupboard, along with wallet and says I will take it. He is about to take it, when the box falls down. Lakshmi asks him to talk to Viraj and says she will pick the stuff.

Rishi calls Viraj and asks what is the matter? Viraj says he wants to ask him about man to man talk. He says I have a feeling that Malishka loves someone from your house, and she was hurt as that person haven’t saved her from fire. Rishi asks him to come to point. Viraj asks him to say clearly and asks if Malishka is having affair with someone in your house, Ayush or…..He says I like her and even she called me just now and said that she likes me and wants to marry me. Rishi is shocked. Viraj says I agreed due to Lakshmi’s sayings and says I don’t want Malishka to repent later and asks do you think she is ready for this marriage. Rishi asks him to talk to Malishka and says only she can tell you. Viraj asks if she is taking this decision from her heart. Rishi says may be Malishka wants to marry you, and says infact wants this, says there is no scope of doubt. He says I will talk to you tomorrow. Viraj thanks him and ends the call. He thinks Rishi was right, Malishka wants to marry me and feels good. Lakshmi says Viraj might be nervous, as everyone wants truthful and honest lifepartner. She finds the loveband which Rishi claimed to had given to Malishka, as it was just one.

Malishka thinks she was foolish to throw the love band and then went to get it back. She says you don’t deserve me and don’t love me. She cries and tears his pic. Lakshmi shows the love band to Rishi and asks what is it? you had told that it was just one, and you had given it to Malishka as it was not in pair, then what is it?

Precap: Kiran tells Malishka that if Rishi really loves you then he will understand that he can’t live without her, whom he loves himself. Malishka says that is me. She comes to Rishi’s house and asks if he didn’t tell anyone that Viraj and her alliance is fixed. Everyone is shocked. Malishka tells Neelam that if Rishi wants to stay with her, then he has to break his marriage with Lakshmi. Neelam is shocked.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

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