Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 9th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Happu falls prey to Chalu Chikni Chachi


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 9th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Angoori, Amma, Vibhu and Tiwari in Tiwari’s house. Tiwari says to Amma you know everyone has read this magzine. Amma says now what about my political career. Tiwari says you are still thinking about your politics now I have to tackle this every day and talk about a story related to him and start cry. Vibhu mocks him. Angoori says I cannot understand a word. Ammaji says good you don’t understand. Someone from out start shouting and mocks Pandit Ramphal.

Happu Singh in police station talking to someone on phone and telling story about Ramgopal and how he didn’t complaint about anything. Manohar troubles him from asking silly questions. Master, Malkhan and Tiwari walks in police station. Tiwari mocks him. Happu says what rubbish you are talking and ask what happen to you. Master says Chalu Chikni Chachi magazine is troubling us. Manohar says yes there are many compliments against that magzine. Malkhan says that magzine write rubbish with photo’s which makes so much of disturbance in life. Happu says please don’t make your mess here and mocks him. Tiwari says reality is someone is planning against us and hiding behind Chalu Chikni Chachi. Happu says then tell me who is planning against you tell the name. Manohar mocks Happu and says it’s our job to find culprit. Happu says os go and find. Tiwari says then what you will do. Happu and Tiwari start arguing and Manohar make fun if him. Happu says this is case is of no use who’s name should be written in complaint. Master says write name of Chalu Chikni Chachi. Happu looks at magzine okay now tell me something about it’s apperance to catch someone, if you don’t have nothing then cannot file a case. Malkhan says how you cannot file a case. Master says to Tiwari he is not listing us. Tiwari says it won’t be good for you and they leave.

David on phone talking to someone. Anu working sitting beside him and listing him. David disconnects phone. Anu says can I ask what kind of conversation you were doing. David says do you think I was talking about a lady you all have disrespected me so much infront of everyone. Anu mocks him and ask what you were talking. David says we were talking about share marketing and praise about himself and tells about the phrases he was using. Tiwari walks in and greet Anu. David ask him to sit beside him. Anu see them and start laughing and says sorry I remember that thought again. David ask Anu why are you laughing. Tiwari says I’m sorry but I came to talk about my sadness. Anu and David start laughing and David ask Anu to tell me. Anu says control and laughing. Tiwari says you don’t know. David says what. Anu try to tell David but start laughing. Tiwari walks away.

Rsua in market talkingon phone with someone says you can follow me on social media and I’ll not tell you my address or else you will trouble me and disconnects call. Two men get up and come in her way. Rusa says let me go. Man says we will let you go but first give us some answers. Other man says when we boys follow you why you girls always ask someone to wack us. Rusa says yoi have messed with wrong girl and try to call. Happu walks to them and slap them says what is going on. Rusa says to Happu they are teasing me. Happu shouts at them. Men says to Happu go from here. Happu gets angry and beat them and ask them to apologise to Rusa. Both the boys run away. Rusa huga Happu. Vibhu nearby click there snap. Rusa says don’t know what will happen to me if you were not here. Happu says don’t worry it’s my responsibility to keep you safe.

David ask Anu what is the matter tell me. Anu says there was an article for Tiwari in Chalu Chikni Chachi. David ask what is this. Anu says this is an in house magzine which give the information about all the spicy gossip and you should be beaware of that magzine. David says I’m open book nothing will happen to me you have to keep Vibhu safe his wings are out and always try to come in between of every person. Vibhuti outside hearing everything. Anu says don’t forget her is your family. David says but he is disrespecting our family. Vibhu says David brace yourself. Anu says I don’t want to hear anything I know everything about him he did all the bad work but still not trying to get on right track. David says I also did bad work, I also went to jail. Anu ask how. David tells his story how he went to jail for one week and then tells his whole story and says you can even confirm from your Chachi. Anu says after listing this I also want to share a secret and tells her story how she was accused for stealing jewellery and went to jail for 3 days but later on it was proven that I was not a thief. Vibhu hear everything and says I got the new spice for magazine.

Happu out in market talking on phone and scolding someone. TMT walks to them mock them. Happu ask them what do you want. TMT threaten him. Happu says what happen to you why are you behind me. Teeka says we are talking about our love how you being cosy with her. Happu says no I don’t have any bad eye on her. Tillu says then what is this and give him magzine. Happu in shock and explain the story how she hugged her and gets phone from commissioner says to TMT he also knows about this. He picks up phone and get scolded on phone says okay now you feel low, you can abuse me how much you want now listen to me and try to explain him and I swear I’ll catch Chalu Chikni Chachi and disconnects phone. Teeka says now try to find out who is planning against us. Happu says don’t worry and kiss Tillu on his forehead.


Angoori showing her saree to Tiwari. Vibhu on windows clicks photo of Tiwari with saree.

Tiwari, Gupta, Happu, TMT and Master out. Happu mocks Tiwari and says his behaviour is like a girl and everyone laughs at him.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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