Friday, 4 February 2022

The Love that Never Ends (Part-2)


Riddhima- That was past Mr. Rai Singhania

A man- Now she is Mrs. Riddhima Kartik Malhotra

Ridwik- Papa!!!!!

Everyone turned towards the door and looked towards a girl and boy silence prevailed

Ahaan- Meet my wife Mrs. Ishqi Ahaan Veer malhotra and my brother Mr. Kartik Malhotra

Vansh and Raisinghania were shocked and wasn’t able to understand what’s happening… But breaking the silence

Siya- Bhabhi… I missed you

Riddhima- I missed you too and plz stop calling me bhabhi I am no more your bhabhi I have been married to Kartik

Siya- And I really happy for you! By the way, Can I call you di

Riddhima- Ya!!

And they started chatting like long lost best friend they also included ishqi and siya and ishqi became friends

Kartik, Vansh, Angre, Aryan had buisness talks with them while Ridwik was with Kartik which was making Vansh jealous… While Vansh’s whole concentration was on Riddhima.

Later they had dinner 🍽 and where chit chatting when Vansh found a way and pulled Riddhima to the pool side to have a discussion.

Riddhima- What the hell! MR. RAI SINGHANIA why you pulled me here

Vansh- Firstly, Stop calling me Mr. Rai Singhania you called me Vansh and call me that Only and secondly, why you married Kartik ???

Riddhima- Mr. Rai Singhania let me tell you, we don’t have any personal connection so I would call you Mr. RAI SINGHANIA only and I married Kartik after getting divorce from you but what about you ??? You declared Ahaana as your wife without getting divorce from me!!

Hats off to you Mr. RAI SINGHANIA I mean how can someone be this heartless that can order someone to kill someone…

Vansh- Riddhima I am sorry for what I did a mistake I really sorry!! Plz let’s start new I will accept your and Kartik child too..

Riddhima- What a joke Mr. RAI SINGHANIA!! Now a father will have to accept his child 😂😂😂… Don’t you feel any attachments with him or what that you can’t see he is your own blood 😂😂 a Father can’t identify his own child wow😂😂

Vansh- That means Ridwik is my own child 😳 my blood… Riddhima now it’s not about me and you it’s for our child plz come back to me… Plz forgive me

Riddhima- 😂😂 Are you kidding 😂😂

Vansh- It’s a serious matter Riddhima don’t laugh like that

Riddhima- Seriously, Do you know what when I was with you I wasn’t happy for a day also but now since I have met Kartik I haven’t been sad for a day look at them( pointing towards Kartik and Ridwik who were sharing a bond) aren’t they Happy with each other ?? Yes, they are and in those 9 months you are not there to handle my mood swings satisfy my cravings and help me out but it was Kartik who helped me …

Do you know what?? You build a mansion a great VR empire but not a single true relationship not love because you don’t deserve it.. because your ego is bigger than relations

Vansh was mum

Riddhima said and was leaving when she turned and

Riddhima continued- And one more thing Vansh never say anyone that you loved Riddhima otherwise everyone will lose trust on love… No one will be able to say with true heart that “Tere Ishq mein Marjawan”( I will die in your love )

Vansh looked towards her and said

Vansh- Rid..dhima! I am sorry 🥺

Riddhima- Mr. Rai Singhania I had been forgiven you and in return today I want you to prove that

Vansh- Say! What I have to do!

Riddhima- Never think of separating him from me and Kartik…. And yes never try on me because I love Kartik and will always also because I hate you because when I was found pregnant I was a mother of twins but because of you one of them died 😭😭

Vansh- Riddhima I am really thankful to you and don’t worry I won’t come between you three and thanks that you allowed me to meet my son and ya I always want you to be happy that’s it whether with me or anyone else but one thing whenever you want you can come back to me because this Vansh will always belong to you

Because My Love is in that type that can never end never ever

Riddhima- You are right!! Our love is something that can never end that’s why I could keep son and father separate for much time……

Vansh- What do you mean??

Riddhima- Let complete…. do you what I and Kartik aren’t married😉 we are all pretending because I wanted to make you realise your fault

Out of somewhere everyone entered and

Kartik- Yes Vansh and that Ridwik was calling me papa because we included him in our plan😉

Ahaan- Ya! 😂 See your face

Vansh- So you don’t love Kartik

Riddhima- Ofcourse I do ! But as a best friend 😉 he is my best friend since school days

Kartik- Ya!

Vansh- So now you me and Ridwik will live together 💖

Riddhima– Yes

In the mean time Ridwik came and hugged Vansh

Ridwik- Papa!!!

Vansh- Ridwik! My baby now we all will live together 💗

Ishan- Hurray! Now we both will play everyday

Riddhima and Vansh- Ya together for ever because

Everyone- It’s our love that will never end 💗

And they lived happily and together ever after

Siya married Kartik

While, Riddhima and vansh were blessed with a daughter Vanya


The End

The post The Love that Never Ends (Part-2) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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