Friday, 4 February 2022

Dhadkan 3rd February 2022 Written Episode Update: Deepika and Vikrant part ways


Dhadkan 3rd February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Deepika saying its not necessary to talk about this tonight. Vikrant says right. She asks can’t we forget that we are doctors, can’t we become the college students, whose lives had one truth, that we loved each other a lot. He hugs her. She says I want to go back to college days. He says I will do what you say, I have come to you forever, I m just yours. She asks sure, think again. He says I wish I had told this to you before, I wish I had come to you before, but its fine, I don’t want to make a mistake again, I m just yours. She says you have to listen to me for an hour. He says not just for an hour, I want to do whatever you say for the entire life, promise. Peroz asks how can I marry a vegetarian, what will I tell dad and mum. Isha laughs. Peroz says it’s a big serious problem, you think it’s a joke, I give up, how shall I tell Divya that I can’t marry a vegetarian girl, I will text her. She says tell her on her face, don’t chicken out. She goes.

Abhay gets the xray and shows to Madhvi. He says it’s a fracture. Madhvi says I got old, its fine, I will go home. He says there is an old fracture also. She says I fell down before also. He says you can tell me if you want help. She cries. He asks what’s the matter, tell me. She says nothing, I m tired, I will be fine, I want to go home. He says no, I m admitting you in the hospital. She says no, I m going home. He says don’t get stubborn. She says let me go. He says okay, I will give you painkillers. Sia comes to talk to Peroz.

He asks are you fine. He says you can tell me anything you want to discuss. She says its fine. He says I know you are hiding something about Ansari, you are sacrificing your dreams for his clinic. She says its imp to open the clinic there for saving people. He says he is manipulating you. She asks did Abhay tell this to you, wow, you know it was my dream to spend life with him, he ditched me, who is he to tell what is right for me. He says I can tell what I feel. She scolds him and goes. Ansari checks some books. He gets a card.

Deepika and Vikrant spend time. He says I got something for you. He gifts her a pendant. She says this is exactly like the first gifted pendant. He says I remember everything, how can I forget, I want to make this special. She says I don’t want this, if you want to give me happiness, then just go back to Aditi, please. He looks at her.

Ansari says don’t keep personal letters at common places, it maybe some NGO letter. Sia says no, its mutual fund advice. He says you can’t break the mutual funds for five years, your dad is a rich man and clever too. She says no, he will donate money to NGO, he will invest it. He says you can’t take risk to go against him. She says I didn’t promise, remember, I tried a lot. He says it was not enough for me, but fine, I understood, you can’t go against your dad for me, your dad is playing well, he is fulfilling your need, and made himself your need, you need him for everything, he made you weak to stay strong, I should have not kept any hope from you, you are weak, you can’t help someone else, let it be Sia, its okay. She cries and says I disappointed you, sorry, I will try better next time. He goes.

Abhay comes and sees her crying. He says Sia, you… She says shut up and goes. Vikrant asks are you taking my test, I m sure of my decision. Deepika argues with him about Pari. He says I wanted to move on, so I didn’t share about her. She says you can decide to forget Pari and Aditi, and move on, but its not possible for a woman, Aditi has given 10 years to this marriage, she carried your baby, you had started a family with her, she is waiting for her dream even today, its not her mistake that you met me after ten years. He asks how can you decide for me. She says I agree, you can’t decide for Aditi alone, you have to respect her, she has no one in her life except you. He asks don’t you respect our relation, I have reached this decision with difficulty, its final decision, I won’t leave you. She says you said you will stay with me, you go, we can’t be together. He says I will agree to everything but not leave you. She says I can’t tolerate this guilt, I will see Aditi requesting me to return her husband when I see her, I can’t fight another woman for a man, go back to your wife. He says never. She says maybe our fate doesn’t have a union, so we have to get separated, please leave. He says I won’t go. She says please leave. He says I m not any toy that you are asking me to go, I have a right to decide. She says its all over. She pushes him. She locks the door and cries. He asks her to open the door once.

Vikrant comes home. Aditi gets happy seeing him. He pushes her. He claps and says wow Aditi, you couldn’t convince me to stay back, so you made Deepika guilty by emotional blackmail and got me back, well done, how do you do this. She says I had to do this. He scolds her. He says I have come back, do whatever you want to do with me. She says I want you to stay with me as my husband. He laughs and says I can’t keep this relation, I will stay here if you want, but my heart won’t be here, you want to call yourself my wife, I can’t be with you, don’t worry, we will spend the meaningless life until one of us dies. She cries.

Ramesh says good to see you thinking of your dreams. Sia says I didn’t forget myself, dad, why can’t we support Ansari’s dream. He says its not wrong, point is, does he support your dream. She says I want to become a plastic surgeon and make people look better, he wants to save people, his dreams are bigger, why will he support my dreams. Ansari and his friends check Sia’s profile. They make fun of Sia.

Ansari asks them to comment anything he wants, no one will take their comment seriously. The guy comments on her. They all comment and laugh. Ramesh says you were always confident about your dreams, don’t doubt yourself because of one person’s opinion. She says no, I m rethinking, beauty is skin deep, its like a moon, I want to do something better which has meaning and impact. He says you are thinking wrong, something matters to someone and not to someone else. She says you promised me that you will donate money to NGO, did you do it. He says my CA is looking for a right NGO, what happened to you, you never questioned me, are you losing faith on yourself and me also. She hugs him and says sorry dad, I should have not talked to you like this, I m just too tired.

Madhavi gets dizzy. Abhay says you took heavy painkillers, stay here tonight. She says I feel okay now. He says I won’t ask why its imp to go, what if anything happens to you on the way, think of yourself. She says I don’t know when I thought of myself, I m thinking of others’ needs since 30 years. She cries. He says you will stay here, I will take care of you, lie down. Deepika comes. She sees Abhay sleeping. She tries to wake him up. She goes.

Deepika checks Madhvi and asks what happened. Madhvi says I don’t want you to treat me, Abhay will check me. Deepika checks her case and says tell Abhay that treatment plan is right. She meets the patient Roma and says I will do your operation, we will do biopsy and find out if the tumor is malignant or not. Roma asks can I go home after operation, I have to go to my kids. Deepika says hope for the best. She asks who is the senior pathologist, I will request her. Nurse says Dr. Aditi Saxena. Deepika says I have written the request, give her this note. She goes.

Vikrant and Aditi come to the hospital. He asks nurse to send Deepika to her cabin. Aditi goes to Deepika. Deepika says I did what you told me, I have nothing to talk. Aditi says you told Vikrant that I came to beg you, he didn’t love me, he hates me now. Deepika says you wanted me to lie to him, Vikrant and I had seen dreams, I had to break it, I couldn’t lie. Aditi says I understand your game. Deepika asks why would I tell him to go to you. Aditi says he is much upset with me, he will hate me all life, you ruined my marriage. Deepika says I didn’t ruin it, I did my best to save it, don’t drag me into this, keep me out of it. She goes.

Abhay says you should rest here. Madhvi says my husband is coming to meet me, he won’t listen to me until he sees it himself. He asks does he doubt or get jealous. Roma says I have to go home to my kids, no one is coming to check me. Abhay says I will send someone to you. Deepika comes to Vikrant and says you had called me.

He says wow, you made me a stranger in one day. She says I m reminding myself that you are not mine, its difficult for us, we will stay away, we have to forget it. He asks can you forget it. She says I have no option. He says I have no option of forgetting, how can you decide this, why, we were away for ten years, how can we get rid of our feelings now. She says we have no option. He says I have a way, you leave this job.

Deepika says I won’t compromise my career, you both go and start your life. Vikrant says I can’t get this job anywhere else. He removes her from ER. She gets shocked.

Update Credit to: Amena

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