Thursday 6 January 2022

saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge season 2 part 8


Few hours later. Some stranger had found Meera and Vidya in critical condition and had drove them to the hospital. The Modi family had been notified and they were now there, waiting to receive some information about the sisters.
“Maaji, who could have done this to Meera and Vidya?” Gopi said through tears.
“Gopi, please calm down.” Kokila replied. “It’s Bhavani, I am 100 percent sure!”
“But why would she do that? She only wanted our house, what does she want with Meera Vidya?”
“She wants to destroy our whole family.”
“Let’s go and ask her, now!”
“But Gopi, she will not tell us anything, what do you expect of her?”
“Maaji, will you join me or I have to go alone?”
“Gopi, what are you doing?” Hetal said, trying to calm the situation “The girls need us now, you will talk with Bhavani later.”
“Excuse me Kakiji, but I can’t wait even a second longer! I must talk with Bhavani, now! I will go alone, please don’t join me and stay here with Meera Vidya!”
And Gopi went to the Suryavanshi mansion. She didn’t know f Bhavani was actually there, but she would look for her everywhere if needed.
Gopi rang on the doorbell and she was lucky. Bhavani appeared at the doorway a few seconds later. She was currently alone in the house.
She didn’t get surprised seeing Gopi. IN fact she had expected that the Modis will come to seek explanations from her. What would she tell them now when the actual culprit was Gaura?
“Jai Shree Krishna Bhavaniji.” Gopi said, trying to be polite.
Bhavani had to pretend that she knew nothing about the events of the previous hours.
“Jai Ambe Gopiji. What took you here all of a sudden?”
“Why are you doing all of this to our family?”
“Excuse me, what have i done again?”
“Why have you shoot Meera and Vidya?”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I am saying! What have my daughters done to you?”
“I am not responsible for what has happened to them. But I am happy that Meera will die. Dharam will be mine forever.”
Gopi wanted to slap Bhavani but someone caught her hand. It was Gaura.
“Gopi, how dare you come into my house and fight with my guests?” Gaura said.
“I just want answers!”
“What answers? What are you saying?”
“Someone has tried to kill my daughters, and I am sure it’s one of you both! Don’t try to deny, I will not believe you. I will find out the truth on my own and if it really turns to be you, no one on this world will be able to safe you from me!”
And then, Gopi went away.
“Everything is because of you!” Bhavani said to Gaura. “What are we going to do now? Gopi Modi suspects me. I don’t want to end up in prison and lose all connections to Dharamji because of you!”
“Bhavani, calm down.”
“No Gaura behen, I will not! You took me here to live with you only because I witnessed your crime! Please, let me go back to Dharamji. If you are so afraid that I will expose you, just kill me instead and stop treating me like a prisoner!”
“I will let you go back to him, don’t worry?”
“Really? And when?”
“I heard the whole conversation between you and Gopi. I purposely didn’t react at the beginning, I was testing you. And you passed the test. She asked you about Meera and Vidya and you pretended that you know nothing. Now I am sure that you will not expose me, no matter what happens. Is it that you are afraid of me or is it something else, I don’t know. But what’s important is that, you are trustworthy.”
“I am being silent only because you have evidence against me. But don’t worry, that will change soon.”
“Really? And how exactly? I advice you, don’t try looking for the evidence. They are hidden in a very secret place. And if you try to find it, it will be in vain. As long as you are being silent, I will keep my promise and Nor Dharam, Meera or Vidya will learn about what you did.”
“But what about the sisters? If they wake up they will tell everything to the family. They will reveal everything!”
“They will not. You will help me and they will die in the hospital.”
“What? And how should I help you?”
“I want you to find me a poison that can be injected.”
Bhavani became hesitant.
“What happened, Bhavani?”
“Fine, I will find it.”
One day later. The condition of the two sisters was beginning to get better. But Bhavani had to put an end to their life. Truth was that, she didn’t want to do this. All suspicions would fall on her again. She would try to explain everything to Gaura.
“What happened, did you find me a poison?” Gaura asked.
“No, i did not yet. Listen, I don’t want to do this. All suspicions will fall on me again. Yesterday Gopi Modi came to seek explanations from me for something I didn’t do. She thinks that I want to kill her children, when actually you did it. You made me kidnap Sita in order to get the mansion and now again, they think I own it. Truth is that, I had plans to torture Sita but not under your command. I don’t want to continue doing this. Go and find the poison yourself. Why do you ask me for it? Why do you expect me to cover up all your crimes?”
“Because you know what will happen if you don’t. We’ve come to a point when you know too much to be left alive. So, if you are not with me, it means you are against me. Decide now. Will you keep silent or I must go the other way? I told you, you know too much in order to be kept alive so if you want to keep living, don’t disobey me do what I tell you. Fine, if you don;t want to look for a poison, I will not force you. I will find it on my own. But you must at least continue keeping my secrets.”
But nor Gaura or Bhavani knew that while they were planning the murder of the two sisters, someone else was doing exactly the same.
Few hours later, Gaura had found the poison and she and Bhavani arrived in the hospital.
“Do you know the exact room they are in?” Bhavani asked.
“Yes, I know. I spoke to the nurse, she provided me the information I need.”
But when they approached the room of Meera and Vidya, they saw the doctors rushing towards it.
“What is going on here?” Gaura wondered. “Wait, I will ask.”
And she went to the nurses.
“Excuse me, can you tell me what is happening with Meera and Vidya Modi? I wanted to visit them but I saw doctors rushing towards their room.”
“Behenji, excuse me but I have a lot of work now. I can only tell you that someone has injected the sisters with a poisoning liquid. Their condition had began to improve but now it’s critical again. I can’t tell you more at the moment.”
And then, she went away.
And Gaura was stunned. She realized that someone else has tried to murder the two sisters. But who could it be?
She returned to Bhavani. Bhavani immediately noticed Gaura’s shock.
“What happened?” Bhavani asked in anticipation.
“Bhavani. Someone else has tried to kill them.”
“Well listen.”
And Gaura told her everything. Bhavani was also stunned.
“So, it means someone else also hates the sisters as much as you?” Bhavani said afterwards.
“Yes. But who could it be? Do I know this person? Why they haven’t came to me yet?”
“I really can’t think of anyone who could be doing this. Do we have more work here? Are we going to follow the plan?”
“No. Or at least not now. Let’s get out of here before someone sees us. We may come back here later.”
And they went away.
When they arrived back home, Gaura found a note on the doorstep. She picked it up without saying a thing to Bhavani, who seemed to be busy with her own thoughts.
“Bhavani, wait.” She then said. “If you really want to go back to Dharam, you are free to do so. But be careful what you do. And know that I am always keeping an eye on you. I will call you for the next plan.”
“Really? Thank you so much Gaura behen! I will not say anything, don’t worry!”
And with that said, she went away.
And Gaura entered home and was curious to read the note. It said.
“Gaura maasi, it was me who poisoned Meera and Vidya. I know you’re wondering who am I, but you will understand later.”
The content of the note surprised Gaura. Who could be sending her these things? How did she had never seen that person?

The post saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge season 2 part 8 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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