Thursday, 27 January 2022

Pyaar aur Parivaar- balance b/w love and family (Part 18)


The episode starts showing Abhimanyu, who smiles after sending his voice message to Akshara…. But this whole thing was heared by Harsh, who was at the door of Abhimanyu’s cabin… He smiles to himself and goes from there as his intuition about Akshara & Abhimanyu was not wrong….

At the Birla Mansion:

Anand: I’ve seen whatever happened today on the television…. Thank god that the matter got sorted….

Harsh: Not the god, Thank the girl Bhaisaheb! If she wasn’t there, I don’t know what that Indira would have done…

Mahima: Yes Harsh! I really appreciate the girl! She trapped that Indira in her own trap and boldly spoke out in front of the media….

Shefali: Yes Maa! That Indira was not at all a good woman… And today because of this girl, we finally got rid of her…. Yes…. Indira has been sacked!

Harsh: Tit for tat! She deserved it..!

Anand: But Harsh! Who is this girl? I haven’t seen her at our hospital before…

Harsh: Bhaisaheb! She is Dr. Akshara Goenka…. She came to the hospital for an interview…. And believe me, she is not only a brave girl, but also a very good doctor…. I’ve appointed her as a cardio surgeon in our special team…

Anand: Oh wow! That’s a good news!

Just then, Manjiri comes there and serves everyone with tea…. Harsh sees her and thinks of asking her if she knew about Akshara & Abhimanyu’s love…

Harsh: Bhaisaheb! I ‘ve remembered some important work…. I’ll complete it quickly and come…. (turns to Manjiri) You also come with me Manjiri…. I want an important file from the cupboard…. (Manjiri nods and goes with him) ( Mahima looks on)

In Harsh’s room,

Manjiri: Which file do you want, Aakriti’s…. I mean Abhi’s dad?

Harsh: How many times should I warn you not take her name in front of me…. (calms himself) Well… I’ve to talk to you….

Manjiri: Tell me…

Harsh: You know Abhimanyu more than anybody else…. And everyone knows that he shares everything with you…. So tell me… Do you know about Abhimanyu and Akshara loving each other…?

Manjiri: (shocked) How do you know Harsh ji?

Harsh tells her about what happened at the hospital and what he heard Abhimanyu saying….

Harsh: So tell me Manjiri… Did you know?

Manjiri: Yes Abhi’s dad! But it was just a week ago…. But Abhi has been loving her since two months….

Harsh: When you knew why didn’t you tell me???

Manjiri: That… Abhi has forbidden me from doing it… He said he wanted some time…. But tomorrow he was going to talk to you about this… And one more thing, even the Goenkas know about this and they don’t have any problem…. Even they got to know it unexpectedly…..But yes Abhi has confessed his true feelings to them… and…

Harsh: That’s… that’s a good news Manjiri!

Manjiri: (surprised) You have no problem with it?

Harsh: Of course Manjiri! Akshara is a nice girl and a very good doctor too…. She’ll perfectly fit in our Birla family’s frame, as a Bahu…

Manjiri: (happily) Thank you Abhi’s dad…. He’ll be so happy…

Harsh: Now let’s go down and tell Bhaisaheb and all others!!!

They both go down and call everybody to gather at one place…. Everybody come… ( Abhi is not at home)

Harsh: Bhaisaheb! Bhabhi ji! and all others! Me and Manjiri have something to tell!!! We want our Abhimanyu to marry!!!

Anand & Mahima: Wow! That’s a good news….

Parth, Neil & Nishta worry….

Mahima: Did you find any perfect match for Abhimanyu?

Harsh: Yes Bhabhi! In fact she is a very good match for him…. She is Dr. Akshara Goenka!

Anand & Mahima get shocked and confused…. Parth, Neil & Nishta smile…

Anand: Dr. Akshara? But why her??

Mahima: And why this sudden decision?

Harsh: Bhaisaheb! Bhabhi! I’ve done enough thinking and have take this decision…. And also even before I’ve met her, Abhimanyu knows Akshara and infact he loves her!!

Mahima: Abhimanyu loves her? How do you know?

Harsh: I’ve heard him saying this! And I’ve confirmed it from Manjiri…. (Manjiri nods)

Anand: What about her family?

Harsh: Bhaisaheb… You’ve heard about the Goenkas, right? Akshara is their elder grand daughter…. and even they know about this and they have no problem….

Anand: That’s good then…. Finally, Our Abhimanyu is going to get married….

Parth, Neil & Nishta rejoice and dance….Everyone is happy….

Parth: Abhi’s gonna be so happy hearing this news!

Neil: But first we’ve to tease our ‘dulhe raaja'( groom) first….

Nishta: Neil Bhaiya! Are you thinking what I’m thinking?? ( They share a high- five and tell the family about the plan… everyone agrees)

Neil & Nishta: This is gonna be fun!!!

Precap: All the Birla’s tease Abhimanyu….. Akshara informs the Goenkas that the Birlas are going to visit them and fix the date for their marraige… Kairav says that Aarohi is going to come that day itself!

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