Monday 24 January 2022

Meet 24th January 2022 Written Episode Update : Meet Ahlawat surprises Meet


Meet 24th January 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet and Meet Ahlawat on Highway near ambulance. Meet remove clothe from corpse and get’s scared, she hugs him says I told you it’s not Manu dee. Meet Ahlawat says sorry I lost my control and remember what he said to Manushi says if it would be Manushi I couldn’t have forgive me. Meet says I know she cannot be Manushi she is storng hut where she is.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat at Anubha’s house. Meet says to Anubha I thought Manushi will be here so came to look but if she is not here then where she could have gone. Anubha calls Manushi. Meet says to Anubha why didn’t you tell me she is here. Manushi come downstairs. Anubha says because she told that she don’t won’t to live there, we got scared that she did something and I want to keep her away from you two, but after knowing everything I feel light. Meet says don’t worry everything is fine and says to Manushi we were scared are you fine. Manushi says I’m fine nothing happen to me. Meet Ahlawat says I need to apologise to everyone specially to Manushi, the way I reacted on her because I didn’t fulfill the promise I did to myself then Meet made me realised reality and now I’m more strong. Manushi says I know I did wrong with you and it will be hard to trust me don’t be sorry I understand and says to Meet I have no complaint against you and I’m sorry mom because I did wrong with you and dadi too but can I live here as we use to live. Meet says to Anubha I told you Manushi changed and ask her to forgive Manushi. Manushi apologies to Anubha and bow down in front of her. Meet takes Anubha’s hand and put it on her head. Manushi get up and hugs her.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat on the way to home. Meet Ahlawat stops car and get out of it with Meet. Meet says everyone will be waiting for us at home. He says no worries I already told them and ask her to do something. They both start dancing. Something go inside Meet’s eye. Meet Ahlawat her her to remove and they start celebrating Lohri.

Raj and Babita give blessings to Masum says you will do great on your first day of job. Meet Ahlawat hugs her and give best wishes. Masum thanks you everyone I need that. Meet says everyone blessings are with you. Masum thanks her. Ragini ask Hoshiyar what are you holding. Hosiyar says I’m having curd and dark chocolate because she is on diet so she won’t eat sweet curd. Meet calls Duggu and give him sindoor. Duggu goes to Masum and ask her to get down while putting sindoor on her forehead he drops it on her dress. Masum scolds her on that. Meet says I asked him to put teeka for positivity for success. Masum says keep this out dated thoughts with you in corporate success id been given by your hardwork and insult her on her job. Meet Ahlawat and Raj stops her. Meet stops them and says forget it’s her first day we, I should also check about my deliveries and calls her manger about lineup. Meet says to him what happen you didn’t send today’s lineup till yet are you giving me holiday, Meet get tensed say what happen did somebody complaint about me tell me, manager disconnects call. Meet says they fired me out of job. Meet Ahlawat says to Babita did you said anything. Meet remembers what Anubha said to her about delivery job and says my mon could have said something. Meet Ahlawat says we will go and talk. Babita says why did Anubha will ask to leave job I mean this is true I didn’t like you doing delivery job but I accepted that. Raj says if Anubha have any misunderstanding then we will go and talk to her.

Meet, Meet Ahlawat and Babita at Anubha’s house. Anubha says no I didn’t said anything to your boss. Meet they what’s the reason, he loved my work, I’ll call and ask him again. Meet calls her boss and ask what was the reason of firing me. Meet says my sister Manushi called and ask to fire me from my job, she was saying that now she will go on delivery instead of me and ask Anubha where is she.

Meet goes to her room see her holding pair of scissors in one hand and hairs in other. Meet shouts Anubha name and rush to stop her says what are you doing. Everyone walks in her room. Manushi says you love your hair what are you doing. Manushi says I use to be over confident about my hair and face because of that I became rude but now I want take care of responsibility I was the eldest one but you took care of all responsibilities from now I’ll also become like you for that I have to cut my hairs. Meet take scissors from her and throw. Manushi says you did already now go and live your life from now I’ll take care of responsibilities. Meet says okay do job but this is difficult do something that suits you. Manushi says I just want to support my family. Babita says you wnat to do job and support my family right so join my botique because I saw your talent on Lohri and I need assistance for my show and you have good dressing sense and composition so you are perfect for job if you want you can join from tomorrow. Manushi thanks her her and hugs Meet says I got my job now you don’t have to do your delivery job any more I can handle the responsibilities of this house. Meet says then what I’ll do I cannot sit idol. Meet Ahlawat says I thought a lot on this and got to know that if you will sit idol then you will call me 25 to 30 times in a row and be worried which will increase the chances of becoming and typical housewife correct mom that’s why I thought. Meet says what did you think will you tell. Meet Ahlawat says close your eyes and signal Anubha to bring something. Anubha brings a bag and give to Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat make Meet wear that bag and says open your eyes and see. Meet sees bag. Meet Ahlawat says it’s time to complete your studies and you will do it from best college of Chandigarh so are you ready for that. Anubha walks to her give blessings says it was Meet’s father dream to make her study and go to college and it’s becoming true because of your. Meet Ahlawat I’m not the one I’m just helping her to make her path. Raj walks in and says it’s a good news let’s have something sweet. Babita ask where were you from this much time. Raj says I was completing my office work and ask Anubha for sweet. Anubha go and get some sweet for them. Raj says these look so good and seems healthy so I can have one full ladoo right. Anubha says why not take you should also have it and give him quater of it. Raj says okay I’ll have it. Meet Ahlawat gets call from Masum.

Masum says where are you I’m waiting when you will come office. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll take some more time, don’t worry I talked to Deep he will explain you everything, I have yo go fro Meet’s college admission and all thanks to you when you said about her delivery job because of you I remember that I should have taken this decision earlier. Masum says what do you think a Shahbadhs goon cannot become Chandigarhs civilized person, you will waste your time and money. Meet Ahlawat says please I’m not trying to change my wife I’m trying to give her what she deserve and I will appreciate if you don’t interfere between me and my wife. Meet standing behind him with ladoo and feed him with her hands. Meet Ahlawat also do same.

Meet Ahlawat says it’s your first day to college so I’ll go and drop you. Meet says I don’t want to go I have someone special then you to go with.

Meet rush to auto and go away. Anubha see her says where is she going stick today is her first day to college.

An injured man walks inside Ahlawat’s house. Raj ask how did you got injured. He says vall police and says Meet Hudda is involveds

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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