Tuesday, 7 December 2021

#RIANSH – SCAR ON SOUL# – #Part – 19#


Am so sorry for the delay in updates….. but I cant help being stuck with a lot of workloads. I’d try to update regularly but cant assure you!!!! Hope you guys would understand my current condition and accept my irregular updates!!!!!


Aryan moved towards Vansh’s cabin with all smiles to find the cabin all empty which was the least he could ever expect citing his workaholic friends who never left the office before 9pm and today there was no sign of them at 7:30pm!!! Confused he moved towards reception to enquire as neither of them was answering his calls

Aryan: Hey where are Vansh and Angre?

Reception: Sir, they left in the afternoon after cancelling all the meetings abruptly

Aryan (confused): Did they say anything?

Reception: No sir

Sighing he decided to call Vansh but not receiving any answer from his side he once again dialed Angre, who answered in 3 rings

Angre: Yes Aryan

Aryan: Where are you?

Angre: Obviously at home, why?

Aryan: Woww… seems like today sun rose in wrong direction varna the workaholic duo leaving office is a wonder right (chuckling)

Angre: Hahaha not so funny (sarcasm)

Aryan (giggling): Acha tell me how come you left early?

Angre: I didn’t… I was asked to leave

Aryan: Who asked you?

Angre: Of course, Vansh…. he said he has some personal work and so asked even me to leave towards home while he went out

Aryan (confused): But where? Any idea?

Angre: Didn’t say anything just said ki he has some work and said he’d be late.

Aryan: Acha okay…

Angre: Acha listen…. vo…. how’s Riddhima now?

Aryan (sighing): Good I guess….. anyways chalo I’ll meet you guys tomorrow. Bye!!!

Angre hummed and bidding bye Aryan left to his house wondering where Vansh could be and then his thoughts drifted to Riddhima…..

Unknown Place

An empty street with a single source of street light and there sat a man in his car with a phone staring something intensely…. glaring pics of Riddhima

Unknown: This smile….. this has some unspoken spark in it and ….. seems this smile appears in my absence only!!!!! But why not in my presence!!!! Haa….. you seem to be afraid of me right….. (Chuckle)

Kabir’s House,

Riddhima reached home to find it locked, wondering where Kabir could be, she took her spare key from the bag and unlocking it she moved to fresh up before her beast husband came. Turning the notch of hot shower, she let her muscles relax, trying to soothe her inner wounds which was next to impossible. Suddenly she freaked listening to the doorbell, assuming or precisely guessing it to be her devil husband, she wrapped herself into her nightwear and moved to open the banging door to find her husband shooting daggers, afraid she took a step back with he stepping into the house grabbing her arms and pinning to the wall digging his nails into her skin

Kabir: Where were you? (Anger)

Riddhima (thinking): Noo….. no!!!! He can’t know I wasn’t in office….. God why do you always snatch my small happiness!!!! Now…. now what do I do!!!

Before she could think of anything she received a blow on her face making her gasp with a hand over her cheek where he hit her with tears flowing down her eyes she stared him trying to speak something which he didn’t let to happen

Kabir (shouting): Where the hell were you?

Riddhima (crying): I…. I …. vo…..

He kicked her knees making her fall on the floor holding her bruised knees crying of pain

Kabir: How dare you….. how dare you try lie to me!!!! What did you think, I won’t get to know what you do behind me???

Yelling he started trashing her, who unable to bear his trashes fell unconscious with blood oozing. Seeing her lying unconscious, he sighed and sitting beside her he gave a smirk to her

Kabir: What did you think I won’t get to know that you are betraying me!!! Now just wait and watch what I do to your this beautiful body and face seeing which you started having arrogance and attitude…. now it’s up to me to teach you a good lesson for betraying me!!!

Smirking he moved to the room and dozed off, not even bothering to give a look at the bruised Riddhima who lay on the cold floor shivering with blood clotted on her wounds.

The bright sun rays started playing a peekaboo with the sleeping silhouette, opening her eyes she tried to analyse where she was and the stinging pain on her body reminded her of last night trashes, looking at herself and then the surroundings she realised how cruel her husband was who didn’t even bother to take a glance at her once. With difficulty she lift herself up and moving into the bedroom she saw the monster fast asleep without any guilt on his face, sighing she took the first aid kit and moved to washroom to do her aid. Glancing herself in the mirror she released a sarcastic chuckle

Riddhima: The other day when I was with them away from this toxic life I was wondering how come I had a genuine laugh on my face but I forgot my fate and destiny isn’t with me that I can smile or laugh without any fakeness in it…… look am back to my toxic life within hours of laughing. This proves that happiness doesn’t last in my life longer than a few minutes.

Sighing on her life she started her day freshing herself and preparing food for him and herself, and finally reaching her office not before covering her bruises under the attire. Brushing the questions from Sejal and Aryan on her bruises she managed two weeks, she expected her friends to be a fool who won’t understand her ordeal but she was obviously wrong as they did understand how she was injured but knowing that she won’t raise her voice they tried to soothe her pain to a certain extent with their warmth, love, and affection.

In this two weeks Kabir started torturing her more by raping her every morning and night killing her daily, stabbing her soul with his trashes, but she being she never raised her voice. Whatever her life in her house was, she tried to behave normal outside that hell and she did achieve doing such. Vansh was all mesmerized by her those innocent smiles, her those silent chuckles whenever Aryan used to irritate Sejal or whenever they cracked some PJ’s. He started adoring those innocent hazel brown doe shaped eyes which held a shield trying to cover her pain but she used to fail miserably. Her that voice which has pain yet innocence, whenever she used to speak her voice conveyed her nervousness yet it held some courage. He himself didn’t realise why he always wanted her around him but he started to get addicted to her presence around him in office that he used to miss her fragrance, her voice, her eyes when at home.

It’s been a month since she joined the VRS industries, in this month she proved herself in her position, winning everyone’s hearts with her talent and kindness. Vansh and Angre achieved a 50crore deal with the help of Riddhima’s talent and to sign the deal they had to go to their branch back in Delhi and returned the next day all happy and elated.

That was another usual day in the industries when Riddhima was working in her cabin and Sejal had to go to Angre’s cabin for some work when RidJal’s cabin door opened abruptly freaking Riddhima off her work and she glared towards the entry to find…..

The post #RIANSH – SCAR ON SOUL# – #Part – 19# appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/07/2021 12:11:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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