Saturday, 26 December 2020

Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 21


The episode starts with Vansh curing Riddhima’s wounds after he takes her to her room to rest.
Vansh: Do you feel better now?
Riddhima: Yes. Don’t worry I’m totally fine.
Vansh: I don’t know how the chandelier falls?! I was aware to let the servants arrange it very strong and to be very careful while arranging it so it doesn’t fall. So how this is possible?!
Riddhima: This is the same thing that I’m thinking about. How all those coincidences could happen in a short time?! First, the car stops then the lights that went off surprisingly and now the fallen of the chandelier! Do you see that it is difficult to be just a coincidence?!
Vansh: I think you are just over thinking sweetheart. It is just an accident, don’t think so much. Just think about the Mehandi ceremony, I’m super excited to see my name on your hand.
Riddhima: Of course it will adorable and unique like you.
They hugged and then he kissed her forehead and he lefts her to take some rest, but he wasn’t relaxed. He agrees with her that what is happening is not a coincidence, but he didn’t want to say that to not disturb her and make her feel afraid. He wants her to enjoy every ceremony in their marriage rituals so he decided to calm her down instead of worrying her. But he actually was really worried about her as he now can be sure that there is someone who is behind her life and he/she wants to stop the marriage even if he/she would kill anyone.
He was going to Angre to discuss with him about that new problem when he saw Ishani crying and it seems that she is afraid of something. So he decided to go and see what is happening to her.
Vansh: What is going on Ishani? why are you crying? Actually you look so afraid!
She starts a new drama by lying to him that she saw someone making the chandelier to fall, but she didn’t manage to stop him and she was really afraid of him.
Ishani: Vansh I’m really afraid, I don’t know who is that person and why he/she was wanting to kill Riddhima, but I really feeling afraid of that person. Please Vansh do something.
She starts to be so close to him and she hugged him pretending that she is so afraid.
Actually, Riddhima saw them and she didn’t feel comfortable by seeing Ishani in Vansh’s arms. She doesn’t feel that Ishani’s motive is a good one, but she was trying to calm herself.
Riddhima to herself: Come on Riddhima, she is Ishnai, Vansh’s childhood best friend and Angre’s sister. Of course she is not planning any evil plan. Maybe you are just jealous as you can’t see your Vansh with any girl. Just go and see what is going on.
Riddhima: What is wrong guys? Ishani you seem so terrified? What has happened?
Ishani was forced to leave Vansh’s arms when Riddhima came. She was super angry that she didn’t even gave her the chance to be with her Vansh for some time.
Then Vansh starts telling Riddhima what Ishani told him and she got shocked, but he calms her down.
Vansh: Don’t worry Riddhima, nothing will happen to you. This person will be caught and we will be more alert and we will not make any unknown person enter without being sure that this person isn’t dangerous. Just calm down.
Riddhima: I think that this person is a big enemy to the family so he/she decides to destroy this happy occasion. But who is this person and what is he/she’s motive from that?
Vansh: Everything will be cleared soon, I will manage to know who this person. You don’t have to worry. Actually, you must now got to your room and take rest. I’m sorry Ishani, I’ve to go now as Riddhima will not be convinced to rest that easy. You’ve just to calm down and don’t worry nothing will happen as I will handle everything. And you Riddhima you will come with me now.
Riddhima: Vansh I’m really fine, I don’t need to take rest.
Vansh: You will not be convinced merely.
He holds her and she was smiling from his attitude and they left.
While Ishani was so jealous and angry seeing them so close.
Ishani to herself: You will not get survived from me Riddhima. You have been destroying everything I’m doing, you didn’t even gave me the chance to spend some time with my Vansh, but trust me I will not let your happiness last forever. I’ve already started my new plan and of course this will succeed. I will make Vansh trust everything I’m saying and I will make him see how poor am I and he will care about me only not about you. He will even doubt that I’m the one who is causing all if those problems so he will not doubt me when I succeed in killing you. If you got saved that time, you will not be saved every time. Just wait and watch.
Vansh makes Riddhima lay on bed.
Vansh: You will not stop this child’s attitude. You have to relax and take some rest. Please don’t do any effort.
She become close to him and made him close to her to calm him down.
Riddhima: Relax Vansh I’m fine. Don’t worry.
Vansh: How I can’t worry?! I was going to lose you today, it is really hurts me when I just think that I can live my life without you. You are my whole life, I could die if something bad happens to you.
She puts her finger on his mouth.
Riddhima: Don’t say this word once again. I’m still breathing because you are with me. Okay, I promise you that I will take care of myself. Just relax.
While they were talking, Rudra came to check on Riddhima. He doesn’t know why he was super worried about her, but he was just want to check if she is okay or not.
Riddhima: Come Rudra uncle.
Rudra: I was just coming to check if you are okay now Riddhima darling?
Riddhima: Yes uncle I’m okay.
Rudra: Thank God that nothing have happened to you, just take care for yourself. And let’s leave her now Vansh to relax and sleep.
Vansh: Okay, take care of yourself sweetheart. Have a sweet dreams.
He comes near her and whispers to her.
Vansh: Don’t forget to dream of me in your dreams.
She smiles and then he leaves.
After he lefts her, he starts thinking about Ishani’s words, but he feels that there is something isn’t logical and then he crushed with Angre that was also searching about him to inform him about an important thing.
Vsnsh: What’s wrong to you Angre? Do you can’t see correctly while walking?! Just a second, why you look so worried? Did you knew something about Riddhima’s parents.
Angre: Yes. Let’s get out as I don’t want anyone to listen to our conversation as it is really an important and a shocking news.
Vansh: You make me worry! Okay let’s get out and reach to any near place.
After they left the house and reached to a place near the house. Angre shocked Vansh with the news he had reached to it.
Angre: Vansh Riddhima’s father is a live as her mom is the one who is died not her father.
Vansh: What?! So why a father would put his daughter in an orphanage?!
Angre: You don’t have to ask this question, you have to ask who is her father. As you know him well!
Vansh: Who is Riddhima’s father that I already know him? Don’t make so much suspense and tell me, I can feel from your expression that the truth is really a shocking truth. So please tell me quickly.
Angre: Riddhima’s father is your uncle, Rudra Rai Singhania. Riddhima’s real name is Riddhima Rudra Rai Singhania!
Vansh: What?!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget to tell me your feedback in the comment section below.

The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 21 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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