Wednesday 1 December 2021

Imlie 1st December 2021 Written Episode Update: Aryan’s Vital Survival Advice To Imlie


Imlie 1st December 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Aryan takes Imlie home. Narmada gets happy seeing Imlie and asks how is she. Imlie nods she is fine. Narmada asks Aryan if he troubled Imlie again. Aryan says he runs a news papers, but the question a lot instead; Imlie will stay with them as a tenant for a few days. Narmada asks Imlie why she is not chanting her Seeta maiya dialogues today. Imlie greets Jai Seeta Maiyaki and says she is fine, they can continue their party. Arpita takes her along to introduce her friend. At T house, Rupali searches her drawer key. Nishant informs her that Imlie’s phone is not reachable, is she with Aryan. Rupali says maybe she is staying with him helplessly. Malini hears them and confronts Rupali that if Malini does anything, its wrong and if Imlie does anything, its helplessness. Nishant says they are not sure if Malini is staying there or not, and if she is staying there, then there must be a big valid reason; she doesn’t have a lavish house like Malini’s parents have. Malini says they should think whatever they want to and walk away thinking their thinking doesn’t matter, Imlie will go away from Adi’s life if she stays at Aryan’s house.

Arpita introduces Imlie to her friends as her bodyguard who saved her life and soon will be her bestfriend. Imlie says they all are beautiful. A lady asks where is she from. Imlie says Pagdandiya/PGD. She asks which Dandiya and asks if she likes Delhi or PGD. Imlie gives a long lecture in her usual style and finally says she loves her village most as her mother stays there. Arpita’s friends laugh hearing her jokergiri. Aryan stands in balcony looking at Imlie. A lady walks to him and introducing herself offers him drink. He says he doesn’t drink. She asks if chutney or mirchi whatever is his friend. He says she is his employee and excuses himself. Arpita offers noodles to Imlie. Imlie looks at chopsticks and remembers Adi suggesting her to have it by hands if she doesn’t know to use chopsticks. She starts eating with her hand. Lady taunts her that she should have left her primitive ways in her village itself if she wanted to stay in Delhi.

Adi walks to Imlie and asks if she didn’t learn dining etiquette. She says eats the way she likes and when her dear ones don’t have any problem, who is he to object. He says he is the first person in her life who is not an idiot; people who suggested her to be the way she is are idiots; people who stopped her from learning anything new are idiots; people who told her that she can eat like an animal in public are idiots. She warns him to shut up as she cannot listen anything against her dear ones and taking Seeta maiya’s oath will hit him her elbow, her family accepted her the way she is. He asks if her dear ones accepted her, then what is she doing in his house; she should eat properly here. She says she cannot eat with dandiya. He says she needs to learn like a kid who learn everything at first. He teaches her how to use chopstick. She tries. He says every new thing is difficult at first, but she should learn it. Narmada noticing that tells Arpita that Aryan is strict but a good teacher. Imlie cries remembering Aryan’s words that if her dear ones have accepted, then what is she doing in his house.

Malini walks to Adi and says he should call back Imlie here as she cannot see him in pain of separation, she can forgive what Imlie did to her as she knows the pain of separation. Imlie picks phone to inform Adi where she is staying, but gets Adi’s call and she says she wants to tell him where she is staying. He says what is the use when he gets her information from others, her warden told she didn’t go to hostel since 2 days. She asks why his voice is shivering, if he is worried for her or.. He asks her not to change the topic and tell where she is since 2 days. Aryan calls Imlie. Adi asks if she is in Aryan’s house. She says yes. He asks what is she doing in his house and why did she leave hostel. She asks who told him. He says her hostel warden told and asks if he doesn’t have any right to question her. She says he has on his own but not on someone’s advice, he shouldn’t give verdict without knowing truth. He asks if her warden is lying. She disconnects call saying he trusts others than her. Malini asks Adi what did Imlie say. He says she didn’t, now she has to listen to him, he will go and bring her back home. Malini thinks she sent Imlie out of house with great difficulty and will not let her back between her and Adi again.

Imlie at night searches a place to sleep and fumes that Adi has a big bungalow, but didn’t inform her where to sleep. She continues yelling and sleeps behind a table. Aryan walks down and falls slipping on her legs. She shouts a buffalo stepped on her feet, then relaxes seeing Aryan. Aryan asks what is she doing here. Narmada and Arpita walk in next and asks why was she sleeping on floor. She says Aryan didn’t give her a room. Arpita drops her to a room. Narmada asks Aryan if he liked a girl. Aryan says Imlie is his employee. She says she is talking about party girls, did he like any of them. He says she knows he is not interested and walks away. Narmada gets sad. Arpita consoles her. Narmada says she is worried for her son. Arpita says soon a girl will enter Aryan’s life and change it. Imlie hears their conversation.

Precap: Adi enters Imlie’s room and says he came to take her from here. She shouts she, her dadda, and her whole family is wrong, but he is right. He says if she doesn’t come along, he will speak to Aryan; he drags her from there. Aryan notices that.

Update Credit to: MA

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