Meet 19th November 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Meet ask Chhavi to go out and take pizza with her and eat and no need to worry about Meet Ahlawat his wufe is here to take care of him we don’t need your help. Chhavi says I’ll eat this whole pizza alone and she leaves.
Meet give him soup. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll not have it. Meet says doctor has said to drink eat, he get soup on his face she wipes it and give him more soup to drink. Meet put more pillow to give him support and try to give him soup. Meet Ahlawat says mom said no to Deep to come, she thinks uf he will meet me then I’ll take stress of work and ask her to pass his laptop. Meet says in this situation I’m with Babita, she ask for complete rest and you need to take care of your brain too and give him more soup. Meet Ahlawat says no I don’t need nore and you must be loving because you can babysit me and says what is this dull colour bedsheet and curtains and my photo. Meet says so should I change your photo, she thinks don’t know what to do he is getting bored need to think something.
Meet says to Babita let Meet Ahlawat go out and sit with family he will feel good. Babita says no means no. Meet says try to understand Meet Ahlawat is workaholic and in room he will trap and board so let him come out and talk to other family members. Babita says are you understanding my son’s health is not good he need bedrest and even I shifted my whole work to home so that I can have a look on his health and I cannot compromise on his health and calls Chitu. Chotu hearing everything from behind. Babita says where are you Chotu it’s getting late for work. Chotu says I’ll be there shortly and says why did Meet hid these packages here, let’s give Babita now.
Meet bring bowl of unpeeled peas and says to Babita here you can do time pass with this you can peel it. Chotu come with Babita’s package. Meet takes it and try to run away. Babita says I’m already late for my work give me my package. Meet walks to her and says tell me one thing you already have lot’s of money you could sit and enjoy but still you work why. Babita says because it’s my passion I get creative satisfaction from my work I feel happy that’s why I like to work. Meet says your son is copy of you, he also like to work look at the fact he is now on bedrest so if he will talk to family spend time with them he will feel good and help him in his recovery and overall I’m here to take care of him, you just give permission. Babita says okay take good care of him. Meet says thanks and leave.
Meet bring Meet Ahlawat outside. Meet Ahlawat says it’s my office time let me go. Meet says just wait and counts till 3, everyone arrive and shout surprise. Ragini ask Meet, so what are we doing. Meet says lets play a game. Ragini says which game. Duggu says lets play passing the pillow. Meet says good idea and whoever looses Meet Ahlawat will punish him. Duggu get’s caught. Meet Ahlawat ask him to mimic Babu Rao from Hera-Pheri. Duggu entertain everyone one.
Hoshiyar gets caught next. Meet Ahlawat ask Hoshiyar to mimic someone you are scared of most. Hoshiyar says I’m scared of Masum just don’t tell anyone and mimics Masum. All laugh. Meet Ahlawat about to clap. Meet stops him and says take care of yourself and says lets play other game. Isha says let’s play Dumb Sharas. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll pick team first. Meet says no me first and pick Sunaina, Isha and Duggu. Meet Ahlawat take Hoshiyar, Ragini and Chhavi and they start game. Meet calls Chhavi first. Chhavi starts acting. Everyone tries there luck but couldn’t guess. Babita worried inside says I hape they are taking care of my son, I should have not given permission. Everyone makes fun of Chhavi. Meet Ahlawat calls Duggu Meet says I’ll go next. Ragini says I have a good movie for her and whispers to Meet Ahlawat.
Meet Ahlawat tells it to Meet both awkward. Ragini says act fast. Meet start acting. Isha guesses it right. Ragini says very good. Babita worried inside how lond will they play it’s bad for Meet Ahlawat I have to go and stop game.
Meet Ahlawat says I’ll go next. Meet says yes play but sit down. Meet Ahlawat and Meet argue on standing. Ragini and Sunaina ask Meet Ahlawat not to stand. Meet Ahlawat try to stand but stumble. Meet saves him. Babita come rushing to her son and sees ketchup on his shirt and thinks it’s blood and panic and scolds Meet. Everyone try to calm Babita. Babita about to step on Meet Ahlawat Meet stops her and says that part hurts him. Babita says stop this acting and I have already lost my elder son and don’t want that pain again, she checks Meet Ahlawat’s shirt and realises it’s not blood. Meet Ahlawat says we are trying to tell you I’m fine. Hoshiyar says Meet Ahlawat lost his balance and so we panicked. Ragini says don’t worry but Meet saved him. Meet Ahlawat says I’m fine. Meet says to Babita I promised you don’t worry nothing will happen to him. Babita says but he lost his balance he was lucky now stop game I’ll not take any risk and says to Meet Ahlawat its necessary to be inside I know you get bore inside but now complete bedrest no going out. Meet Ahlawat think’s but I need to go out tonight for work and says I’m fine I’m recovering. Babita says no you will not come out, complete rest and says to Meet take good care of him promise me you won’t let happen anything to him think it and tell me I don’t want to hear his scream. Meet says yes I’ll do. Meet Ahlawat think’s this will be problem now Meet will be extra alert.
Masum sees Meet and Meet Ahlawat leave. She follows them. Meet messages Manushi to meet her
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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