Friday, 12 November 2021

Meet 12th November 2021 Written Episode Update : Anubha learnt truth about Meet and Meet Ahlawat’s relation


Meet 12th November 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet Ahlawat says I didn’t git any information about Manushi, lets go out in colony and try to find out something there. Meet Ahlawat start going out he reaches hall and see phone says this is Anubha’s phone then she must be having Manushi’s number, what uf I message on her number that Dadi is not doing well, please come fast then she might give reply and I got a way to reach her. Manushi is store room cribing aboyt her bleack coffee and breakfast and try to see outside store room to figure out whats going on, Manushi try to call dadi and says let’s throw something at dadi then she will come. Meet Ahlawat says I should do this.
Manushi throw something out of exhaust vent. Meet Ahlawat hear sound, gets scared and keep the phone down and try to look from where sound came, Anubha phone ring so Meet Ahlawat go back to phone and type message, Come fast Manushi dadi is not felling well. Meet walks in and take phone read message. Manushi says if I come infront of them and they will not spare me. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat you are messaging Manushi from Anubha’s phone, this is the eay you find out to get Manushi and remember why Meet Ahlawat said to come for ritual. Meet Ahlawat says yes that’s I brought you here to for ritual because your family is not telling anything about Manushi, you know why I’m doing this because I need closure and if I don’t I’ll die in them that’s why I need to know answer and till the time she dont give me answer I’ll not stop. Meet says I know how important it is for you to know answer, I understand but this is wrong you have respect here but you are crossing line, if you want to know about Manushi you should have told me why did you told me lie I’m also trying to find her, if mom would have seen this this would have disturbed her, I’m feeling bad after seeing this then think what she might feel, you should have taken much care of this, what they will think. Meet Ahlawat shouts you all ho to hell, did Manushi would have thought anything before running, did you thought before taking her place then why will I think. Meet says speak politely or Anubha and Dadi will know about our relation. Meet Ahlawat says this is not a relation it’s a torture which is troubling me every minute, cheating and playing with others felling is you and your sister thing not mine, listen to me if your family got to know about our relation so let it be, I cannot bear this relation and me and my mother don’t accept you, you are just a force decision on me which nobody can change, till now I have not consider you as my wife nor in future I’ll give you that status understood, you are quite smart so do me a favor don’t show me your face in that housea dn walks away. Manushi hear everything and gets happy.

Meet Ahlawat go out of house. Anubha and Amma in shock.
Manushi says I knew it Meet Ahlawat won’t forget me so quickly and Meet Ahlawat kind of romantic person won’t accept you as his wife. Meet says to Anubha he was in anger. Anubha says he will not consider you as his wife. Meet says keep quiet. Anubha says if they didn’t want to accept you as wife then why did Raj gave his word that he will keep you as his daughter, this is marriage not a joke give me phone I’ll talk to Raj. Meet says sit, Raj always support me and its not Meet Ahlawat fault he thought of getting married to Manushi his family accepted Manushi as there wife but they got me, there dream’s has shattered, when dream are shatter it hurts and it take time to heal, same thing is happen to them so we need to give them time to heal it’s not there fault. Anubha says from these many days you have facing everything alone, godess will give you strength to fight and make you happy and hug her. Meet says sit don’t worry I’ll get some water for you, she walks yo get water and hear message tone, Ram Lakhan text her that we saw Kunal. Meet read it and go out says I’ll come.

Babita walks into her room says to Raj I’m looking for you and you are here reading book. Raj says what happen why are you worried. Babita says I’m worried about Meet Ahlawat I know how much uncomfortable he will be there, he is so shy that he won’t say anything. Raj start taking deep breath. Babita ask what are you doing. Raj says I’m releasing stress I’ll show you a book read this it has many ideas to change negative thoughts into positive thinking. Babita says my son is there so I would be stress. Raj says but they are takiycare of him. Babita says you know he cannot sleep without AC, since childhood he got luxury. Raj says you arr wrong here this is our Meet Ahlawat who drives my old car he is strong don’t worry, I understand you are worried and says there was a wife who love me a lot can you find her for me. Babita says stop it and walk away. Raj says with my son, my daughter In law is with him she will handle everything.

Kunal running. Meet chasing him. Kunal hide himself and says she is fast ask her to run in Olympic, he come out and says she went. Meet tap his shoulder says I’m here and catch him and ask tell me where is my sister. Kunal says I don’t know where she is. Meet try to punch Kunal but remember what Babita told her how to behave in market, throw him in ground and beat him and ask where is Manushi. Kunal says what I’ll tell and says me and Manushi had planned already to run on her wedding day and will meet at place but Manushi didn’t came. Meet says you are saying lie and hit him . Kunal says beat me but your sister didn’t came to me so will I give you. Meet thinks is he saying true and says to Kunal I’m believing you and if I found out true then I’ll not spare you and walks away. Kunal says your sister will pay for the lie she said to me but today you did wrong, you will pay for this and suffer life long.

Amma calls Anubha and says send your Meet today itself to her in-laws home, she is bad omen and her husband also left today. Anubha says what are you saying she is your granddaughter. Amma says I have only one granddaughter that is Manushi, who is in trouble because of her, ask her to leave so that Manushi can live in her room, pity she is living like thief in her own house. Meet ask Amma who is hiding.

Drug dealer attack Meet Ahlawat says your wife gave our package to police. Meet Ahlawat beat them but Drig dealer hit him on his head. Meet walks in to save him

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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