Monday 1 November 2021

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 1st November 2021 Written Episode Update : Tiwari and Vibhuti helps Anita and Angoori respectively to clean house


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 1st November 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tiwari in his hall singing song. Angoori walks in says diwali is coming nesd to do cleaning and I’m feeling tiered. Tiwari says why are you feeling tiered don’t you had anything. Angoori says no, festival is about to come and everything need to be cleaned. Tiwari says I know cleaning is necessary but if you will not eat anything then hiw will you get energy. Angoori says okay I’ll eat and want to say something but promise you will not get angry. Tiwari says okay. Angoori says can you please gelp me to clean house. Tiwari says if I’ll help you in cleaning house then who will look after business your dad. Angoori says then tell me how will I celannthis bug house. Tiwari thinks if I said yes then she will make me work whole day need to think some excuse, says our client Agrawal sir gave me check so I need to deposit to get money in account as diwali holidays are coming so it will be a loss. Angoori says no need to take loss, you can go and deposit check. Tiwari says make something sweet for me. Angoori says but what about cleaning. Tiwari says you can do it afterwards. Angoori says okay and go.

Vibhu sitting on sofa reading newspaper. Anu walks in says enjoying life guess what I have a surprise for you. Vibhu says I love surprise. Anu says guess the surprise. Vibhu says you are increasing my pocket money because I do lots of chores, do your personal works so you thought of increasing my pocket money. Anu says partially its true and here have this. Vibhu says is this my bonus, hold it opens it and throws, ask what is this. Anu says that’s spider web I was knitting upstairs. Vibhu says don’t joke. Anu shouts this thing fell on me while I was sitting in balcony. Vibhu says I must have left a corner. Anu says every corner is left, what kind of cleaning you are doing, its so untidy look around, what is wrong with you, why are you so kind for spider. Vibhu says actually I’m nature lover and spider have sole in them too and don’t like to destroy there house. Anu says because of them ny house is getting destroy will work for you. Vibhu says what do you mean by my house, isn’t it ours. Anu says the way you are cleaning it I don’t feel like you think this house as yours. Vibhu says just look around its like a luxurious manson. Anu says did you ever see web in house. Vibhu says you should be happy that I do cleaning free og cost, cleaning also have different pay and what I get in return nothing. Anu says can you tell me who earn money in this house and who eat in free and you expect to pay you, diwali is in few days and I need you to clean it because godess laxmi will come in house which is clean and you should know this by now. Vibhu says okay then I’ll start early morning 12. Anu says okay but uf I find any web in house then these door are closed for you. Vibhu says okay and leave.

Tiwari getting out of house says before she call Ammaji lets ge out. Vibhu cone out of his house and see Tiwari and greets him. Tiwari says everything fine you tell how’s you and start talking about weather. Vibhu says weather is like our wife changes everytime. Tiwari says you are right sometimes I think wife should not be there. Vibhu says right bhabhi should be available and they both start discussing about cons of having wife. Vibhu says there is an advise for you, why don’t you sell your shop and start giving counseling or become a psychiatrist. Tiwari says okay I’ll think on it for now I’ll go and meet bhabhiji. Vibhu also go to greet bhabhiji.

Anu on phone talking to Meenal about Vibhuti. Tiwari walks in and greet her. Anu hungs up phone and says how’s you. Tiwari says I’m good but you look sab what happen. Anu says you know diwali is coming and how I like everything to be clean in house and how much importance I give to cleaning. Tiwari says yes even dog also first clean its place and then sit. Anu says excuse me Vibhuti is my husband, look at the house in every corner you can see web sometimes I feel like these spider a thanking me to get married to Vibhu. Tiwari says this is wrong. Anu says when I told him why aren’t you cleaning it so he said that he is nature lover and spider is part of nature so I can’t harm them what logic is this. Tiwari says there is no logic and says tell me I’ll clean everything. Anu says will you do it. Tiwari flirts with her and says tell me lets start cleaning. Anu gets excited and says everything is in kitchen go and start.

Angoori and Vibhuti sitting together. Vibhu says this is wrong totally Tiwari dosent care a bit for you. Angoori says you are right, I’m sad. Vibhu says don’t be sad I care for you. Angoori says forget it I’ll do it. Vibhu says this is a big house if you will do it alone you will hurt or get sick. Angoori says then tell em what should I do. Vibhu says tell me what am I to you. Angoori says you are my neighbour and husband of my friend. Vibhu flirts with her and says I can help you in cleaning. Angoori says you will help me thankyou so much and do one thing remove cover of every cousin and then remove all curtains. Vibhu says this is half and hour work I’ll put in washing machine and done. Angoori says I don’t have machine you have to clean it by your hands, it will be done in 2-3 hours and tell him all the households work. Vibhu thinks a romantic poem for Angoori. Angoori says get to work. Vibhu says alright.

Tiwari cleaning Anita’s house. Anu walks in and says you are a magician, where are your hands I want to. Tiwari says where are your hands I want to, Tiwari was imagining and kissing broom. Anu walks in and shouts his name says where are you lost and ask is cleaning over. Tiwari says kitchen is almost done. Anu says no look over there its left do it properly I’ll be back.

Tillu and Rusa sitting near tea stall. Tillu says to Rusa I didn’t told Teeka and Malkhan that we are meeting at tea stall or else they will come. Rusa says what happen if they got to know. Tillu says they can’t do anything. Malkhan and Teeka walks in, Teeka says what if we do something. Rusa grees them. Tillu says I said to Rusa that Teeka and Malkhan are at chinese corner so we will go there and eat noodles. Teeka says accept that you were ditching us for Rusa. Malkhan abuses him. Tillu mocks him and they three start fighting. Rusa says how cheap cooldown I called you for something special. Teeka says what are you talking you gonna choose any one from us three. Rusa says oh my god its not like this whole world knows diwali is coming and I waya gift from you three. Malkhan says just tell what you want. Rusa says I want something which you three can contribute and remember gift should be expensive in look wise and cost wise. TMT agree and Rusa leave. Teeka says to Malkhan how we will get money for gift and you are totally broke. Tea stall person says to Teeka when will you return my 50rs.

Vibhu and TMT sitting together. Vibhu says we will open cleaning agency. Teeka asks what do you mean. Vibhu says we will go and clean people’s house. Vibhu and TMT disguised as cleaning agent goes to Tiwari’s house.

Anu says we want to hire you to clean our house. Tiwari says go and start cleaning. Vibhu says okay I’ll send them they will clean.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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