Gaura was living happily after she killed Bhavani and took revenge on the Suryavanshis. Kokila was stil keeping her secret as she had promised and was pretending that she knew nothing about Gaura’s dark secret. But one day around midnight, Gaura noticed someone staring at her through the window. At first, she thought she is just seeing things but when she got closer, she saw the reflections of two women. She couldn’t see them properly not only because it was dark outside, but because their faces were covered.
“Did she notice us?”
“No, I don’t think she did. But she is now wondering who is staring at her through the window at such a time of the night.”
“Her happiness will soon come to an end. I will finally expose her and will get her back for what she did to me.”
And the women then went away.
The next morning, Gaura woke up and would go to the temple when, in front of the door, she found a piece of paper.
She picked it up and read it.
“Be careful, Gaura Suryavanshi! I am always watching you. There’s no escape this time. See you soon.”
And after reading this, she got seriously worried. She could not think of anyone that could send her such threatening notes. She decided not to think much of it,for if someone was keeping an eye on her they would think she is scared, but she would definitely be more careful.
When later she came back home, she looked through the cameras but could not identify these women. The cameras had recorded only how they had stared at her the previous night.
Gaura decided to share her worries with Naiyya. She was the only person from her family that Gaura was talking to. Gaura invited her granddaughter to the house and Naiyya was happy to meet her.
“Baaji, how are you?” Naiyya asked. “I see that something worries you, tell me what it is, please.”
“Naiyya, someone is seriously messing with me.” Gaura said.
“What? What do you mean?”
“Someone is watching me through the windows and today morning, I received a threatening note. I really have no idea who could it be.”
“May I read the note?”
“Yes, here it is.”
Naiyya thought for a while after reading the note and said.
“Baaji, I think you should focus on the words written here in order to try to understand something.”
“But who could have send it to me? I really can’t remember about anyone now.”
“There’s one sentence that stands out from the others. The sentence there’s no escape this time. Think about it, baaji. Some enemy of you is coming back.”
“But who? Bhavani and Chanda are dead, who may it be?”
“Are you absolutely sure that Bhavani is dead?”
“Yes, I pushed her into the water and she died.
“Baaji, have you seen her dead body afterwards?”
“So, how can you be sure that she has really died?”
“Naiyya, the water was very cold and very deep. There’s no way for her to have survived.”
“I don’t want to make you more worried than you are, but if you haven’t seen Bhavani dead, then we can’t be sure she has really died. I mean, there’s a chance for her to had survived. It’s very low but it does exists.”
“And now what?”
“Don’t worry, baaji. I am here and no one will touch you. You are my only family on this world. I don’t care about my father or brother, for they ended their relationship with me. They chose Meera and Vidya over me and I will take revenge for that humiliation.”
“That’s true. You are my family and I am your. We will defeat everyone. All enemies we have will be scared of us.”
“Now calm down, baaji. I will be with you and no one will harm you.”
And this night, Gaura slept a little bit better. But that lasted only for a few hours. Sometime during the night, she randomly woke up and immediately got the feeling that she was being watched.
“I will find out who is playing games with me.” She thought. “And they will pay dearly. Could Kokila have revealed our secret? No, no. It can’t be her, she promised to stay silent. If she wanted to do it, she would break her silence a long time ago. But if it’s not her then who? What if… What if Bhavani has really survived? But how would she? I made sure to drown her, who could have helped her, we were alone there. Whatever is the case, I will not allow my enemies to mess with me in such way. Sooner or later, I will find out their identity.”
And then she fell asleep again.
The next morning she woke up with a bad feeling. Naiyya wasn’t home at the moment and Gaura was alone. And exactly at that time, someone rang the doorbell.
Gaura had a bad feeling about her guests but anyway, she decided to see who was coming.
She opened the door and could not believe her eyes. IN front of her stood two women. The one was Rathna, Chanda’s sister, and the other one was… Bhavani.
“Gaura behen, I am so happy to see you!” Bhavani was the first to say. “It’s been such a long time, hasn’t it?”
But Gaura was shocked. She still couldn’t believe how Naiyya’s doubts had suddenly turned out to be right. Bhavani was in a very good health condition and was now standing in front of her. Her eyes showed only hatred for Gaura.
“How is that possible?” Gaura finally said. “Bhavani, what are you doing here? I drowned you, how did you come back?”
“Ha, ha. Gaura behen, do not worry, I am not a ghost. I am the real me. If you don’t believe, get closer and touch me. See, I am a real human being.”
And then, Gaura focused her attention on the other woman, Chanda’s sister.
“And you? What are you doing here, Rathna?”
“I am here to take revenge for my sister.” Rathna said. “You took away Chanda’s life because she wanted to expose you. I know everything, Gaura Suryavanshi! Now your sins will finally catch up with you. There’s no escape this time.”
“Was it you that sent me that note?”
“Yes, Gaura, it was me. I send it. And the other night, me and Bhavani were staring at you through the window. You felt a little uncomfortable, we saw it.”
“So what do you want now?” Gaura asked with irritation.
“We want revenge, Gaura behen”.” Bhavani said.
“First tell me, how did you get out of the water?”
“Isn’t it it obvious? She rescued me.”
When Gaura pushed Bhavani into the lake and went away, Rathna had seen everything and immediately went into the lake to look for Bhavani. After some time, she found her lying unconscious in the water and took her out.
“Hey, Bhavani, open your eyes!” Rathna demanded. “Bhavani, please, wake up!”
And after a while, Bhavani started showing signs of life. She slowly opened her eyes and was still shivering do to the coldness of the water.
“Who are you?” Bhavani asked.
“I am Rathna. I am Chanda’s sister. You probably know nothing about my sister, but what matters is that, Gaura Suryavanshi killed her.”
“What? Gaura behen?”
“Yes. She killed my sister for she had wanted to expose her. I will tell you everything later. Now first let’s get out of here. You will recover, don’t worry. Gaura thinks you are dead. She is absolutely sure that you have drowned.”
“So you both have united against me!” Gaura said. “But I will defeat you as I always do with my enemies.”
“Not this time, Gaura behen. You can’t do anything to me now. But you know what? I think that now you should feel the lake as well. Don’t you want to feel how cold it actually was? Don’t you want to see death in front of you? Do you know how hard it was for me to breathe under water? Now it’s time for you to be there. You will take my place down there. You will not be able to breathe, just like I was. You will then beg me for your life but I will not pay attention to your tears, just like you did with me. But this time, it will be different because I will make sure that you have really drowned.”
“What are you saying, Bhavani?”
“Come, come with me! Let’s go, Gaura behen! The water awaits you!”
“Stay away from me!” Gaura said.
“No way! I told you that I will not let you kill me but you did not believe. Now you will see Bhavani’s revenge!”
“Exactly! You will also pay for the death of my sister Chanda! Why did you kill her? You could just kick her out of the house and she would return to me but you decided to end her life! You took away my only family and I will never forgive you! Get ready for the end, Gaura Suryavanshi!”
“Your sister wanted to fail my plans for revenge, that’s why she got what she deserved!” Gaura said. “Now get out of here, both of you!”
“Fine, Gaura behen, we will do. But you will join us. I told you that the lake awaits you, didn’t I?”
And then, Bhavani got closer to Gaura and made her first attempts to tie her.
“Bhavaniiii, I warned you to stay away from me!”
In such situations people usually were starting to be scared, but Gaura got more angry than scared.
“How dare you try to tie me? You want to kidnap me, but I will not let you do it! I am Gaura Suryavanshi, no one will ever win over me! You want to take me to the lake and drown me! You want to make me beg you for my life! Your dreams of torturing me will never come true! And you, Rathna, remember that if you don’t give up on trying to defeat me you will end up in the grave, just like your dear sister Chanda!”
“Stop threatening, Gaura Suryavanshi!” Rathna said. “No one will help you this time! You are absolutely alone on this world! If something happens to you, no one will care, not even your friend Kokila!”
And then.
“No, she is not alone! And if you don’t get away from her, you both will die in a few seconds!”
The unexpected rescuer was Naiyya. She was holding a gun in her hand and she would start firing gunshots at Bhavani and Rathna if they did not go away on their own.
“Who are you?” Bhavani said.
“My name is Naiyya Suryavanshi! I am Gaura Suryavanshi’s granddaughter and if you don’t leave immediately, I will shoot you! Leave, leave now! Now!”
“Dear, please, calm down.” Gaura said. “I am fine, don’t worry.”
“No, baaji, I will not! These women must get away from here! Until I am alive, no one will harm you!”
“Did you hear her?” Gaura said. “Leave now and don’t ever try coming back! Bhavani, you will never be smarter than me, remember that. Don’t ever try to play such games with me because the next time not naiyya but I will kill you!”
And then, they went away.
“Baaji, are you fine?”
“Yes, don’t worry. Please, put this gun down and relax.”
“So, my doubts have turned out to be true. Bhavani had survived. What should we do now, baaji?”
“We will see. You taught them a good lesson, I am sure they will not come back for a long time.”
“But I think they will not give up their revenge that easily. We should be careful. I will never leave you alone again, even for a second.”
And Bhavani and Rathna were disappointed. Their first attempt to take revenge on Gaura had failed.
“Rathna, what shall we do now that Gaura got away again?”
“Do not worry, we will think of another plan.”
“I really wanted to make her feel the lake. I wanted her to feel the terrible feelings I felt that day!”
“You will make her. You will take her to that lake, I promise you. We will make a better plan and the next time she will not get away. You should only trust me.”
The post Saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Bhavani is alive – Part 1 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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