Monday, 25 October 2021

Saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge part 7


The next day  arrived. Rathna would go to the Modi family again. This time, she had evidence against Gaura.

“Today I will expose Gaura and her friend in front of everyone!” She said. “I know that she and Sindoora are friends. After the evidence I will show to the Modis, they will be able to get rid of Gaura and Sindoora once and for all.”

And afterwards, Rathna went to the Modi house and was welcomed by Hetal.

“Hetalji, I want to show you something. But first, please tell me if Sindoora and Gaura are here?”

“Yes, they are here.” Hetal replied. “But tell me, why do you ask?”

“Because I have evidence that Gaura is lying to you!”

“Really?  What evidence?” Gopi asked.

“You will see. But first, I want you to call the other family members here, together with Gaura and Sindoora.”

“But why Sindoora?”

“Gopiji, please do as I tell you, I will explain you everything.”

And Gopi did as she was told. Soon all the family members were together in the living room.

“Kokila behen.” Rathna began. “I want to show you that your friend Gaura is lying to you again. She and Sindoora are friends and Sindoora is here not to serve you as a maid but to destroy your family. She is in here do to Gaura’s orders.”

Everyone was shocked.

“What are you saying Rathna?” Kokila said. “This can’t be true!”

“Maaji, do you see now that Gaura is lying to us again?” Gopi said.

“Gopi, are you going to start this again? Gaura and Sindoora aren’t friends, Sindoora saw Gaura for the first time when I showed her that photo?”

“Let’s ask them.” Rathna said. “Gaura, come on, admit it to everyone here! Tell them the truth about Sindoora!”

“Gaura, is that true?” Kokila asked.

“Kokila, how can you believe her?” Gaura replied. “You accepted me to live here but you still have doubts about me?”

“Stop pretending, Gaura Suryavanshi!” Rathna said. “I have a recording of you, it’s a video of you and Sindoora how you are conspiring against the Modis! I will show you, wait.”

Rathna was very confident in her words. But her confidence suddenly disappeared for she could not find the video.

“What happened?” Gaura asked. “Where is your prove?”


After Rathna left the house yesterday, she decided to stay in front of it just for a while and then, she heard a conversation between  Gaura and Sindoora and decided to record them on a video.

“What happened with Bhavani?” Sindoora asked. “How did you force her to tell the Modis that she has only decided to stay alone? How did you make her hide the truth about her kidnapping?”

“I told her that if she doesn’t do what I want I will not let her stay alive and that’s how she agreed.”

“And what are we going to do with the Modis now?”

“Well, Kokila already believes me so much that she is ready to stand even against Gopi. Now I will continue destroying their relationship. But wait, who’s that over there?”

“Is someone spying on us?”

“Yes, Sindoora, look over there. It’s Rathna and she is recording our conversation in a video.”

“What? Now we will be exposed!”

“No, we will not. When night comes, we will enter into her house, find that video and delete it. She will think she has an  evidence and when she comes to expose us and mostly me, she will instigate Kokila against herself. Kokila will accuse  her of lying and she will start trusting me even more.”


“Kokila behen, I am telling you I am not lying!” Rathna insisted. “I had a prove but they have somehow managed to delete it!”

“Rathna, please get out of my house!” Kokila ordered.

“But maaji!”

“Gopi, don’t say anything now! You  all are trying to make me hate Gaura again, but I am not going to do that unless you find a real prove for her misdeeds!! So, Rathna, when you find a real evidence you can come back. But if you are only going to speak lies you better leave, now!”

“I will come back.” Rathna said and looked at Gaura and Sindoora. “And the next time I come here, you both will be exposed. I must do that for my sister and I will!”

And Rathna left.

“Gaura, excuse her.” Kokila said. “She doesn’t know what she is saying. And you, all of you, go to your rooms. I am very angry with all of you, for how can you believe some unknown woman!”

“Maaji, someday you will understand the truth.” Gopi said. “But let’s hope it will not be too late by then.”

And then, everyone went to their rooms. Kokila felt upset and she wanted to stay alone. Sindoora pretended to be offended by  what happened and asked Kokila if she can go get some fresh air. Gaura also found an excuse to leave the house and soon, both friends were outside  together.

“This Rathna is really dangerous!” Gaura said. “That’s it, she will die today!”

“Wait, Gaura, please calm down.” Sindoora said.

“No, Sindoora, I will not! Let’s go and find her, she must be somewhere around here, she couldn’t have made it that far away! She knows too much and she can’t stay alive even a second longer!”

“Alright, we will find her. Come on, let’s go.”

And Gaura was right. They soon caught up with Rathna who was trying to go home.

“What are you doing here?” She asked both of them.

And Gaura slapped her.

“What are you doing, how dare you slap me?” Rathna protested.

“Listen Rathna, what you did today was a very, very big mistake! But don’t worry, it was the last one. I will not let you do more mistakes. Today was the last day of your existence for you would fail my plans, and I hate that! I told you to be careful with me, didn’t I! I murdered Chanda because she was trying to expose me, just like you tried today. I ended her life without even thinking for a second, do you think I am going to spare you now?”

“That’s the only thing you do best, I know. But be careful Gaura Suryavanshi, you have too much blood on your hands and some day you will drown in it!”

“I will now make you meet your sister Chanda, isn’t it what you want anyway?” Gaura said and pushed Rathna off a  cliff.

The post Saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge part 7 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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