Thursday, 21 October 2021

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 21st October 2021 Written Episode Update: Siddharth Tests Chirag


Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 21st October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Gehna informs Baa and Bapuji that she has decided to marry Chirag. Sid stands up in shock, but then acts and says that’s a great news and it calls for celebration. Baa says she is happy with Gehna’s decision. Bapuji asks if she took this decision by heart or is accepting it for their sake. Gehna says its her own decision. Pankaj sys there won’t be any crying again in this house after this happy news. Hiral and Tia hug Gehna and say they are happy for her. Kanak smirks thinking her plan is working. Gehna thinks if Sid was Anant, he would have reacted on her decision. Kanak while preparing food expresses her happiness in front of Hema. Hema says she cannot understand Gehna accepting for second marriage so easily. Kanak says even Gehna doesn’t want to be alone whole life and she will be free from working like a maid whole life, whatever happening is for good.

Siya tells Sid/Anant that everything happening is for good. Anant angrily asks why she thinks so. She says all evidences are in his favor and he can be proved innocent. He asks what about Gehna’s alliance. Siya says Gehna played this drama to know what is in his heart she is a smart lady, but what is going in her mind. Anant says he will make sure to cancel Gehna’s alliance without anyone doubting him. Siya asks if he loves Gehna immensely. Gehna tells Krishna that she thought Sid is Anant, but he is not; she is heart broken and will leave everything on Anant. Krishna asks what if Sid is not Anant. Gehna says she is sure Anant will do something. Sid/Anant with Siya follows Chirag and questions a panshop owner nearby about him. Panshop owner and customers praise him. Once Sid leaves, Chirag thanks panshop owner and walks away. Sid asks if Chirag really can be so good. Siya says nobody can be perfect, he needs to work hard more and find out Chirag’s shortfalls. Sid says he will test Chirag when he come home tonight.

Baa offers her jewelry to Gehna. Gehna says her blessings are enough for her. Sid with Siya enters and says they have opened a jewelry shop here. Siya says Baa says she doesn’t have money, but has so much jewelry. Baa says this is her wedding jewelry and she is gifting it to her daughter. She selects one jewelry for Gehna. Gehna gifts it to Siya instead. Siya asks if she is favoring her with this jewelry. Gehna says she took already what she had, she means she is righting Anant’s case and made her indebted to her. Baa asks Siya if she prepared her case to prove Anant innocent and offers her jewelry. Siya says she likes delicate and light jewelry and not old fashioned heavy jewelry. Gehna thinks let us see what tonight is in store for them.

In the evening, Chirag brings gifts for Desai family and insists to take them. He praises Gehna’s beauty and gives her gift next. Gehna seeing Sid coming accepts Chirag’s gift and says she feels they know each other since long, he told she is looking beautiful, even he looks handsome. Sid thinks Gehna wants to make him feels jealous, but his master plan is on the way. Siya walks down wearing a beautiful gown. Sid thinks let him see Chirag’s true colors. Siya joins them. Chirag stares are Siya lustfully. Sid notices him. Kanak goes to her room, picks Sagar’s call and asks not to call her again. He threatens to trap her if she doesn’t obey him and asks to find out Desai family’s preparation for tomorrow’s court case. Kanak says they have collected some documents against Sagar and his boss, soon they both will be in jail. Kumar gets angry on Sagar and says Sid took away evidence under his nose and he couldn’t do anything, orders to get the documents at any cost. Back at Desai house, Sid asks Chirag why is he staring at his would be wife Siya. Chirag gets nervous. Sid says its usual boys’ nature and invites him for a club tonight. Chirag agrees. Gehna invites Chirag to watch telescope with her and thinks Sid will get jealous. Kumar thinks they need to get documents back before they reach court.

Precap: Creditors trash Chirag and demand their money back. Chirag sees Gehna and snatches her necklace forcefully.
Gehna slaps him.

Update Credit to: MA

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