Saturday, 23 October 2021

Chikoo Ki Mummy Dur Ki 23rd October 2021 Written Episode Update: Nupur apologizes to family


Chikoo Ki Mummy Dur Ki 23rd October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Nupur saying I couldn’t do anything when needed, my heart is crying seeing Milind’s state, I m responsible for it, I have done a sin. Chiku consoles her. She says its my mistake, I was adamant and took you there, I thought we will work hard and earn money, sorry, I m feeling very sad. Nupur says I won’t hurt anyone now. Aai and Milind come home. Kamini gets water for him. He thanks her. She says when I saw Nupur there, I was shocked, she danced there for money and insulted us, this happened because of Nupur. Milind goes to his room. She says Nupur will ruin all of us. Nupur and Chiku come. Nupur says I m leaving this house forever tomorrow. Kamini smiles.

Nupur says thanks for letting Chiku come here, I don’t want to become a burden on you all, I can’t make Milind and Aai worried, I want to go away, if you think Joshi family will get the happiness back, then its right that I go, its my duty to do something for you all, I m not selfish. She cries and apologizes to Aai. Chiku cries. Nupur says you have supported me all these days when you didn’t believe my search for Payal, your teachings will always value to me, I m also a mum, I understand its tough for you to see your son in pain. She thanks Kamini and Subodh for giving her a family. She says when Payal left, I got connected with Aarav and Vivaan by my heart and loved them a lot, I want to keep a puja for the family tomorrow, then I will leave forever. She recalls her moments with Milind and Payal. She cries and leaves. Chiku says this is happening because of me, its my bad luck. Nupur says don’t say that, your luck isn’t bad. She pacifies Chiku. She says the people in our life are like seasons, they come for some time, for some reason, they give us a lesson and go, Milind handled me a lot. Chiku says you came in my life to handle me, right. Nupur says maybe, sleep now, we have to prepare to leave from here. Chiku asks where will we go, I can stay on the roads, how will you live on the roads, talk to your friends. Nupur thinks where will I go taking Chiku, I have to think of something. Its morning, Aai praises Kamini for her attempts to keep their happiness. Kamini says I m worried for Milind, his life should get set, how did you like Mandira.

Aai says they will not agree for this alliance. Kamini says I spoke to Rashi and Mandira, they were too angry, I apologized and convinced them, I didn’t ask you, sorry, I invited them for the puja. Aai says I liked Mandira a lot. Kamini says I knew it, Milind shouldn’t go out today, he should be in the puja. Aai says its my responsibility. She goes. Kamini says Nupur and Chiku will go tomorrow, I will rule here. Nupur cooks the food. She says don’t worry, I m fine. Chiku asks her to take medicines, take care of her health. Nupur says sorry. Aai says you won’t go to office today. Milind says I have meetings today. She says don’t worry if you miss it one day. He says my work is my worship. She asks what does marriage mean to you. Nupur makes a Rangoli. Chiku says I will also make it, but on your wound, I will apply haldi lep to your wound. Chiku does the aid to her. Milind says marriage’s meaning changed for me. Aai asks Milind to find a good life partner, then life gets a destination. He asks what do you mean. She says you loved Nupur, I accepted her, we lost Payal, your dad got ill because of her, I tolerated this, but now I want to see you happy, I know what’s right for you. Nupur says even your lovely hands touch would end my pain, this used to happen when Payal was there. Chiku cries and says I don’t know this feeling, my mum had left me, you touch me with love, so I feel this.

Nupur asks Chiku to pack her bags. Nupur reads their letters. Milind cries for Nupur and talks to Shashi. Chiku says Milind should read these letters.

Update Credit to: Amena

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