Wednesday, 20 October 2021

A Letter (Riansh ONE SHOT)


dear riddhu,
unspoken words….yet heard….

broken heart….still alive….

roses are red violets are blue…

nd i love you…

roses are red violets are blue…..
my love as red as blood….nd i m with u….

the circumstances this time won’t stop me ….i would reach out to you no matter what…

i’ll win over all those obstacles with create a hindrance in our love…

no need to worry love….

i had been silent all this time…giving hundreds of chances to our fate…

nd i know right our fate wont change but we’ll together make our own destiny….

this time i wont sit back……this time i have to stand back to fight for u for us…

better be late than never….

sooner or later i have realised that in this life always be selfish for evryone except urself….evryone would use u….nd misuse u too at a great extent…

so not for anyone but ever in this life…..i would be always selfless for u…..bcos loving u would make me love myself……as ur pure heart would be with me……whom i would love as long as i m breathing…..even after my last breath…..that heart will be mine….see i m being selfish right….but u dont worry my love i would never let anyone harm u….

u are a pure selfless….soul…..u’ll not be captivated in my love…but would be free…..

our hearts together in our romantic garden would chase the butterflies but wont catch them….in our garden all would be free….

we would be able to feel our freedom….

my love for u would be beyond limits…..i would be spellbound to u forever…..

u r not my need….neither am i yours…

but what we dont need we want them…

nd we want eachother……u want someone who would protect u forever….

nd i want someone who would make me protect her forever….

u feel safe in my arms…so do i…

this is our life

never think love makes a person fall weak

it makes u strong….when its same from both sides……

we dont want anything love….just us together forever right…..

we might not live together…..but would breathe together….

we might not die together….but our hearts would beat together….

u r far away from me….the distance’s long but its not…

bcos i m alive in your heart heart….nd you in mine…

our hearts joined altogether….
so just…
let’s embrace our love…..

ur’s one nd only

The post A Letter (Riansh ONE SHOT) appeared first on Telly Updates.

10/20/2021 08:11:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments