Saturday, 18 September 2021

RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 60


Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this…

episode begins with.. 

Vansh comes to his room and sees riddhima.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, you didn’t eat anything since morning. 

Riddhima stays silent..

Vansh goes and brings food for her.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, have this… 

Riddhima still stays silent. He feeds riddhima. Riddhima looks at him and eats the food. Vansh makes her lie down on the bed. 

VANSH: Riddhima close your eyes and sleep.. 

RIDDHIMA: You go and sleep.. 

VANSH: No.. 

RIDDHIMA: Please, just go.. I want to be alone.. 

Vansh goes and sits on the sofa. He looks at riddhima who didn’t even close her eyes for a second.. 

On the other hand, sia waits for virat in her room..

SIA: What happened to this virat? He didn’t come till now. Where is he? He is not even attending my calls.. Is he upset or angry with me because of our fight? Even, I shouldn’t have spoken like that. Of course, he must be angry. But, whatever he did was also not right? But, I have spoken too much. I have hurted him. I shouldn’t have spoken about his mom. I have become mad.. I realised my mistake. But, virat where are you? Just give me a chance. I’ll correct my mistake. I won’t repeat it.. Please wherever you are, come soon.. 

She waits without sleeping.. 

Meanwhile, angre and ishani consoles chanchal. Angre makes chanchal sleep and comes to his room. He cries thinking of rudra. Ishani consoles him.. 


Vansh notices riddhima who doesn’t even close her eyes for a second.. 

VANSH: What happened to her? She is not even crying. I couldn’t see any emotions in her. 

Just then, sejal comes there… 

SEJAL: Bhai, is riddhima  okay.. 

VANSH: No.. I don’t know what happened to her? But, let her take her time. I don’t want to disturb her. 

SEJAL: But bhai.. 

VANSH: Don’t worry, I’ll take care of the office. Don’t tell her anything. Are you free today? 

SEJAL: Yes bhai.. 

VANSH: Do me a help.. Take care of her till I come. I’ll go to the office and complete all the work. Till then.. 

SEJAL: Bhai, don’t worry.. I’ll take care of it.. 

Vansh looks at riddhima and goes.. On the other hand, sia thinks of virat who doesn’t return home.. 

SIA: Virat, what happened to you? I hope you are fine.. I can’t even search for you. Where will I go and search? Please, come back.. You hate seeing my tears, right? Then, please don’t make me worry.. Come home.. Please.. 

She cries.. Just then, virat comes there.. Sia sees him and gets happy. Virat looks at her and ignores her. He goes to the washroom. He freshes up and gets ready for the office. Sia goes down and makes breakfast for him. She brings breakfast to the room. Virat, without even looking at her leaves.. 

Sia gets upset.. 

SIA: What happened to him? 

Vansh sees him leaving. 

VANSH: Sorry virat, I thought that you were bad. But, riddhima was right.. You are not bad. I understood this, the moment I came to know about your truth. I know everything. But, I can’t tell anything to anyone. Because both riddhima and you are not in a state of listening to me. But, I won’t allow you to spoil riddhima’s life anymore. I’ll make you understand your mistake.. 

Vansh leaves.. He comes to the office. He goes to the cabin and looks at riddhima’s table.. 

VANSH: (thinking) I’m waiting for the day to see the old lioness back.. 

He calls shwetha and informs her about the project plans. He asks her to bring some files.. 

Just then, he recieves a call from sejal.. 

SEJAL: Bhai, come home.. Please.. 

Vansh cuts the call. He thinks of riddhima.. 

VANSH: I hope she is fine.. 

Vansh immeditely leaves.. Vansh comes to his house and sees uma and sejal out of his room.. 

VANSH: Mom.. Sejal, what happened? 

UMA: Vansh, riddhima has locked the door from inside. We’ve been calling her since long back. But, she is not even replying to me.. 

SEJAL: Bhai, I went down to take food for her. She locked the door at that time. I don’t know what to do.. Do something bhai.. 

VANSH: Don’t worry.. 

Vansh comes out and takes the ladder. He keeps it towards his room window. He climbs it. He enters the room and finds riddhima in unconscious state.. 

He opens the door and lifts her and takes her to the hospital.. 

The doctor checks riddhima and comes out.. 

VANSH: Doctor, is she fine? 

DOCTOR: In what way is she related to you? 

Vansh looks at riddhima.. 

VANSH: She is my wife.. 

DOCTOR: Did she undergo any recent shock or any bad incident something like that? 

VANSH: Doctor, her father died recently.. 

DOCTOR: She is in depression. She still haven’t accepted his death. I’ll prescribe you a psychiatrist. Approach him at the earliest. Don’t leave her alone. The more she is alone, the more she’ll think and this will make her condition more worsening. So, don’t delay.. 

Saying so, the doctor goes. Vansh comes to riddhima and looks at her and thinks of fighting with her.. 

VANSH: I want that old riddhima back. 

The doctor discharges her. Vansh brings her home.

Riddhima goes to her room.. 

Vansh informs uma and sejal everything. 

VANSH: Mom, don’t worry.. I’ll take care of her.. 

Vansh comes to his room and finds riddhima looking at the window. He goes near her.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, I have a surprise for you.. 

Riddhima looks at him.. 

VANSH: Now, we are going out. Get ready.. I’ll be back within 10 minutes. 

He goes out and makes a call. After ten minutes, he comes and takes riddhima out. He brings her to a doll shop.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, why did you bring me here? 

VANSH: Riddhima, whatever happened is past. We can’t change it. But, we can design our future. I’ll tell you everything later. But, just pick a doll from here. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh.. 

VANSH: Please, riddhima.. 

Riddhima goes around and sees all the dolls.  She finds the same doll which angre gifted her.. She sees the doll and remembers vansh burning it. Vansh looks at her and notices her face expression.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, what happened? 

Riddhima sees him and runs from the shop. Vansh gets shocked and runs behind her. She was about to get hit by a car. Vansh catches her and pulls her.. 

RIDDHIMA: I need to go home.. Leave me.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, please.. Listen to me once.. 

RIDDHIMA: I need to go home.. 

VANSH: No, you have to listen to me.. 


VANSH: You have to.. Please.. 

Riddhima stays silent.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, listen to me carefully. Doctor advised me to take you to a psychiatrist. But, I don’t want to take you there. I don’t know whether doctor can bring that old riddhima back. I don’t trust any medicine or treatment. But, I trust you. I know you. This is not big for you. Give it a try. I won’t ask you to forget all that happened. Because, I know that you can’t forget everything. But, accept it and go. Do you remember, you asked me once, whether a problem will get solved if I remain hungry? Same for you too.. Unless you accept the truth you can’t live peacefully. I know that still this moment you didn’t cry. Even a drop of tear didn’t come from your eyes. I have already told this to you. Sometimes, tears will make you stronger. Please, give it a try. Think that you have acquired a new birth. Now you have reborn, but with pain. This time promise yourself that you’ll grow in such a way that no truth or no enemy can break you. Please.. That doctor told that you need a psychiatric treatment. He asked me not to delay.. But, I know you. He is just a doctor. I have seen you. I have seen your maturity, your way of handling the problems. Please.. Listen to me. I won’t force you. I’ll be with you. Take your time but try.. Try until you succeed. Fight with yourself.  Fight with the truth.. The success should be yours. Riddhima, I know that you are hearing me. But, my words haven’t touched your heart. It is still in your brain. Store it there. Try until these words reach your heart. Once it reaches your heart, it will listen to my words. That moment, your tears will make you stronger. You’ll reform and this time you’ll become most strongest person in this world. I just want you to try. Please.. 

Riddhima stays silent.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, nothing has changed till now. Your projects, your bhai, your company, your responsibility, your enemy everything is still the same. You have all this with you and to make everything right, that old riddhima is needed. Remember, nothing will change here until you change yourself. None can defeat you until you accept that defeat. You used to tell, people used to fall down but they should get back.. Similarly, you have fallen down. Get up, get back on the right path.. Don’t lose your way.. 

Vansh holds riddhima’s hand and takes her to the car. Riddhima looks at him.. 

Vansh brings her home. He takes care of her. He feeds her. He takes her out in the evening. He makes her sit and speaks about all their childhood fights. He makes her sleep. He takes care of her and office. On the other hand, virat ignores sia. A week passes by.. Both riddhima and virat are still the same. Vansh notices both.. Sia gets worry thinking of virat.. 

SIA: I don’t know what to do. It’s been a week since you spoke to me. Even if I try, you are ignoring me.. Enough of all this.. I’m fed up with this virat.. 

She comes to virat’s office. She comes to virat’s cabin.. Virat sees her and gets shocked.. 

SIA: Virat, I know that you don’t like to speak to me. But, please listen to me once.. 

Virat gets up and was about to go.. 

SIA: Virat, I beg you.. Listen to me once.. Atleast for the sake of our love.. 

Virat stops.. 

SIA: Virat, what happened to you? Do you remember, before our marriage during riddhima’s arrest problem, what all you did to make me eat? But, these day you were not even worried whether I ate or not? You are not even ready to face me. You don’t want to look at me. You used to tell that you can’t see my tears. What happened to that love? Don’t you love me? Or do you think that I’m not worth of your love? Tell me.. Virat, I’m trying since one week to speak to you. But, you are not ready to speak to me. Why? I know that whatever I spoke that day was wrong. I know that I have hurted you. Are you taking revenge by giving me the same pain? Tell me.. I told all that in anger. Even you know that. But, what happened to you? Even before, I used to fight with you, I used to scold you but, all those times you used to console me. What happened today? Are you tired of this relationship? Tell me.. Virat, till now my love for you have only increased. I’m like this.. This is me.. I’ll shout at you. I’ll scold you, I’ll fight with you.. But, I can’t be without you. Why don’t you understand this? Tell me.. What happened to you virat? I want my old virat. Please return him to me. Please.. I can’t live without him.. I need my virat back. Please.. If you want to be like this, then tell me.. I won’t show my face to you ever.. But, please look at my eyes once. Please, virat.  I need my virat.. I can’t be without him.. 

She was about to fall but, virat holds her. His tears fall on her cheeks.. 

VIRAT: Do you really think that I can live without you? Why are you not understanding me? Even now you didn’t understand me.. You didn’t understand that virat can’t seperate himself from sia.. This is the fate.. This is the truth. This is the fact. And I want this to remain same. I can’t be angry at you. I’m upset. I don’t want you to get hurt by seeing me. So, I thought of staying away from you. But, I couldn’t.. 

Sia hugs him. They both cry hugging each other.. 

On the other hand, sejal comes to meet vansh.. 

SEJAL: Bhai, do you know? 

VANSH: What? 

SEJAL: Bhai, both sia and virat are having some issues between them.. 

VANSH: From where did you get this news? 

SEJAL: Sia told me.. I feel bad for her.. She is not happy, bhai.. 

VANSH: Now, she’ll be happy.. 

SEJAL: What? Where is she now? I’ve been searching for her every where.. Where is she? 

VANSH: Virat’s office.. 

SEJAL: What? 

Vansh smiles.. 

SEJAL: Bhai, what’s the reason behind this smile? 

Vansh remembers asking sia to confront virat. He tells sejal everything.. 

SEJAL: Bhai, today you have proved that you are the best bhai in this world.. It means, you accept virat? But, how did this happened? When? 

VANSH: For her.. 

Vansh signs at riddhima. Sejal looks at riddhima and gets confused.. 

SEJAL: Bhai, I’m very weak in understanding.. 

VANSH: Then, don’t try.. 

SEJAL: Bhai.. 

VANSH: My dear sister, I understood riddhima’s motive behind accepting virat and sia’s relationship. She wanted them to be happy. She doesn’t want her to be in between them. I just did everything to fulfill that motive.. She shouldn’t worry about anything, hereafter.. 

SEJAL: Bhai, there is a small correction.. 

VANSH: What? 

SEJAL: You are not only best bhai, but also best husband.. 

Saying so, she hugs vansh.. 

SEJAL: But bhai, still riddhima haven’t become normal.. 

VANSH: Even that miracle will happen.. Wait.. Give her some time.. 

SEJAL: Okay.. 

PRECAP: A car was about to hit vansh.. Riddhima looks at the car.. 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.. 

The post RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 60 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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