Tuesday, 28 September 2021



The night sky was aglow with bright city lights. The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky….

When everyone else were having their beauty sleep… Resting after the eventful day of their lives, there were some who were awake, looking up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity, lost in their own world of thoughts…

Ranbir gets a call from Pallavi..

Pallavi: Hi beta…

Ranbir: Hi mom… You didn’t sleep yet? It’s 11:30 already… You used to sleep by 11:00

Pallavi: what an irresponsible brother are you? Do you even remember that you have a sister…

Ranbir: oh come on mom… I know.. Mishti is coming back… But why are you awake?

Pallavi: I just called her to know if she left for airport, is everything fine..

Ranbir: She is not a kid mom…

Pallavi: but for parents, their children are always kids…


Disha’s pov:

I am taking Shahana away from Delhi to make her safe… How can she be selfish everytime? Her son… He is so kind and humble… I met him just a few times… Whenever he is near me or when I touched him, I felt the feeling that I only get when I am with my….

No.. why am I thinking about these things?

Aaliya… She destroyed my life… She tried her maximum to hurt di… I couldn’t save my married life, now, I will take a firm stand… For Prachi, Shahana and di…


Prachi’s pov:

How much I have changed in this last two years… I found my long lost father, sister… I found my mother happy, from heart… I met my family… I found my first love… I, who had never told a lie, started lying, not only to others, but to myself too…

If I don’t forget Ranbir, Rhea will seperate maa from paapa… Maa will me sad, again… For my happiness, I cannot kill other’s happiness… If my one sacrifice can give happiness to many, I am ready to sacrifice…

She closes her eyes… Tears flow from them…

Pranav’s face flashes in her mind…

She opens her eyes…

I must have to tell everything to Pranav before it is too late… I can not play with his emotions….


Pallavi: there is something that I am planning..

Ranbir: and may I know what it is?

Pallavi: just like I found Rhea, the perfect match for you, I have found a perfect match for Mishti too…

Ranbir’s face gets dull and Pallavi notices this…

Pallavi: Ranbir… What happened?

Ranbir: Mom, I didn’t get a chance… Atleast ask her if she likes the person whom you have chosen for her instead of forcing your choice on her…

Pallavi: what do you mean by you didn’t get a chance? And what was that? I force my choice on you? Don’t you like Rhea?

Ranbir: Don’t you think that this was a question that you should have asked much earlier?

Pallavi: what do you mean? You don’t like Rhea?

Ranbir: no mom… I don’t like her… I love Prachi… I cannot think about any other girl in my life…

Pallavi: I don’t know what black magic that girl has casted on you…

Ranbir: why do you hate her so much mom?

Pallavi: I hate her and I will not allow her to be my bahu… If someone becomes my bahu, then it will be Rhea…

Saying this, Pallavi cuts the call…

Ranbir, frustrated, throws his phone on the bed…

Ranbir throws himself on the bed later closing his eyes…

Ranbir’s pov:

Mom, dad, dida… Everyone used to love Prachi… Now they hate her… I will not let any other girl in my life other than Prachi… But, I want my family to welcome her wholeheartedly… She should never regret having loved me… From the very start of my and Prachi’s story, Rhea was the main hurdle… If I somehow manage to expose her deeds or rather, crimes, mom will understand that Rhea is not that “perfect match” for me… Then I have to convince that ziddi chikchiki…

He takes his phone and looks at Prachi’s photo…

Ranbir: I promise you chikchiki… I will get everything right…

The post PRANBIR FF (TIME TO GET THINGS RIGHT) PART 44 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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