Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 28th September 2021 Written Episode Update Pallavi shot by Laxmi


Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 28th September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Raghav get diamonds from Hyderabad duty office, he gets in his car and leaves. Farhad gets call from Raghav all is well, Farhad says just come home soon, Raghav says my phone will be switched off now bye. Amruta says did she say a lot to Farhad because he hasn’t called or messaged, Sulochana walks to Amruta and says why hasn’t she gone to college, Amruta says its her day off, Sulochana says good, why are you home then go out enjoy with your boyfriend, Amruta says Farhad is not my boyfriend, Sulochana says don’t hide things from your mother, just tell us so we can go talk to Farhad for marriage because I like him, Amruta says you are unbelievable and leaves.
Milind hears all that.

Inspector at checkpoint with Laxmi, he tells her Raghav has licked diamonds, Laxmi says great now he will go home this route and I will catch him red handed and hus arrest will be our biggest win.
Milind meets Farhad and asks him to stay away from Amruta, warns him and leaves in anger breaking his phone.
Pallavi fixes her Mangalsutra and wears it, she gets a call from constable Nitin and says I know Raghav Anna very well, I can’t reach him and Farhad, he has smuggled diamonds and Laxmi madam is at Jubliee Hill check point waiting to arrest him, Raghav is very good and helpful man, he saved my parents, please save Raghav because if Laxmi gets him he will be in big trouble.

Pallavi meets Raghav in between road, Pallavi rushes to Raghav and says Laxmi has found about you let’s go quickly. Inspector informs Laxmi that Raghav’s car has stopped may be he has learnt about the plan. Laxmi says lets move quickly before he escapes.
Raghav says Pallavi did you tell her, Pallavi says am I that mad that first I tell her then come to her, Raghav says may be you are acting, Pallavi says trust me I haven’t done anything now let’s go, Raghav says I don’t want to come with you, I know Laxmi doesn’t know anything, Raghav hears police siren, and sees van approaching,and holds Pallavi’s hand to run away and gets into farms, Laxmi says wait or else I will chase you.

Raghav and Pallavi are chased by police, they hide in bushes, abd and start running away again, Pallavi hurts her leg and says you go quickly I cant run, Raghav says I can’t leave you alone, let her do whatever she wants, Laxmi sees them and says stop or else I will shoot you, Pallavi remember Abhishek being shot, Laxmi shoots, Pallavi steps in between and takes the bullet, Raghav shouts Pallavi’s name. Raghav says Pallavi wake up, Saree ka Dukan wake up, it starts raining heavily. Laxmi rushes to Raghav and says surrender quickly. Raghav says you did big mistake, I am not hitting you because you are a woman, Laxmi says calm down Pallavi is injured surrender and I will save her. Raghav says now I will do what I want, Raghav splashes mud in her eyes and leaves. Laxmi asks inspector to chase them
Raghav puts Pallavi in car and leaves.

Laxmi is informed Raghav js no where, Raghav calls Farhad and says I can’t take Pallavi to any hospital and because Laxmi will arrest her as well, get a doctor and make the back room a temporary hospital quickly. Raghav says Pallavi I am with you, all will be fine.

Keerti says Sunny in our old house, Amma never left me alone and now look I am alone, she went to Tirupati for Raghav and Pallavi and servant’s tell me about it, she has gone so away from me. Sunny thinking about how is there no Raghav Rao arrest news. Sharda breaks Pallavi’s picture and feels something is wrong, Amruta walks to her says lets go eat, Sharda says I broke this frame, Amruta says I will get new one tomorrow, Sharda says I feel werid and restless like my Pallavi is not doing well.

Sunny hears a car sound and goes to check who it is. Raghav takes Pallavi from back door but Sunny couldn’t see anyone. Raghav says Pallavi please wake up why are you doing this to me, nothing will happen to you, get up fight with me. Farhad gets in with doctor and nurse. Raghav says quickly start her treatment, Raghav asks Farhad did anyone see you, Farhad says no, Raghav says doctor I will pay huge I want her fine. Doctor says she is shot close to heart I can tell about her condition only when I remove the bullet.

Inspector tells Laxmi that Raghav is no where, Laxmi says I know where he can go. Pallavi treatment starts, Farhad says don’t worry these are trusted people and I have removed dimaonds too, and there will be no case. Raghav keeps thinking about how Pallavi saved him abd and says I kept getting angry on her and she stepped in and saved me, that bullet was for me not her and if something happens to her, Farhad says she will be fine, she has no other option, Farhad Raghav hear police siren. Raghav asks Farhad to go check.

Keerti asks Laxmi why is she here, Laxmi asks where is Raghav, Sunny says you should know that,Laxmi says he has ran away, Farhad informs Raghav about it. Farhad says give me fresh clothes, I have to meet her to keep her away from all this. Farhad goes to get clothes.
Laxmi tells Keerti that I know Raghav is here and so I want to search your house, Raghav says why search I am right here.

Pre cap: Raghav says I will do everything right, I will show Pallavi the Raghav she wants
Laxmi visits Raghav’s house again, and says I am here to destroy you and says what door is that , Raghav says no one enters there, Laxmi forcefully gets in.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

The post Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 28th September 2021 Written Episode Update Pallavi shot by Laxmi appeared first on Telly Updates.

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