Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 27th September 2021 Written Episode Update: Rajesh seeks gift from happu


Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 27th September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The episode starts with Vimlesh informing Rajesh that Beni gifted her a sari. Rajesh asks if her husband brought her gift without asking. Vimlesh says she got training from Rajesh and says she had to force him for gift or else he will not bring her gift on anniversaries and birthdays. Rajesh says Happu stopped bringing gifts for her and whenever she asks for gifts, he shows their 9 children. Vimlesh says she should use her own teachings and lure Happu with her beauty to bring gifts. Rajesh goes to Happu, gets romantic, and says Beni gifted a sari to Vimlesh. Happu gets alert. She says even she wants a gift. He says he brings her gifts often. She says she wants it now. He denies. She says she wanted hawai chappals. He says he will bring it tonight and tries to get romantic. She walks away fooling him. He thinks he will not bring her gift.

Beni washes clothes in lawn. Happu walks to him and jokes. Beni says Vimlesh already washed it once and he is rewashing. Happu asks if he gifted sari to Vimlesh. Beni explains what exactly happened. Happu says Beni is excited to give gifts as he is newly married, but he has to maintain everything; so Beni should keep his excitement to himself. Beni asks what did Rajesh ask. Happu says Hawaii chappal which will fall on him later. Beni says he should consider it as a bribe to Rajesh for peace at home. Happu agrees and praises that he became smart after marriage.

Hritik discusses with Ranbir and Chamchi that they sought snacks from papa, but due to their greed they didn’t get even chips forget ice cream. Kat’s college peon walks towards house with principal’s notice for Happu. Hrithik takes notice from him and says he will give it to papa. Once peon leaves, Kamlesh comes to pick up Kat for college. Hrithik says they are late for college, so they can go on a long drive. Kamlesh says they never miss college and study in college campus. Kat enters wearing new earrings and shows them to Kamlesh. Kamlesh asks how did she get them. Kat says her friend gifted it. He asks not to take gifts from her friend again. Once they drive away, kids plan some mischief.

Vimlesh manicures Amma. Rajesh says amma is lucky to be served by 2 bahus. Amma says Rajesh is lucky to have her sister nearby to badmouth about her saas/MIL. Vimlesh says Amma is too cool and open minded saas. Rajesh says she sought gift from Happu. Amma says she will take 50% of it. Rajesh says she asked Hawaii chappals, amma can wear in 1 foot and she will wear in another. Amma scolds her for asking such a small gift and insists her to asks something costly, describing how cunning Happu’s father was and never got any gift for her. Vimlesh says papa did wrong and teaches Rajesh how to ask gift. Amma thinks new generation bahus are very intelligent and not a fool like her.

At police station, Happu calls Manohar and asks approximate price of Hawaii chappals. Manohar says around 200-300 rs. Happu takes 500 rs from him. Manohar discusses about Reshampal. Happu starts mimicking and badmouthing about Reshampal. Reshampal enters and hears him. Happu turns and gets afraid seeing him. Reshampal orders him to stay at police station till 8 p.m. and orders Manohar to not let him go.

Precap: No precap/

Update Credit to: H Hasan

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