Wednesday 29 September 2021

Can we still move back?


“I want a house. Nothing else.”,said Riddhima and the pain in her heart was clearly reflecting out of her eyes.
“Comeon yaar kitna piyegi”,said Kabir trying to snatch the alcohol bottle from her hand.
Kabir:Riddhima it’s not movie yaar ki after betrayal you will suddenly get much money and would be able to buy house in his neighborhood.
Riddhima didnt answer because her desperation, to buy that house had crossed every limit.
Kabir:Acha marry me. You will get a house
Riddhima laughed.
Riddhima:You mean a house to share with your mom?
Kabir:Come on my mom is not that serial planner like his. My mom is a normal lady and she likes you.
Ridddhima :I understand. But I can not try to be in ny relation now..vause bhi…the one who was abandoned by her parents at birth…who can like her..and you…apne majak band kar okay…varna yeh best friend wala tag..I will snatch it okay.
Kabir:1 saal …forget that night Riddhima,1 year is going to be completed.
Riddhima broke the bottle in her hand,shocking Kabir to the core because he never witnessed her anger that much.
Riddhima shouted “I said leave.If you can not understand what I am going through then you are no one to give me these stupid advice of yours better mind your own business.
Kabir left and she was trying hard to control her tears.

8 months later
Kabir hugged Riddhima.
Kabir: Finally you got it.
Riddhima:And you finally got your girl.
Kabir:Ya…Aahana. I wished to say that….Riddhima I will not stay in touch with you now….you know…Aahana is ..I love her yaar…and I dont want ki …the misunderstanding that Vansh …
Riddhima:I understand.

2 months later
Vansh is shouting at her mom.
Vansh:Mom who told you to ..
Uma:Vansh I was not at home. And house was locked so delivery boy dropped the parcel at neighbour…what’s a big deal. I will go and get it.
Vansh:Leave it. I will go.
And Vansh left in rain because that parcel was related to his business deals.
He rang the doorbell,fully drenched.
Vansh:Excuse me …my parcel was dropped here….
Helper:Let me ask may come and sit.
Vansh:Not needed. Bring parcel.
Helper left.
Helper:Mam said that you will have to sit for 10 minutes.She is busy in meeting.
Vansh nodded,he too was quite desperate but had to control. So sat at the sofa ,and kept staring the clock.
Vansh:Its 10 minutes. Go and bring that please.
Helper:You will have to wait for 47 minutes.Mam is yet busy.
Vansh:What joke …bring my parcel…
Helper: I am sorry you have to wait.
Vansh tried to left in anger but door autolocked.
Vansh:Now will you keep me tied here?open it .
Helper:We are sorry sir but mam has ordered you to wait for 47 minutes. She said that who knows you might steal something.
Next 47 minutes were full of Vansh’s anger,desperate mixed,his cursing words and rage.
Vansh:What the your mam now Else I would call police. Dont think that i dont have my phone so you can do anything.
Suddenly a parcel of files was thrown on the table.
“Pick it up and get out !”
He turned to find Riddhima.
Shocked to the core,the night when he pushed her out of house doubting her relation with her childhood friend Kabir,
The way he throwed money on table,
The way she still kept crying and waiting for 47 minutes to listen to her.
Riddhima:Everything is same. Just that I was waiting outside. You are inside. But wont be for longer.Get lost.
When he didnt had the courage to move,
Her eyes were ,speaking !
Helper opened the gate.
“Get out. Isaid get out”she kept shouting.

He returned And checked out his spam mails. Kabir’s mails were revealing that you are misunderstood .
He went and sat in front of his mom. His questioning eyes were scaring Uma.
“You…lied about Kabir and Riddhima?
She finally admitted,
Lies and his obsession killed their relation
All he could do now was to endlessly wait for her.

The post Can we still move back? appeared first on Telly Updates.

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