Saturday, 18 September 2021

Being with my so called kidnapper # episode 54 # mission accomplished


Hello peeepies aagyi me..

Or lambi update maangne walo..laalch buri bala hai😂..

So basically this epi is based on maangre (Maanyata and angre)..few riansh scene is there . just bear it for today

Let’s start

Scene 1

Vansh’s pov

Me and riddhu ran as soon as we heard some commotion in hall ..

“Maanyataaaaa” i shouted taking her in my embrace

She came pale and exhausted with blood dripping from her forehead and hands..

bhai😭save him plz..”she cried hugging me tightly

“Maanyata.. What happened why are u crying” asked riddhima concernly but she kept crying

“Shhhh!! baby don’t cry..see i am here are safe now.. just tell me what happened” i asked patting her back..

“Bha..bhai..angre😭save him bhai” she said between her sobs..

Riddhima helped her sitting on sofa and i took her in my embrace

My poor baby heart aches seeing her like this..

“Now tell me what happened” i asked stroking her hairs

Pov ends

Maanyata’s pov

“I hugged bhai again trembling in fear thinking about what happened in evening today

Flashback starts

I was sitting with angre in my room..we were chatting happily suddenly

“Bhoooommmmm” a gun shot heard and i hugged him in anticipation

A heavy commotion was going in hall with continuous gun shots..

“Maanyata..i am going don’t come outside untill i ask u to” angre said pulling out his gun from his pant

“No are not going anywhere” i said hugging him more tightly

” I have to..plz understand” he pleaded and i nodded in no..

“Then i am escorting u..” i said Looking at him..

“Fine!!!” He said pulling me out from the room..

Joining our foreheads he pulled me by my waist close to him outside the room..

“I am sorry Maanyata” he said nuzzling his nose on my face

“For what angre” i cried holding his hairs in my fist..

“For this” he said and pushed me inside the room locking it from outside..

” Don’t shout untill i come back” he said and left from there ..

I cried for him..what if something  happen to him😭 the sole thought horrified me..


“Leave me..plz” i shouted hitting the man who was pulling me by my hairs towards the hall

” Leave her u bastard” angre shouted trying to free himself from goons cluthches

I rolled my eye balls everywhere in hall..

My father was standing pointing a gun on Angre’s forehead

” Papa leave him plz
” I cried pleading at my father..

“U ran because of this bastard
for him you put my reputation at stake..i will kill both of u now” my father shouted tightning his grip on revolver

“No papa..he didn’t..” i tried to speak but cutted off by angre..

” I will dig your grave if you touch her for once even 😡..she is my responsibility..she is mine..did u get that..”angre shouted making me startled..

He started beating angre with his goons..

I cried seeing him but he just smiled looking at me..

How can someone be so nice..

I tried to free him but dad pushed me and my head hitted the table..

Seeing blood oozing from my head and elbow angre started beating the goons..

Dad left taking angre with him 
i cried from behind but he left taking him..

Flashback ends

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov..

I patted her back trying to calm her down..

My heart thudd thinking about brother..bappa plz keep him safe and sound..

“Bhai him..😭 they beated him alot😭” she cried and vansh left in anger taking his gun..

Vanshu plz bring my brother back..

Maanyata slept keeping her head in my lap..
2 hours passed but their was no sign of vansh and angre..

“Angreee” Maanyata shouted waking up from her sleep with a jolt..

“Shh.. relex..he will be fine” i tried to make her calm but in vain..

She was panicking like hell..plz angre come fast..

“Maanyata” angre’s voice boomed in the mansion

We both turned and there angre was standing completely injured supported by vansh

Pov ends

Angre’s pov..

Maanyata ran towards me as soon as she saw me..

I took her in my embrace and we both cried our heart out..

Although i was so engrossed in her but i saw from the corner of my eyes that bhai dragged bhabhi with him towards his room forcefully..

😭thnk god..u came.. if something would have happened to u..i wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself..

I thought i lost u forever..😭”she cried hugging me as if i will vanish in thin air..

“Shhhh!!calm down Maanyata..see i am here na..i am glad u are safe..i was hell worried for u..” i said kissing her forehead..

She made me sit on sofa and checked every wound of mine with tears in her eyes..

My heart sank seeing her tears..and i know what are these feelings..

“What u said in front of dad was right that i am yours? ” She asked innocently and i chuckled seeing her curiosity

“Shouldn’t i have said that.. aren’t u mine” i said winking at her😜

“Angreee* she whinned and i hugged her tightly..

“You are mine” i whisperd in her ears and she clutched my shirt more tightly..

Pov ends

Vansh’s pov..

“What are u doing vansh..leave me..angre needs us” riddhu baby said wriggling in my arms..

“You stay fine na with me don’t u” i asked locking our room from inside

“Is this the thing to ask vansh” she said rolling her eyes..

“Then how can angre not be fine with Maanyata” i said and she huffed giving up .

Pulling her close by her waist i pecked her lips slightly

” You can do romance even in this situation vansh..hats off to u” she said chuckling

“Why won’t i..when i have such a beautiful wifey” i said nuzzling my nose in her neck..

“Vanshhh.. everything will be fine na..i am scared” riddhu said hugging me..

Her mood swings ufff!! Now she became cry baby!! God save me .plz..

“Jaan..i am here na.. relex” i said patting her back..

” I am going to washroom” she said turning to washroom immediately

“Riddhuuu” i shouted as soon as she stumbled near the washroom’s door holding her head

“Jaan..what happened are u fine” i asked making her lay down on bed..

“I am ok..but i am feeling more dizzy nowdays..” she said rosing my anger..

How can she be this much careless..why doesn’t she understands that I can’t see her hurt!!

“Now sleep” i said stroking her hairs..

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

We came back to hall after an hour..

Maanyata was sitting hugging angre and i guessed what must have happened

“Seems like we are invisible here” i said teasingly

They both parted away blushing..

“You are looking more fine angre” vansh said chuckling

“Now will u both say what happened or not” i said glaring towards them..

Maanyata digged her head in angre’s chest blushing and he wrapped his arms around her..

Vanshu came and hugged me from side..

“Finally mission accomplished” we both said together huffing..

“Thnk u boss” angre said blushing..

Gosh this blushing angre is something out of the box..

“Finally u both are dating officially” Vanshu said and they both nodded in yes..

“Thnk god u confessed otherwise u had to stay out of my room for a week” vanshu said and i hitted him with my elbow

” I will kill u if u dare to hurt my sister even for once” Vanshu said in a warning tone to angre..

” I wish i could have said the same” angre mumbled under his breath but it was audible to me only..

Why he said like this..i was about to ask but get interrupted by vanshu

“Let’s go love..let the love birds enjoy” he said pulling me with him..

But my mind didn’t left that thought..why angre said like that..

Pov ends ..

Done done dana done ✅

Hope u like it

Comments tapka dena

Lob u all

The post Being with my so called kidnapper # episode 54 # mission accomplished appeared first on Telly Updates.

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