Scene s hows Riiddhima in her kitchen ,was chopping vege with full speed on board ,lost somewhere in thoughts ,the only voice of kinfe and board ,made Vansh curious ,to move to kitchen, she suddenly felt a jerk,when her hand was held by him,and before she could turn to him,his voicepierced the silence between them. Vansh: Where are you lost? You could have got your hand hurt. Riddhima just stared him,as she was yet lost.then looked a the knife and kept it there. Riddhima: I .. Vansh: What happne? Why are you so exhausted? Riddhima smiled and nodded in nothing. Vansh: Riddhima ,why are you stressing yourself,,(and his mobile rang) ..See,we can have anything light okay…let it be normal. Saying so he moved from there,she was just left there ,with sad teary eyes, Riddhima: Vansh… She remembered as how,in the initial days of their wedding,he was just enjoying everything made by her to the core of his heart but these days,he is just,busy in everything else except her. The way he keep on saying,make it lighter,no need to make anything,we can eat outside.These things were hurting her,that things are getting changed. In the dining table,her slowly moving spoon in platebecause she was staring him, his spoon was moving slowly ,because he was lost in his mob, she knew that he has no idea,when they finished dinner,when they went to sleep. At midnight, she was not getting sleep ,as she was ,not at all happy ,the way their relationship was turning. Her slowly approaching sleep,the state when she could get conscious by even a needle falling,was broken by his phone vibrations. His phone is on?”This question ,took her out of her sleep at a jerk.Normally ,she had watched,in the three years of their marriage,that he keeps his phone switched off at night.As per his saying,nothing is more important to him,then his Riddhima’s sleep.But why he is chaning?Should I turn and see?These questions were forcing her to turn,and so she did,to find him,typing continously . He turned for a second to her,the way she was gazing at him,was clearly visible to him in the dim light of mobile. Vansh: I..I am sorry Riddhima,you got up by my mob? Riddhima broke her afixed stare ,and slowly sat up besides him. Riddhima: Vansh ,Is everything fine? I mean,,is bussiness .. Vansh: Hmm( still lost in checking his mob),Ya ..but why are you? Riddhima: I find you lost somewhere these days,so just thought to ask.If there is any problem,you can share.I ..know am not in your business,still,I wil give my best to give you support. Keeping his mobile on the side table,he gave her a smile over her innocence,slowly moving her hair strands behind her ear,she also smiled,as he did it ,after a long time.They shared an eyelock,and he too somewhere felt,as if he had not shared it ,for a long time. Riddhima broke it,and laid down to sleep ,followed by him. Next ew days ,passed so,,he was showing no interest,in anything, nor in her things,nor in her. Riddhima dfinally decided to ask the reason behind his cold behaviour, Riddhima: Vansh,,I think,we should take a break,so that we can spend sometime togetheer. Vansh: Whats the need.We are here together na.Pass me over that blue file.. Riddhima passed it to him, Riddhima: Onnly physically being together is not enough Vansh,we have to be present mentally too. Vansh: Means…what is this Riddhima,from few days,you are throwing tantrums over my every little deed.Can’t you say directly? Riddhima: Directly? Okay ,I am saying.I am not happy. Vansh: And if I will ask the reason,then you will again throw tantrums ,instead of telling the reason. Riddhima: Fine ,the fact is that ,things have changed.You no longer have time to glance at me. He got irked by her questions. And made his voice a bit louder. Vansh: Now what shoud I do to prove you my love if you are not satisfied till now? Riddhima: Am not asking about proofs.I am jst asking that why are you not having time. Vansh: Comeon Riddhima,what do you want,I should stop all my work and keep on staring you?I should stop calls from offices,and just listen to you all the time?Why do you want so much attention? Ridddhima: Had I ever stopped you from working? I am just asking that.. Vansh: Stay quiet. He left from there ,she was left ,with his words echoing in her mind. She was not asking for everytime stares,just some quality time. Vansh was driving his car, not knowing where is he heading.The way she keep on questioning about his presence of mind,was irking him.He was ,working for a new project ,and wished for some space. Riddhima started keeping things at right places,as if nothing has happened.May be she was,trying to keep things back. He reached in the huge field,where some cement pipes were kept.He used to come there,to have some space from eveything,sitting there ,beneath the moon light,he ws taing deep breaths,for trying to be calm. Riddhima too ,moved to the terrace,and stared at the moon, trying to control her sobbing heart. He got some beeps from his mob,having no desire,he still thought to look,if it can be Riddhima,he wished to see,what she can be saying now. It was not her,but his work messages,but toas he glanced at the lock screen,he saw their couple photographs.The way ,Riddhima was smiling in that,he realised that he ,had missed that smile for some days. Riddhima reached her room,and looked around on the table,n the files ,felt a bit sad,as she knew ,he was really working hard these days Could I be ,little bit more patient? ,”her heart asked her. Is ,there anything important than her?”His heart asked him. And then they both,were missing ,each other. HHe drove back,all through the way,his heart was promising himself,that from now,no matter ,how much workload is there,he will not keep,their relationship at stake. She was waiting for him,her heart promising her,that she will be ,giving him ,some more space he needs. And so ,he reached back,and as moved throgugh house,to find her, she was there,in the backyard,as she turned to him, their eyelock was saying,no space for words. She moved to him, He held her hands,and as ,it was difficult for both to say anything,they just,hugged.
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