Hello peeepies phir se agyi me..
I am crying thinking abt end of this story..
Let’s start
Scene 1 (Nilaanjna and nakshatra shifted to VR mansion . Le me * is it hotel har koi shift ho jata h..)
Next day..
Nilaanjna is roaming in corridor suddenly her leg slip and she was about to touch the floor but 2 hands caught her and support ..
Nilaanjna – Riddhima…angre..thnq so much guys for saving me..
AnGre and riddhima look at each other for a sec..
RiddhimA – Its ok..plz take care of yourself..
Riddhima leaves from there sadly..
Scene 2
Riansh room
Riddhima is sitting on bed sadly.. suddenly angre comes.. and sits beside her..
Angre – U can share with me..i can sense Something is bothering u..
Riddhima -I can ask the same..even i am your sister..tell me what is bothering u..
Angre-Ok we will say together like we used to do in childhood..
Riddhangre (unsion)- Nilaanjna..
Riddhima (shocked)-Bhai..u too…
Angre – We are indeed siblings..
I really felt something when we both saved her..may be it’s just i am missing our late sister..your twin..
Riddhima – Yes bhai..i really feel if she would be here with us..she must be like nilaanjna only..
Angre (kissing her forehead)- Now stop taking stress…take rest..
Scene 3
Study room..
Vansh is sitting in study checking some files..
Angre – Bhai can i ask u Something..
Vansh- Shoot!!
Angre – Do u know about Nilaanjna’s past..
Vansh – Angre..
Angre-No bhai i mean..u must have checked na for security reasons ..
Vansh- What’s it ..u can never doubt me i know.. then why are u asking this..
Angre – Wo..bhai..u know na about sona’s twin..
Today me and sona both felt a connection with nilaanjna..i know we are missing our may be a coincidence also .
Vansh – How she died..
Angre – I was 2 years old and sona and she was just 2 months babies..
One day me and mom were going along with them for an outing..but our car breaks failed..i jumped picking sona along with me..and then car collided with another car..
I got unconscious there..and when i woke up i found me and sona in an orphanage..
Later we got to know mom and dad died along with our sister…
Vansh hugged him console .him..
Scene 4
One day later (i am feeling i am rushing the things is it so)
At hall..
Vansh calls everyone and they gathers..
Riddhima – What happened vansh..
Angre – Bhai what are we here for..
Vansh (holding riddhangre’s hand)- Do u wanna know about your sister..
Angre (sadly)- i know she is dead..
Vansh – And what if i say she is alive..
Riddhima – Vansh plz..i know it can’t be possible .. don’t give false hopes us..
Vansh – I am not giving any false hopes.. your sister is alive..
Angre (happy)- What..where is she..plz call her..
Riddhima (crying)- Vansh plz.tell me na who is my sister i am dying to meet her..
“I M your sister ” A voice came from behind..
Everyone turns and left bewildered..
Riddhangre –…
Vansh (smiling)- Yes..she is your sister only..
I have done all the investigation..
When angre said he felt some connection with her..i talked to nakshatra..he gave me the details of the orphanage in which nilaanjna grew..
I talked to the orphanage’s owner and they gave me the contact number of the nurse who left her in the orphanage..
She said she found nilaanjna with a dead couple in hospital and they sended her in orphanage..
I put my all the sources and got to know it was the same car by which your family had an accident.. is the file..the number is written here..
I had checked riddhima’s and her DNA also..she is your sister only..
Riddhima and angre rushed towards nilaanjna and took her in a bone crushing hug..
They all cry hugging each other..
Angre (kissing her forehead)- Only i know how much guilty i felt in this years for not saving u that day …
Nilaanjna – Its ok weren’t at fault..but i am so happy that i got my family back..
I had lived like a orphan till now..but now i also have a family
Riddhima (crying)- I am sorry…u were in front of me and i couldn’t be able to recognise u..
Vansh and nakshatra hugs both of them from side..
Suddenly the paper in which car’s number was written slipt from vansh’s hand and directly fell on Anupriya’s leg..
Anupriya gasped reading the paper..and thudddd on the floorr
Anupriya (crying)- Nooooooo!!!
Everyone rushes to her..
Vansh – Mom what happened..
Riddhima – maa.why are u crying..tell us ma…
Anupriya – This was the same car by which mine and Ajay’s accident happened..
Means that couple was your mom and dad and that baby was nilaanjna ..
Riddhima felt the floor slept beneath her feet …
She left to her room without saying anything..
Scene 5
Riansh room
Riddhima is sitting on the bed emotionless..
Vansh comes and sit beside her holding her hand
Vansh – Riddhima..jaan say something..i am here to listen u..u can shout u can cry..i know its not easy for u to accept so many things in one day..
That’s it..riddhima Breakdowns in in arms
Riddhima (crying)- Why this happen with me always..
Why can’t i celebrate my happiness..
I didn’t even celebrated the happiness of getting my sister back and this happened ..
Karma is a b*t*h vansh..what we sow so we reap..
My parents cursed mom that she won’tbe able to conceive..even after knowing it wasn’t her fault..
As see her own daughter is suffering now..
Unki ek glti ne unki beti ko barbaad kr dia vansh…
Vansh (patting her back)- sshhh… don’t cry..its all fated..we can’t do anything but u should feel happy na that your sister is back and she is gonna be the mother of your child..
Riddhima (weeping her tears)- Yes.. I won’t cry now..i will cherish all the moments with her now..which we have missed till now .
Thnk u vansh for always being my support..
Vansh (kissing her forehead)- Go now.. she needs u…
Scene 6
Nilaanjna’s room..
She is sitting with ishani as both are sharing their mood swings story..
Angre and riddhima enters holding trays in their hands..
Riddhima -Today my sister will eat with my hands..
I have made special pav bhaji for her..
Angre – No..i will make her eat..i have made tasty chole bhature and ras malai for her..
Riddhima -No bhai..i will feed her..
Angre – Stop arguing with your brother..i will feed her..
Riddhima – Me
Angre- Me
Nilaanjna -Both of u shut up..i will eat from both of u..
Riddhima – you will be maasi of my child..or maasi to maa jesi hi hoti
Angre and riddhima started feeding her fighting like a kid..
Ishani (pouting)- I guess me and my baby is invisible..
Angre – Yes..u are
Riddhima and nilaanjna stuffs some chole bhature in ishani’s mouth
Riddhima – We can’t forget our cute si bhabhi..
Ishani (trying to speek)- Bha…bhabhi..yuck… me that..
They all burst into laughter..
Angre ( holding both her sister’s hand)- Finally i got all my happiness today..
Vansh and nakshatra enters
Both – Koi dekh lo hm bhi is scene me thode bohot adjust ho paye to..
Ishani gets up and hugs both of them..
Ishani – Finally i got someone in my team yeah…
Vansh and angre goes towards their wives and hugs them from side
Both – Sorry behna..but biwi is biwi..we can’t take risk..
Ishani – Hawww….angre see..sikho kuch unse ...
She stromed out of the room stomping her heel on Angre’s leg..
Angre (running behind her)- Ishu..jaan.. listen..i am..
Vansh (shouting fro behind)- Best of luck..angre….
They all laugh…and side hug their partners respectively..
Done done dana done
Precap : Vulnerable riddhu
Hope u like it
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