Hello peeepies aagyi me…
U may find this revelation quite idiotic bt mere mind me to yhi aya..
Lets start
Scene 1
Anupriya’s room
Riddhima enters with tears in her eyes.. holding files
Anupriya – What happened baccha why r u crying (she forgave riddhima)
Riddhima shows her the files..
Riddhima – Is it true mom..
Anupriya (shocked) –
Riddhima – Maa say na this is not vansh won’t be able to face this..
Anupriya (crying) – That’s why i hided this from my children they won’t be able to face this .
Riddhima – But mom till when…they are ur children ..they will understand u..
Anupriya- No no..i am not gonna reveal anything to them..
“What are u not gonna reveal mom” A voice came from behind..
Anupriya and riddhima turns and gasped
Both (shocked) – Vanshhhh!!
Vansh- Riddhima.. mom..why both of u are crying and what truth..
What the hell is happening here..
Anupriya- Nothing… nothing beta..
Riddhima (trying to hide the files) – no..we were just talking..(worst try ever)
Vansh – What are u hiding..(sab jaan na hai isko)
Anupriya – No vansh.. nothing..lets go downstairs (ha jese wo sun hi lega teri)
Vansh (angry) – If u both want me to calm down then just tell me what are u hiding…
Riddhimagive this files to me..
He forcefully tries to snatch files but anupriya started stoping vansh but atlast vansh snatched the files from riddhima’s hand..
He started reading the files and his expression changes..
The silence preveal in whole room..riddhima and anupriya looks at each other with tears..
Vansh (shouting) – Means what that man was saying is truth
Anupriya ( ) – Beta listen to me..that man..he is trying..
Vansh (cutting her off) – tried to say truth which u hided from us since so long..
Riddhima – Vansh.. listen to mom.
Vansh (shouting) – Dare u to speak between me and mom today..
He angrily marched towards the hall shouting everyone’s name..
Anupriya and riddhima runs behind him to stop but in vain..
Scene 2
At hall..
Everyone gathers listening to his voice..
Ishani – Bhai.. what happened
Siya – Bhai is everything ok..
Vansh- Ask our beloved everything ok..
Angre – Bhai how can u say like this to mom
Vansh- The same way she can hide the truth from us..
Anupriya (crying) – Beta listen to me once..
Ishani- What truth..and mom why are u crying..
Siya – Mom don’t cry plz..
Bhai why are u behaving like this.
Vansh (shouting) – Just tell us the damn truth mom..that aren’t me siya and ishani ur children..
Everyone gasped listening the truth except dadi and riddhima..
Dadi sat on the sofa.crying and riddhima consoles her..
Ishani – What this even a question..
Siya – Bhai how can u even think that.. of course we are mom’s kids..
Vansh- Let her speak na.. tell us na mom if i am wrong
Anupriya (crying)- Beta
Vansh (shouting) – Just speak the truth.. aren’t we ur kids..
Anupriya (shouting) – Nooooo!!!nooo..u three aren’t my kids..
I am not ur biological mother…
Now happy..i said the truth now..
She collapsed on the floor crying..
Ishani and siya stumbles at their places..
Dadi (crying) – Vansh i know u are angry but just listen to ur mom once..she may not be ur biological mom
But she is mom beta..
Anupriya looks at vansh with tears..
Flashback starts
When anupriya and ajay are married for 3 years
Anupriya is standing in front of mirror holding a pillow on her tummy and smiling..
Ajay came from back and hugs her from behind
Ajay (teasing) wifey is will she look having baby bump..not bad..begum ji..
Anupriya (shying) – Wo..i was just..
Ajay – Don’t worry anu..very soon we will have our baby..our symbol of love our vansh.. (she is not pregnant yet)
Both hug each other..
Ajay (breaking the hug) – Ok get ready we have to to go temple for havan..
Anupriya and ajay are sitting in car.. heading towards temple..
Ajay is driving the car and anupriya is sitting beside him
Ajay (teasing) – So..anu..are u ok with twins or should i do hard work for triplets (ab smjhe vanshu kispe gya hai)
Anupriya (hitting him ) – Focus on driving…
Ajay (leaning towards her more) – Let me kiss u first then..
Suddenly anupriya shouts…
Anupriya (shouting) – Ajayyyyyyyyyy!!!!
And bhooooommmmmmm!!!
Their car collided with a car coming from front…
Luckily both didn’t get much hurt
They came out from car and rushed to the other car …
A man and woman is lying outside the crushed car with a small baby in woman’s hand..
Woman (cry) – Baby ur eyes…
She shouts at her husband who is lying in half consious state..
Woman – Baby..wake up baby..plz.. don’t leave ur mumma like this..
She checks her baby..but the baby wasn’t opening her eyes..
Anupriya and ajay comes and try to help them to get up..but the lady pushes them away..
Woman (shouting) – Because of u we lost our baby..she died because of u..
I cursed u both..u won’t be able to have a your lifetime..your family will end..u will never get ur heir..nobody from ur family will have the hier ever..
U will cry for ur children just like we are doing..u will suffer the same..
She took her last breath .and the man also dies besides her..
Anupriya started crying listening to the woman’s curse..
Ajay send their bodies to hospital and took Anupriya to home.. (no police drama because i have police like kabbu short good for nothing)
Flashback ends..
Anupriya is sitting on floor with emotionless face..
Ishani fall down but angre support her..
Anupriya – After that incident..i went in health worsened..and after few days we discovered i am sterile…i can’t conceive…
I tried to commit suicide and almost succeeded but ajay saved me..
He decided to adopt kids for my well being..
And we found vansh after one month when he was 1.5 year old (now don’t ask doesn’t vanshu remember anything bcoz he was too small yr and if not then i asked him to forget everything)
I started to stay happy after Vansh’s arrival.. everything started becoming normal.. between the family..
And after that We adopted ishani and siya when they were 1 month old..
That’s why i left to my mom’s house saying i will deliver the baby there only because vansh had grown up till that time..and I don’t want him to know the bitter truth..
And this files contain ur adoption papers…
Siya (crying) – That’s why out blood group don’t match with each other..
Ishani () – That’s why u didn’t allow us to go to storeroom..
Vansh (emotionless) – That’s why i don’t have any picture of my birth..
Ishani and siya runs from there crying followed by angre and vyom.. respectively
Vansh leaves to his room with emotionless face..
Anupriya tried to stop her children crying..
Anupriya (crying) – Vansh..siya..ishani.. Don’t leave ur mom like this..plz
Done done dana done
Precap : Anupriya died?!!!!..
Hope u like it..(did u find the cursed track illogical)
Comments tapka dena
Lob u all
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