Monday, 9 August 2021

Riansh (the saga of truth unfolds) #episode 88


Hello peeepies phir se agyi me..

Hope u r not getting bore with this track..

Lets start

Scene 1

Riddhima turns abruptly and gasped seeing anupriya in anger..

Anupriya (angry) – How dare u riddhima to come here..😡

Riddhima- Mom wo me..

Anupriya (shouting) – Shut up!! I don’t want to listen anything..

Everyone comes listening to her voice

Vansh- mom what happened.
Why are u shouting..

And sweetheart why are u crying..

Anupriya – Yeah..ask ur wife what she did..

U very well know how much possesive i am for this painting and riddhima came here without my permission and was about to touch it..

Riddhima – wo..😭

Vansh- Mom she must be came here by mistake

Anupriya – U better keep ur wife in control ..😡..

She leaves from there .. angrily..

Riddhima tries to stop her crying but in vain

Riddhima (crying) – mumma! I didn’t…😭

Vansh takes her to room consoling..

Scene 2

Riansh’s room..

Riddhima is crying hugging vansh..

Riddhima – vansh i swear i went there for keeping things only..

But my mistake..i..

Vansh- Shh!! Sweetheart i know u are innocent.. don’t cry..

U know na taking tension will worsen ur condition

Riddhima – But mumma!!😭

Vansh- She is just hurt..give her some time…

He kisses her forehead.. and hugs her..

Scene 3

Anupriya’s room

Dadi – Beta u shouldn’t have scolded her this much..

She is was my mistake i send her there..

Anupriya- I know mom but how can u be so careless…

What if she could have found one should know about this..

I am also hurt after hurting my daughter..but that was necessary..

Dadi – Now u stay calm..nowdays u are behaving strange ..

Our kids are not that small..they can understand by ur behaviour..

Scene 4

At dining table (for dinner)

Everyone is sitting having dinner

Riddhima – mumma i will serve u..

Anupriya (showing her hand) – I can take myself..✋

Riddhima – Mumma..plz..lis..

Anupriya – vansh ask ur wife to let me have dinner peacefully..

Vansh – Mom…why are u..doing this she is feeling guilty..

Anupriya – Oh sorry i didn’t know that why will my son take my side now..

I better leave this place..

She gets up to leave but stopped by Riddhima

Riddhima (weeping her tears) – you don’t have to leave..i am going..

She leaves from there crying..

Scene 4

Riansh’s room

Vansh is shouting on phone

Vansh (shouting) – How dare that bastard..

I want that rascal tomorrow alive..i will do the honour to send him to hell…

He dared to mess with VR…

What does he think he will say something to me about my family and i will believe..never..

He throws the phone in anger.. suddenly riddhima enters

Riddhima – vansh what happened why are u angry..

Vansh (shouting) – Just me leave me alone damn it😡

Riddhima (bowing down her head) – Sorry..🥺..i am going from here also..

She turns to leave but instantly pulled by her dear husband..

Vansh (nuzzling his nose) – sorry jaan..i shouted on u .

U are not allow to go away from me..even if i ask u to

Don’t take mom’s talk on ur heart..she will be fine soon..

Riddhima – and what about ur talk..🙄

Vansh- Sorry na jaan..u know my anger issues na..but only u can tame me.. that’s why i love u so much sweetheart..

Riddhima -Hmm!!

Vansh – what hmm!! Accha look at me..i know how to pacify my little baby..😍

Riddhima – I am not little baby🙄

Vansh- u are not baby but u are little 😜..

Riddhima runs behind him to beat him and both fell on the bed laughing..

Riddhima (laughing) – Thnk u vansh for making my mood

Vansh- Anything for my jaan😍

Riddhima – But why were u angry

Vansh – A mad man met me today on the way to office ..and was uttering bullshit ..

He must be some business rival..

Leave that u focus on me now..

He pulls riddhima by her waist and started kissing her…

Scene 5

After 2 days

At storeroom

Riddhima is standing near the painting holding some files in her hand..

Riddhima (crying)- how is it possible..😭this can’t be true..

If vansh would get to know about this..he will die..

Her pov

I didn’t want to come here again but mom’s behaviour made me do this..

She was hiding the painting deliberately..and continuously asking me not to come here..

Sorry mumma..i disobeyed u…😭

But only u can answer my questions now..

Done done dana done ✅

Precap : Revelation

Length of chappy was ok?

Hope u liked it

Comments tapka dena

Lob u all



The post Riansh (the saga of truth unfolds) #episode 88 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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