Thursday, 5 August 2021

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 5th August 2021 Written Episode Update: Taneja warns Happu to show the receipts


Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 5th August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with IT officer Taneja calculating the money and jewellery which is found in Happu’s house. Amma says I am thinking that such raid shall happen in Badayu’s home. Rajjo says I was also thinking that such raid shall happen in Jhanki’s house. Happu asks if they are happy now and asks them to be quiet. Malaika says I am angry, don’t know why God made me born in this house. Chamchi says my friends will tease me. Hritik says Sanjana is not talking to him. Chamchi says you called her during raid and says you have broken the law. Kat asks Chamchi to stop complaining and says one mistake is always forgiven. Hritik says Kat is best. Happu says Commissioner Saheb and Manohar are not seen. Taneja calls them. They bring a trunk there. Happu, Amma and Rajjo get shocked. Manohar says he has plucked the bathroom tiles and found this trunk. Resham Pal says it is very heavy, we shall check it. Taneja asks Rajjo to give keys. Rajjo says I came here after marriage and doesn’t know about it. She asks if you have keys. Happu says even I didn’t know, and haven’t seen it since my birth. Hritik asks who has come here before Papa. They look at Amma. Amma tells that your father had the keys and asks him to go up and take. Taneja says nobody can go anywhere until the raid comes to an end. He says Papa ji went and even the key went with him. He asks didn’t you think to make another key for the lock. Amma nods no. Taneja says we shall break the lock. Manohar asks shall I break the hammer. Taneja tells that the raid is complete and asks them to clap. Rajjo claps. Happu says this wealth is found in our house, why are you clapping. Taneja asks Happu to show the receipt of all this, else he will seal the money and jewellery and will freeze you all in jail. Happu, Rajjo and Amma are shocked. Resham Pal and Manohar do hifive.

Rajjo tells Happu that they had torn the mattress into pieces and tells that just one bedsheet is left. Happu says they have raided the house, but Amma and you haven’t left me. Rajjo says sorry. Happu says long case will go on now. Rajjo says I wanted to tell you daily about the jewellery made, but something used to happen that I used to forget. Happu says he shouldn’t have raided in his own house. Rajjo asks what are you saying? Happu says I thought to get raid so that I get clean chit, and was sure that even 25 paise will not found, but money bundles, jewellery and trunks are found. He asks when did you get all this things? Rajjo asks why did you do this, and if it is wise to raid the house. She says she got these jewellery for her kids and tells that if he had told her, then would have hidden the jewellery and money somewhere. She asks him to cover up the mess and get her jewellery back. Amma cries and drinks, thinking Taneja took everything, including her favorite ring given by Happu’s father. Dada ji comes there. Amma says darling you came. Dada ji says you called me darling at two instance, when we had gone for honeymoon and other when you have done my heavy loss. Amma cries and tells that IT officer took my ring given by you, and also 2 kgs gold. Dada ji asks who keeps 2 kgs gold. Amma says I didn’t feel bad about 2 kgs gold loss, but was missing the ring which you bought for me, in our poverty days. Dada ji says I remember. Amma cries and says you made me wear the ring on the side of pond. Dada ji feels bad. Amma cries.

Happu calls someone and asks to send some wood logs. Beni asks have you gone mad? Happu says he don’t want to go home. Ranbir sings song. Happu says so much treasure was found at home and says I used to say that apnon apnon hi hota hai, but actually it is all dream. Beni says not only you will go to Jail, but also Amma and Rajjo, then who will take care of your 9 kids, I will take care of them. He says but I am bachelor, how can I take care of them alone and needs partner. He asks Happu to get him married to Bimlesh at the earliest. Happu tells bad words in his ear and asks him to give good idea. Beni asks him to convince Commissioner. He asks what was found in trunk. Happu says even I didn’t know, as its key was not found.

Precap: Later Taneja finds money hidden by Kamlesh and shows to Happu. They arrest Happu.. Manohar tells Happu that he will tear his clothes in police station. Happu asks Rajjo to take care of everyone. Rajjo asks him to take care of himself.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

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