Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 30th August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Happu returns home from duty and asks nau nathaiyon ki amma/9 children’s mother Rajesh to get him some tea. She asks where is vegetable as she is reminding him since morning. He says he forgot and will bring tomorrow, she can prepare different vegetable today. She scolds him that he always forgets and says tomorrow, he has gone on his mother. He asks not to compare his mother and confronts her that he came home tired and she is fighting with him. She says his mother scolds her if she doesn’t give her tea on time and continues scolding him. He sits afraid. After sometime, he walks to Beni’s house and consoles him hearing him listening to Koi faryad mere dil me dabi ho jaise… song. Beni says he doesn’t have any good qualities, hence he wanted to marry sarvagun sampann Vimlesh and complete himself. Happu consoles him not to worry so much. Beni says he feels like leaving everything and becoming a saint. Happu giving his example that he has 9 childrfen and has tension of whole world, but he is calm and jokes that he can even marry Vimlesh. Beni angrily looks at him. Happu says he was joking and promises to get him married to Vimlesh within 2-2.5 weeks and dance during his wedding.
Next morning, Hrithik, Ranbir, and Chamchi give their marks card to Rajesh and request her to sign on them. Vimlesh says they have got even worse marks this time and should get sign from their father instead. Happu walks to them. They give marks card to Happu next. Happu scolds them that their marks card is zero. They says this time exam was very tough and even a brightest kid got less marks and give example. Happu continues scolding them. Amma asks him not to scold children. Happu says they got zero in all subjects. Ranbir says they are under a lot of pressure. Happu says they wake up late, hog breakfast, then think whether they should attend school or not, etc. Children say he understood them well. Happu continues scolding them and warn them to get good marks next time. Hrithik says they will if he increases their pocket money. He scolds that he will not increase a penny and will stop it if they get less marks again. Children say he doesn’t love them at all and always scolds them, so they love only mummy. Happu scolds if they grew up big without father’s concern and thinks nobody loves him and they all create a big issue out of small things.
Rajesh’s friend Joginder calls her and cries. She asks if everything is fine. Joginder says she fought with her husband and uncontrollably scolded him. Rajesh says she should scold her husband often. Joginder says she asked her husband why didn’t he bring vegetable and tried to hit him with a mug, she saw him with another woman and when confronted he told he is more happy with that woman. Rajesh disconnects call and feels guilty remembering fighting with Happu, gets afraid that he may start an affair with another woman and calls his police station to speak to him. Manohar picks call and asks if her husband troubled her, MIL troubled her, someone else troubled her, etc. She says and says she is Rajesh speaking. Manohar gets alert and informs Happu has gone out and looked tensed today. Happu meets a woman and flirts with her. She says the world will never accept their relationship and he will leave her. He says he will not. She says they will marry once her task is done. Happu continues flirting with her shyly.
Kamlesh stops his bike seeing Kat. Their broken English conversation starts. He informs her that his father got a new mummy for him and he is very happy. She says step mothers are monsters and trouble children. He gets angry for insulting his new mummy and drives bike way. Happu meets Beni again at night for a drinking session and starts badmouthing about Rajesh. Beni says he used to praise Rajesh a lot before, if he fought with her. She says couples fight and reunite, but when wife continues creating problem for simple reason, man falls for another woman. Beni says he cannot believe his friend is saying this. Happu continues justifying himself. Beni scolds him and sends him away.
Precap: No precap.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
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