Friday, 6 August 2021

Eternal love (Ishq mein marjawan 2 FF) Chapter 11


Hello everyone….. I am back with chapter 11 of our FF Eternal love. So without wasting time I am starting the chapter…

So episode starts with


Dadi gift a pyal to Riddhima. With lots of hesitation and Sia’s assurance she takes it and also take Dadi’s blessings.

Everyone come to hall. Riddhima is going hospital but vansh stops her.

V : where are you going.

R : None of your business

V : You called here for Sia’s physiotherapy. Not for Roming here nad there.

R : I know my work. I am again telling you again not interfere in my life.

Dadi sense tension between them before they start fighting dadi interpt.

D : What is happening here

R : Actually I am going to hospital but he stops me

Dadi look at vansh

V ( stern voice and blank look ): don’t look at me like this. According to rule I made she should have informed someone before going.

Then Dadi look at Riddhima and said that she can go. Riddhima inform her that she is will come till afternoon after that she will start Sia therapy. Dadi noded and Riddhima goes from there. Then Dadi look at vansh

D : Vansh at this time where will she go other then hospital

V : Dadi you know na I will not trust anyone so easily and she is included in that .

Vansh goes from there and Dadi sighed

It is afternoon , A room is seen , a man is brutally beaten. Blood is oozing from his body. It seems he was tortured very much. But a man is beating him without paying any heeds to wounded man’s condition. The man who is beating asked

P : Who told you to do that

WP : Do anything but I will not tell you

At that time a person enter the room. That person move toward his chair and sit like a king. Then signed man to increase the torture.

That man brought two wires. Connect them to circuit and pressed wires on wounded person body. Wounded person shout as in pain. That man again asked him

M : Tell me otherwise

WP : I will not tell at any cost.

Then man put salt and chilly on his wound. Wounded person said in pain

WP : you will not able to kept me here for long. And as soon as I will out from here I will complete my work. No one can stope me.

That’s it the person is sitting on chair try to calm anger from past sometime now burning in rage. He take out his gun and shoot in his both hand. Then shoot him in forehead and wounded man died. That person said to his dead body

P : Now go and do your work. You blo*dy ba****d

Then sign that man to remove dead body. And That person leaves from there.

As Riddhima told she return in afternoon from hospital. She see dadi in Mandir reading some granth (holy book) Riddhima goes there take Dadi’s blessing and then moves towards her room.

She come out after freshen up and see Sia in her room so she said after Some 5 min she will starts her therapy. Sia tell her that she is not here for therapy. She handover the plate to Riddhima and said that she is brought some snacks for her. Riddhima thanks her.

Then after eating she with Sia goes to pole side and started her therapy

At that time a parcel come. Mrs Disouza comes to receive it. Parcel boy tell her that this parcel is for Riddhima. So she goes to pole side and inform Riddhima about same.

Riddhima said Sia to continue the exercise.

Riddhima received parcel but confused by seeing two but that time Aryan is passing from their so she didn’t say anything and receive the parcel.

She return to poolside, kept the parcel aside and again start Sia’s exercise.

After two hour Sia’s session complete. Then they goes to Riddhima room. Then Sia said her to open the parcel. She open the parcel. Show her new phone to Sia.

S : it’s pretty. What is need of buying you have one na.

R : you know about jammer. That’s why I had to buying it.

S : but if bhai said something to…..

R : I can handle….. Don’t worry

Then she open next parcel, it is a makeup kit. Riddhima wondered that how it is come as she only ordered a phone. Then after seeing both parcel Sia goes to her room.

Riddhima open the kit. She see note inside it she read the note

Hii Kabir here

i hope you are doing good. Sejal said that you are in VR Mansion. So I thought that we can start mission. This makeup kit is sent by me . This is not a makeup kit this is a transmitter. A pan drive is also there it contains video which will help you how to use transmitter. And ya take care yourself

Riddhima takes a deep breath and put the kit in almirah.

She open her phone insert sim and then make some important call.

In evening Vansh come to mansion but instead of going inside he goes toward backyard.

Somewhere in India

A person in fear is calling someone. Then call connected.

P : Boss, she survived and sharpshooter got killed brutally.

Boss : I think you don’t love your life

P ( Stammering) : b…b…boss gi…give ch.. cha.. chance.

Boss : If she again survived then I will kill you myself. She has to die at any cost

And then boss cut call and that person take a sigh of relief.

In VR Mansion Vansh spend his whole evening in backyard then come inside the mansion at night.


That’s it for chapter now tell me who is the chapter.

What do you think who is that wounded man. Who is the person who shoot him. Why vansh spent whole evening in backyard. Who was that person and boss. What are they talking about

And guys please try out solve this mysteries it will be fun trust me. Thoda dimag ghumega 😅😅😅😅… But jab ap log kisi conclusion per pahunchenge tab bahut maza aayga.

I will try to update the next chapter soon


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