Episode starts….
Next day
In morning
VR mansion
Angre came to VR with a bride smile on his face on seeing that smile only he understood very well what’s the matter that he smiled widely
Angre: boss
VR : yes Angre I m listening tell what has happened to them?!
Angre : Boss how do u know that I m here to tell u that only
VR : let it be a secret only , now tell
Angre : in all news channels there is only 1 news of their exposure of all the inhuman works nd they are now after the bars but his son is died yesterday. Reason is not clear in front of media nd all after his death is an accident or murder. What u think about it boss?!
VR : whatever the matter is even if it is murder then there must be a strong enough reason otherwise ZS never cross the limits of humanity. ZS has strong ethics so no need to discuss more. Keep an eye on investigation dept. nd if they get any proofs against ZS then destroy it but I m sure there is not a single proof left though do for safe a side
Angre : yes boss
Nd Angre left from there
Scenes change
ZS mansion
After getting news
Khanna: Zoya u did it?! (With full concern nd fear for her what if she gets arrested)
ZS : Yes khanna any doubt (rolling eyes)
K : why u did this for me ? What is the need of doing that?! Agr apko kuch ho jata to nd agr unke koi proof mil gya apke against to kya hoga did u even think of that (first time he shouted on her with that much right)
R : no need to worry Khanna nothing is left for them even if they get proof then whom they will arrest as no one knows that I m ZS
K : but..(cut by her)
R : khanna. I had already lost so many precious things nd loved ones nd rhi bat ye sab krne ki to let me remind u I m zoya which means zindagi, i have only the name on sake of my parents nothing else as their last memory. The name zoya nd my life itself the last thing which I had from them so how can I afford to loss the meaning of my name that zindagi. His son have captured a small baby which is only about to 6 or 7 years nd was about to harm her so I have to do it but his death is only due to him. I saved that baby nd we were running from there but in curiosity to kill ZS leads him to death as he shooted but it missed nd that bullet went to gas silinder so he died there only nd we saved so …
Now leave all this now nd be relaxed
K : but u want do anything again this alone next time
R : sure my dear over protective bodyguard cum bhai (with smile, giggling)
Dadu : what u both r doing there come let’s eat breakfast it is already late
R nd k : ohk dadu we r coming
All trio had their lunch nd part away
Scenes change
In Ridhima’s room
Ridhu is roaming in her room from right to left nd left to right nd think something
Ridhu’s POV..
Don’t know why but I really wanna talk to Mr.stranger nd wanna meet him too. Should I call him!? What will he think of me if I call him?! Should i go to meet him?! (Making weird faces) whatever let’s try once if he picks my call in one go then I will go further or else I’ll forget him(with stern)
POV ends.
She calls but he doesn’t pick it initially nd as the call was about to end he picks it up …
VR : hi. Ridhima right?!(hiding his excitement nd joy yet can’t hide his smile that visible by pair of eyes obviously Angre)
R : yes. It’s me only. I was asking u that …(stammering)
V : I m listening go ahead (with full curiosity)
R : r u free today I mean whole day I mean vo .. m
V : yes yes I agree today. U tell something important ?! Need any help?!
R : can’t I call u without any need of urs nd BTW I was thinking about to give u treat but u here show me ur zumba size ego. Now I changed my mind I think u r not interested in talking to me . It’s ohk I m ending the call
V : offo dear I was showing my concern for u not my ZUMBO SIZE EGO (both spoke this words in loud tone to highlight it) . BTW r u asking me for a date not bad (with teasing tone)
R : no I m not talking about date I m talking about to give u a treat to help me nd as u r my stranger so (pissed teeth while realizing that she used ‘my’ word for him nd hit her palm on her forehead)
VR was happy after listening word for him from her nd not to make her embarrassed he acts as he missed the word my
V : so ?!
R : can u meet me today for a treat?! I mean if u r free then we can go nd spend sometime with eachother if u have any prob.. (cut her in between)
V : no I m free today so I m ready for a treat of urs
R : ohk then I will text u the add nd time be on time Mr. Stranger
V : as u said Ms.mam. u know I m very punctual so .
R : now bye I have to be ready for a treat nd also have to do arrangements so bye will meet u soon
V : ohk bye take care meet u soon Ms
Call ends here only
VR’s happiness is on top which make Angre smile nd help VR to get ready for date cum treat
VR’s look….
Ridhu’s look….
(Adjust with this pics only dear readers)
Ridhu comes downstairs nd asked dadu
R : dadu how am I looking?!
Dadu : from when u started behaving like typical girls haan?! ( teasing her nd also shocked too (bcoz she never behaves like that much girl nd now she asked about her look jatka ka to lgega na kisi ko b))
R : I m going to meet someone now plz don’t ask me who why nd bla bla bla.ohk I m telling u that I m going to meet Mr.stranger nd don’t I will take care of myself. Don’t need to worry nd no further questions now tell me how m I looking?!
Dadu : hmm ( seeing her from top to bottom to irritate or to tease her nd put his finger on his chin) not bad Ridhu. Perfect for a date
R : dadi I m not going for date now bye I m going I m already late. I will be back at night dadu ( unknowingly blushed nd tried to hide her smile nd excitement)
Riansh reached at the restaurant where she has already booked a corne
(don’t think negative here or else she will run away )
Episode ends here only
Precap :
Riansh’s treat cum date
The post Riansh: Discover the love life# Epi 7. One Step of Ridhu towards VR urf stranger (by Devanshi8) appeared first on Telly Updates.
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