Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Riansh: Discover the love life# 3. Marriage proposal for ridhu(by Devanshi8)


Thank u so much to all of them who supporting me by their comments. It really means to me. Keep commenting nd supporting too guys
Episode starts from arguments of ridhu dadu nd khanna
Dadu : u r not that good at lieing Ridhu. Stop acting I know everything what messed u done today in wedding
R : m sorry dadu but trust me there is no other way to. (cut by dadu)
Dadu : that I don’t know ridhu. The thing matters to me is only u nd ur safety,ur life I don’t care about anyone else if ur life is on risk. Do u have any idea if u got caught then they will .. Just plz for God’s sake grow up nd live ur own life not for u then for me plz bete already I loss so many love ones I can’taffordto loss u

(nd with this dadu used trump card of emotional blackmail nd she has too tears nd hugged him assuring that nothing bad will happen to her). I know ur intentions are absolutely right but that doesn’t mean u do this kind of stunt nd
R : sorry dadu. I swear I will not put my life at any risk again pakka. Plz maf kr do dadu sorry(with puppy eyes that too holding ears)
Dadu : ohk but only on 1 condition
R : ohk done I agreed tell me what is it?!(with relief that finally all sorted)
Dadu: u are going tomorrow at cruise party to meet 1 of my relatives son
R : ohk fone dadi tell me in which type of contract I mean reason?!
All trio have started dinner with convo
Dadu : first promise me u won’t deny
R : ohk(with confused look though agreed or else dadu will again start with his full size lecture which will be minimum of 1 hr for sure)
Dadu : u r going to meet him for talking about ur marriage (with victorious look bcoz she can’t deny afterall she had promised him nd she never get back her promise nor even break it)
Ridhu splits out the food just she ate due to sudden shock , khanna enjoys all these bcoz he very well know both duo are equal stubborn nd excited to see who wins
R : dadi not done. u mislead me nd took promise for marriage proposal. Dadu (making face of crying)
Dadu: I mnot saying that u r going to marry him tomorrow just go nd if there is no problem in that man I myself will stop there only talk of marriage. Now it’s done no more argues now. Just finished it dinner go back to room nd sleep u r going tomorrow nd we both also will come that u can’t do any mess with that poor man
R : koi option choda kha he apne.(with irritate) ja rhi hu kal but if he is not fit in my would be husband list then I won’t agree dadu
Dadu: done then
All trio parts away nd Khanna is the one who very well know that this silence is of upcoming storm bcoz ridhu ended up with her desire only

Scenes changes to vangre
Both came VR mansion after finalizing their deal
Vansh: Angre I told u to get info of that both are same or different
A : yes boss I will surely find it out soon don’t worry
V : hmm
Authors pov
Vansh went to his room nd after freshen up nd dinner he is going to sleep but he is thinking about our ridhu since they met. He holds that ring nd remembered about their first meeting nd her attitude towards him nd smirks nd said will meet u soon
Later Angre came to him nd gave info of ridhu that she is party planner or wedding planner with her friend sejal known as RS company nd also said that to not got the info who is in car nd on 2nd talks Vansh got angry nd told to get soon all info nd Angre left
Later Vansh gave a smirk nd murmured that as I said will meet u soon see I got all info soon we’ll meet
Next day
Ridhu’s POV..
Sorry dadu but I had promised u only to meet him not to marry him nor of agreement so that if ur that man will run away then it won’t be my fault bcoz I m not going to marry anyone untill clearance my whole past. I know u won’t tell me anything about that nor Khanna but I myself will find it out the reason for staying away from my bhai
POV ends
Author’s pov...
Vansh nd Angre both are ready to go at cruise nd soon they reached there
Here ridhu,khanna nd dadu also reached to cruise
Both the parties I means of riansh reached there nd also took an entry there
Dadu : (with angry glare) Ridhu don’t do any blunder again here with that guy. He is so polite. Don’t mess again
R (with irritating look): u told me this 100 of times dadu. I won’t threaten him nor even stare him nd if u still have doubt on ur ridhu(puppy eyes) then let’s cancel it nd go back to home.
Dadu: ohk I trust u don’t threaten him not ur so called pagalpan u will do in front of him to make him afraid nd deny for marrying
R : ohk(pretend as an obedient child)
While all this Khanna tried his best to not laugh nd sealed his mouth as Ridhu has already made an idea to get rid of that so called man

Here vansh is at bar counter gulping shots 1 after 1
Then Ridhu comes there nd instructing the waiter to split the food when she signs nd show that waiter his pic on whom he has to split the food nd all this noticed by our most loveable VR nd waiter agreed for it
VR’S pov
I was drinking nd I heard the familiar voice but before I can turn to her I was hell shocked listening her convo that she is instructing a waiter cum threatening him to spoil someone’s clothes nd to make him angry by hook nd crook.
She is looking pretty cute nd at the same time she is looking dangerous 1 among the world the way she threatened that waiter I must say just like me how I used to get info from pawn of enemies.
POV ends
Interesting very interesting
I m impressed sweetheart vansh said in his own way
Nd After this VR’S all attention is only on his sweetheart though he is yet confused by his inner emotions towards her he can’t take his eyes off from her nd waiting for her next move

Here waiter leaves from there nd now there is no one except riansh , ridhima has no idea of his presence so she continued her talks with his bappa
Said( in low voice but enough for listening him ) : sorry bappa but u know very well that I m stuck I can’t deny my dadu as I promised him nd love him too but also don’t want to marry that stupid guy nor I m interested to talk to him. I know I m going to do bad to that guy but he has to deny this marriage proposal or else I won’t spare him nd the consequences will be harmful for him too afterall I m ridhima not letting anyone to do against my wish. Help me bappa nd bless me too to get rid of so called wedding proposal

Vansh eyes became widened listening her

That’s all for today.
Precap : Ridhima’s all plans goes fail to make him deny for marriage!! Now what will happen will she accept this proposal?!

Comments down who is that man approached by her dadu for marriage??! Nd why VR gets shocked

The post Riansh: Discover the love life# 3. Marriage proposal for ridhu(by Devanshi8) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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