First of all thanks to all. Thank u thank u so much who gave their precious comments so here I m with its 1st episode.
Ohh. I forgot to tell that here ridhima is not poor her financial status will be revealed later slowly slowly in upcoming so here we go
Wedding hall is fully decorated here. All workers are wondering here nd there bcoz the bride’s father nd groom is very dangerous if they find any blunder then will not spare anyone. They hired 1 of the most well known wedding planners nd that is (later reveal)
1 look for VR..
Here VR is full to ready to go but in mid way his car stopped due to technical issues
VR’s POV : what the bl***y hell is this?! Till morning today everything is just messed up.
Then I called Angre as u all know to get a car immediately as I have to go urgently at deal’s location. So here I m waiting for my car’s arrival after calling Angre
Scene changes to wedding hall
Here bride came nd sat in front of obviously her groom (it is of Muslim wedding so..instead of sit beside she sat in front of him)
So as the ritual kazi saheb asked the bride for her acceptance nd boom Bride suddenly stand up nd said that qubool ni hai ( don’t accept) nd without waiting for any reaction she just started to run away…
Flashback start…
Before flashback I think now I should reveal that company’s name it is none other than RS’s I mean our ridhima nd sejal so start..
Here sejal has finished all set up of wedding arrangements nd 1 last time go with ridhima to bride for any need that she has to but they got to know that bride is being forced to marry with someone that she doesn’t want to do nd the reason of wedding is that only that groom had tried to molest her so for their family’s so called reputation to wind up this matter they are going to make her marriage with him. After knowing this story ridhima made the bride ran away with sejal nd then someone knocked the door so that to give their time to run away , ridhima took an etire of bride with lehnga nd under that she wore her Jean’s pant nd shoes too for her comforts
Nd baki ka pta hi he..
Flashback end
Nobody is able to see the real face under veil so she came out from that area nd unable to find her own car so she just searching for it nd finally she got the car which dikki is opened fortunately nd that very moment 1 of the goon reached there so without wasting any second she shifted to dikky nd then the driver started the journey. Wedding drama is end here only bcoz both real nd fake brides ran away safely.
Later the car stopped for a while nd then ridhima came out from it nd runs from there nd thud.
.not finished yet she bumped into her actual groom VR’s back.
VR : What the hell?! ( without looking)
R: M so sorry Mr. But ur fault is also there why r u standing in the mid way just side away don’t u learn in childhood to not to stand in mid between the road
VR’s POV : something is in forced jumped l to my back nd I turned to see nd realised that it is not something it is someone looking very pretty,cute,sweet but her manners not match with her look. It is clearly her fault though she dares to argue with me me the VR.
VR: listen miss I don’t want to do any argue with u. Nd how dare u to talk..
R: listen mr even I m not dying to talk to u so good bye nd ran from there without giving him time to respond nd said looking at VR this is only ur fault Mr. Tall man
VR’s pov: unfortunately I m busy in adoring her beauty nd somehow shocked that bride’s look with Jean’s nd shoes. Interesting very interesting. WTH she is giving me attitude here nd I m praising so that I was just going to reply her but she again cut me nd show her attitude nd without giving time to respond she ran away nd what she said Mr.tall. yes I m tall but isn’t it sound weird in listening nd me that Instead of becoming angry I was adoring her. Later I realized that in talk with her I m getting late so I m going to my car i.e at opposite side of road
So here 1st episode end
Precap: Oh shit seju I have to find my ring it is very special to me
I m going nd she climbed out the wall nd enter inside the big mansion nd she is about to go but again bumped into someone
So there is suspence for viewers who is the person in precap?!
The post Riansh: Discover the love life# 1. Unknowingly help the love appeared first on Telly Updates.
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