Link to Episode 27:
Hi Varshini, thank you!
Hi AarushiSoni, that is very sweet of you. My ID is – autumnesque. I’ll link it in the comments section in one of the coming updates. I’m so glad you liked the episode, means a lot to me.
Hi Anannya07, thank you so much.
Hi Nobara, thank you so, so much! That honestly means a lot to me.
Hi Cutuuu, I’ll start uploading it on wattpad sometime this month hopefully, I’d let you all know. Thank you, so glad you liked it.
Hi Aisha08, thank you.
Hi Tanvi_5117, thank you so, so much! I’m very humbled.
Hi N Ayesha, thank you.
Hi Acchu, thank you! This episode is all about RiAnsh, hope you like it
Hi KV2711, I’m so happy you liked the previous episode over-all. It was the last bit from the main crux of the story. Thank you so much! I’ll surely update on wattpad.
Hi Sandra, thank you so much!
Hi Sumisha, thank you!
Hi Aafrin, thanks a lot.
Hi Chhavi, so sorry to make you cry, but thanks for reading and commenting anyway! I’ll surely try uploading on wattpad.
Hi Jayanthi, it’s okay. I get life is really picking pace now because of the lockdown being lifted and things falling back to place. You’re right when you say half the policies in organisations aren’t effective. I was recently binge-watching this show called The Bold Type and it had an episode talking about workplace assault which is so disheartening to hear about. And of course, you said it right, there’s corruption and selfishness at very single stage. Thank you so, so much! I’ve always looked forward to reading from you and I’m so glad to have you as a reader. I’m honestly so overwhelmed that the messages are all been taken in good spirit
Hi Riansh, thanks so much.
Hi Neetu, thank you!
Hi @Mj, thank you.
Hi Priyanka Thakur, thank you so much. So happy you liked the previous episode. I’ll surely try uploading on wattpad.
Hi Palak, thank you.
Hi Jayashree, thank you so, so much!
Hi Priyadarshini, thank you.
Hi JJ, thanks a lot.
Hi Vkjhp, thank you.
Hi Sree, thanks so much.
Hi Sayani Sinha, thank you!
Hi Parita, thank you so much! So happy you liked the episode
Hi Nia, thank you so much! Yes, Sapna was raped after Riddhima’s birth – like when she was 5-6 years old, and she didn’t want to fight just because of the labels that’d be attached to her daughter. Plus, a rape survivor’s life isn’t very easy to live that too with a child. I’m so glad to have written Vansh and Ishani’s conversation despite feeling like tiptoeing on ice because it felt very important. I’m glad you liked stories behind each character because sometimes it feels too much of content to me lol. I’ll try uploading these stories on wattpad sometime this month and would link my handle in the comments section. And, posting this soon to meet your expectations haha.
Hi Mary, the entire motive of this story was to reflect that. Both Payal and Sapna first cared for their daughters’ lives, regardless of everything that happened. Thank you so much, you’re too kind. This chapter is all about RiAnsh, hope you like it. I’ll try uploading these FFs on wattpad.
A month later,
Riddhima furrowed her brows and looked around as the car halted in front of her, blocking her way. She hated how some people misbehaved on streets and she was almost to give the driver an earful. However, when the driver rolled down the windows of the car, she was pleasantly surprised.
Riddhima (smiling): What’re you doing here?
Vansh: I thought I’d drop by and pick you up because you said you didn’t have a ride back home, but… (looking beside her) things look different here.
Riddhima: Oh yes, Di was busy, and she needed the car too, so Lakshya came by. Meet him, he’s Lakshya. And this is…
Lakshya (interrupting): Vansh. (forwarding his hand) Hello, it’s nice to meet you finally. I’ve heard a lot about you.
Vansh (nodding his head rigidly): Nice to meet you too. (unlocking the car and pushing the door open) Shall we leave, Riddhima?
Riddhima: But Lakshya came all the way…
Vansh: I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I drop my fiancé home.
Riddhima: Vansh, what is…
Lakshya (chuckling softly): It’s okay, Riddhima. The two of you carry on, I’ll just let Ragini know. (drawing the car keys from his pocket) Chalo, I’ll see you around. Bye!
As he walked away toward his own, Riddhima stared at him for a split second, torn between her decision. He’d driven all the way to the clinic just to drop her home and Vansh had just turned him away. She shook her head and got inside the car, feeling irritated at his actions.
She strapped the seatbelt around herself and retired against the seat, holding her silence. There were multiple times when she hated Vansh for his outright behaviour. She looked at him for a small second, knowing extremely well that he’d no regret for his action. Inhaling a deep breath, she turned away and looked outside at the roads.
Vansh: How was the session?
Riddhima: Fine.
Vansh: I’m honestly glad the therapy is helping you. For Ishani, we were thinking of shifting to a better psychologist who’d listen to her problems rather than just prescribing medicines.
Riddhima: Hm.
Vansh: Did you get a response from the latest interview?
Riddhima: Hm.
Vansh: And what did they say?
Riddhima: That I could join from next month.
Vansh: And you’re telling me now? Weren’t you too excited for this job offer?
Riddhima: I still am.
Vansh: Is everything okay? You sound too cold for someone who’s gotten a job they wanted.
Riddhima: Well, I’m glad you’re noticing after we’ve come half-way through. I certainly didn’t expect you to.
Vansh: What’s happened, Riddhima? Did I do something?
She turned around in her seat and looked at him in exasperation. How could he not even realize what he’d done? She exhaled a harsh breath, trying to rid herself of the desire for giving him an earful.
Riddhima: What was that behaviour at the clinic? Lakshya was being extremely kind and what do you do? Give him that cold and steely behaviour in return?
Vansh: Well, he was also being over-friendly. With me and with you too.
Riddhima (furrowing her brows): He was just being friendly. The two of us have been good friends since college and he was just being the same. There was nothing wrong with it.
Vansh wrapped his fingers around the wheel tighter and stared at the road in front of himself. Why did Riddhima always have to be so difficult? There were times when he wished she’d view situations from his perspective too and understand how much he loved her.
Riddhima: You can’t be jealous of anyone and everyone I talk to, Vansh. This is pure madness! You can’t be controlling who I become friends with and don’t.
She inhaled a sharp breath and turned around, not wanting to argue any further. Over the past month, Vansh had grown extremely possessive of her, and she hated how he made every situation seem like. She knew the two of them were engaged and were soon getting married, but that hadn’t given him the license to control her.
Vansh: Can’t we not talk about something else?
Riddhima: No. Not until we get this cleared for once and all.
Vansh mentally berated himself and almost wanted to pull at his hair in frustration. They’d had this conversation ample number of times, but each time he’d carefully driven away from it, wanting to escape from the accusations. He knew what he’d done was wrong, but in the moment, he always tended to lose his self-control.
When Vansh halted the car at the signal, Riddhima was looking down at her phone, mindlessly scrolling through social media. He’d noticed how she used social media to escape her frustration and irritation while thinking about the scenario in more depth. Moments later, a car honked from behind and he looked away to shift the gearstick to drive, letting the silence and tension to linger in the car.
Vansh screeched the car to a halt in front of her apartment and looked at her as she unfastened the seatbelt. She hadn’t uttered a word after that moment throughout the journey and he’d let the silence envelope them. However, as she began pulling at the car lock to get down, he cleared his throat to stop her.
Vansh: I want to tell you something.
Riddhima (turning around): It better be important because I don’t want to listen to your guiltless approach to the entire fiasco.
Vansh (inhaling deeply): My mother divorced Dad when we were about a year old and there’s never enough discussion on their relationship, but my father was a very controlling husband. He thought love gave him that license, and Mom filed a divorce exactly on that. And so, when he remarried, he never loved Ma. They’d no children because of that, not because Ma loved us way too much or anything of that sort.
Riddhima: Vansh, this isn’t something I should…
Vansh: It runs in my blood, and I really don’t do it because I wish to. I truly want to respect your choices and give you the space, but I lose my control in the moment. I know I sound crazy…
Riddhima pressed her palm over his on the gearstick and looked at him, her lips pressed into a small line. Over the past one month, the two of them had let each other occupy a fair share of their lives and she really appreciated that, but there were always some small incidents that brought up sensitive topics from the past. She looked at him and smiled softly.
Riddhima: You thought I’d laugh at you if you tell me this?
Vansh: No. I know it is crazy, plus I didn’t want to make things weird by talking about my parents.
Riddhima: Did it feel weird when I talked about mine? (looking at him shaking his head) Vansh, I know I don’t say this very often, but I’m willing to make this relationship work as much as you are. We’re not here for demeaning each other. If we can’t share stuff with each other now, do you think it will be easier when we’d have responsibilities?
Vansh (inhaling a deep breath): It feels good to hear these things from you, you know? It feels reassuring.
Riddhima: I like it better the other way. I don’t see myself in the philosophical lens.
Vansh: You’ve never talked about Lakshya before.
Riddhima (widening her eyes in realization): Oh right! I was sort-of unsure because I didn’t know how you’d react. He’s dating Ragini Di.
Vansh (scrunching his face): And why am I supposed to react?
Riddhima played with the loose thread of her jeans and continued staring at her lap. She’d tried avoiding this conversation in so long because she wasn’t sure how Vansh would react – or the kind of reaction she was expecting from him. She inhaled a deep breath and looked back at him.
Riddhima: I know our alliance turned out to be true only because of… uh, Angre Sir. You were actually supposed to marry Ragini Di and I guess you do have a soft spot for her.
Vansh laced their fingers together and slowly pressed her hand between his to assure her.
Vansh: I do have a soft spot for Ragini, not because I was going to marry her. But because she’s your older sister and I really respect her. In fact, I’m happy she’s moved on and is dating someone.
Riddhima: Moved on from where? She’s never dated before anyone before this. In fact, she took months to accept Lakshya’s proposal too.
Vansh (in a hesitant voice): Moved on from me?
Riddhima (chuckling): That day we only went to your house to reject the alliance, Vansh. I was really under the impression that you’d be a snobbish, arrogant and rich businessman.
Vansh tugged at their laced hands and pulled her closer to himself, their faces merely away. He could smell her distinct sandalwood scent in the air, and she felt both their breaths mingling in the distance. A course of electricity wavered through her at the proximity, and she smiled softly, looking directly into his eyes.
Vansh: And what do you think now?
Riddhima: You really want to know?
He nodded his head and looked at her, an expression of curiosity clouding his eyes. In the past one month, several aspects of their equation had swiftly changed for the better and he’d enjoyed every single bit of their growth. They’d begun embracing each other with their pluses and minuses, and he’d been extremely grateful for how far they’d come.
Riddhima: I think you’re snobbish and arrogant when you want to be, but you, Mr. Raisinghania, have a heart of gold. You can go to any lengths for your loved ones and I really love you for that. For everything that you are and…
She paused in between and inhaled a deep breath before closing her eyes in anticipation. She could almost swear that she couldn’t form coherent words with their growing proximity and as his lips settled upon hers, she felt the electricity burn her. With her fingers pressed on his shirt, she clutched onto the fabric tighter – her nails almost digging through.
The muscles in her stomach clenched and she held onto him for dear support, wanting nothing more in that moment. She couldn’t care if anyone watched them, but Vansh slowly dropped the visor sunshade to save her from the discomfort. He knew she’d always been weary of people.
When she looked at him for a split second, she felt her eyes moisten and she almost clung onto him. She loved this man so damn much.
That’d be it for this episode. I wanted to highlight the fact that jealousy and possessiveness is not always something to be glorified, but feel free to express your views on it. Thank you for reading and stay safe everyone!
The post RIANSH: Becoming Mrs. Raisinghania – Episode 28 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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