Monday, 26 July 2021

Ishq Mein Marjawan FF #Ishq Nahi Aasan (Episode 61)


Hey guys , here is new episode . Do leave your opinions in comment section.

Happy Reading!

Episode 61:-


Sameeksha is talking to her parents.

Mr.Chowdhary – “ So this was his plan !”

Sameeksha – “ Didn’t I told you Dev is about to do something? “.

Mrs.Chowdhary – “But it can be solved by a small engagement and we can extent marriage date for sometime . By the time, you can take revenge from then”.

Mr.Chowdhary – “ It won’t work.. Dev planned all this for marriage only. They won’t settle for anything less”.

Sameeksha – “ Exactly, Dad is right . Dev has planned something for sure. This marriage is a trap  “.

Mrs.Chowdhary – “ So, are going to marry him?”

Sameeksha – “ Never ! I won’t marry that Devil for sure . I will find out some way out”.

Mr.Chowdhary – “ By the way, what about tomorrow?”

Sameeksha – “ Dev will come to meet you both , tomorrow evening. And court is yours . You both have to handle him and you know what I mean .. “.

Mrs.Chowdhary – “ Yes,  dear .. Leave it to us . I will make the script and we will execute it well “.

Mr.Chowdhary – “ You handle the morning program without being worried about evening program . Let’s give him a great treat tomorrow “.

Sameeksha smirks.


Dev and Sameeksha is sitting for a press meet. Journalists are curious and discussing with each other.

Sameeksha – “ I know , you all are curious to know why I called a press meet after sending a notice to all who reported news channels and newspaper about me and Dev. I want all of you to report the reality too”.

Dev – “ We have that person who defamed us , he is under police custody. Here is his confess video”.

Video is played on the screen for journalists.

Tripati speaks in the video.

Tripati – “ I made false news about Mr.Dev Raichand and Ms. Sameeksha Chowdhary  , as I had rivalry with Mr.Dev”.

Journalists are shocked.

Journalist 1 – “So that means you don’t have any personal relationship ? But Mr.Dev Raichand had told us that you both are getting married “.

Sameeksha – “ My personal life shouldn’t bother you guys . I need not give you all any explanation. Since this has become news content, I thought it’s better to clear the news about my affair. It’s true that I am in a relationship with Dev Raichand, we are in love . That’s true “.

Journalist 2 – “ So, it’s true that you came in between Dev and his ex girlfriend which lead to their breakup “.

Dev – “ Sameeksha never came in between me and Trisha “.

Sameeksha – “ I know if we tell anything you will find it everything as lies .Your doubts will be cleared by someone really genuine “.

Sameeksha smirks and looks to the side and everyone eyes are on the person.

It’s Trisha , she comes and sit near Sameeksha . Sameeksha smirks.

(Fb:- Last Night ,

Sameeksha – “ I want to conduct a press meet and I want Trisha there. If she tells everyone the truth , everyone will believe it. She is your best friend, right? Won’t she help us ?”

Dev looks her and nods his head)

Sameeksha – “Trisha will tell everything now “.

Trisha isn’t much happy but pretend to be happy.

Trisha – “ I know all of you are considering me as a victim but it’s not true. Dev is my childhood friend and we share everything with each other. We mistook our friendship as love but when we realized that we are good as friends. That’s the reason why we called off our engagement.   We are still friends and our friendship will remain forever. I am the one who encouraged Dev to propose Sameeksha . Sameeksha is Dev’s love and I am his friend “.

Before anyone could ask anything further. Sameeksha takes over the mic.

Sameeksha – “I hope everything is clear now . We will get married very soon.  I’m in good terms with Trisha “.

A photographer ask Sameeksha and Dev to pose .

Trisha gets sidelined . She gets jealous seeing Dev standing with Sameeksha .

She breaks a glass in jealousy. Dev see this and worried. Sameeksha see it and enjoys the sight.

Then Dev walks towards Trisha and sees Trisha’s bleeding hand. He ties kerchief on her hand. Sameeksha looks Trisha’s hand.

Sameeksha – “ What happened?”

Trisha- “ A piece of glass pierced on my hand “.

Sameeksha stands near to Trisha and whispers in Trisha’s ears.

Sameeksha (whispers) – “ Physical wounds gets healed but if heart gets wounded in love it won’t heal . Remember what you told to media, you are his friend and I am Dev’s love. Don’t you dare come in between us”.

Trisha gets angry. Sameeksha smiles. Dev gets worried.

Sameeksha – “ Dev ,I am leaving for my office. Don’t forget to meet my parents at my home “.

Sameeksha leaves. Dev looks on while Trisha controls her anger.

Raichand Mansion,

Trisha and Dev is inside his room. Trisha is sitting on the bed , her hand is dressed. Dev is standing.

Trisha tightly holds her wounded her hand in anger and it start to bleed . Dev notice it and comes to her. He looks her hand and gets worried.

Dev – “ Are you mad ? See, it’s bleeding. Why don’t you control your anger?”

Trisha (angrily) – “ Dev, change the plan. I can’t see you with her . I stand that sight , you & she being close “.

Dev – “ Trisha, I told you that it’s just a drama . At this point of time, it’s important to find out if she is Samika or not. Problems are increasing day by day, somebody is behind our family. If Sameeksha is Samika , then it’s confirmed that she is the one behind everything”.

Trisha – “ Even before, it started as drama only but …. everything got changed ..  you changed.. our relationship changed.. I don’t want to lose you .. I can’t live without you, Dev . I can’t..  “.

Trisha starts to breakdown. Dev hugs her and console.

Dev – “ Nothing changes, this is just a drama. I won’t leave you alone . I will be there for you always “.

Trisha – “ Just finish it all as soon as possible “.

Dev – “ I will “.

Dev gets determined .

Dev(thinks) – “I want to know the truth about you Sameeksha Chowdhary. I really want to… do whatever you want I won’t let you ruin my plan . This time I won’t make any mistake, you are trapped. If you are Samika , you will get exposed for sure”.

Evening, Sameeksha’s house.
Dev and Mr.Chowdhary is sitting in the backyard. Mrs.Chowdhary is standing away from them talking to someone over phone.
Mr.Chowdhary – “Sakshi will be back in 2minutes. Let’s talk”.
Dev – “ Yeah..”.
Mr.Chowdhary – “To be really frank, I am not much interested in this relationship of my daughter with you. I have my own reasons “.
Dev – “ Trust me, I will take care of Sameeksha till my last breath”.
Mr.Chowdhary – “My daughter is capable to take care of herself. That’s how we have raised her up. She needs a life partner who understands her, stand by her always, someone who is completely loyal to her and loves her than anything in this world. This is what we expect from her to be husband and do you think you will be able to someone like that?”
Mr.Chowdhary looks him sternly. Dev smiles .
Dev – “Sameeksha means world to me. You may find it difficult to believe my words but at least you can trust your daughter’s choice”.
Mr.Chowdhary – “Even experts make wrong choice sometime..”
Mrs. Sakshi Chowdhary comes back and sits nears Mr.Chowdhary.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “Now you stop treating him like a criminal who is manipulative, cunning and crooked”.
Dev finds her words pointing towards him indirectly. She signs at Tea cup kept on his side and signs him to have it. She smiles but Mr.Chowdhary’s face doesn’t change. Dev sips Tea. Mr.Chowdhary’s eyes are over Dev and Dev notices it.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “Sam is everything to us . We always make sure that she has things which are perfect. She is our only daughter and for us her happiness is our top priority. Dev, Our Sam does everything wholeheartedly; let it be business, friendship, love or even enmity. If her love is a boon, then wrath is fatal”.

Dev gets perplexed by Mrs.Chowdhary’s remark.
Dev – “I love her sincerely. I don’t know how to prove it. If you know some way, you tell me I will do it”.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “Dev, we didn’t want you to do some stunts to prove your love. Being parents it’s our duty to make sure that our daughter have a good life partner”.

Mr.Chowdhary – “ When Sam told me about your relationship , I asked what made her say ‘Yes’ to your love. She told me that she feels something different with you. To be frank , I really don’t understand this concept of love at first sight and all . I feel love for a person begins when we start to understand that person”.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ He doesn’t mean to say that you are not good , all he meant is that Sam doesn’t anyone very often. And if she like someone she does everything to make their life better”.
Dev – “I can understand your concern. I respect your feeling. Sameeksha is really lucky to have you both as her parents who always stand by her for her happiness”.
Mr.Chowdhary – “ Dev, what do you know about my daughter?”
Dev looks him with a confused face. Mrs.Chowdhary looks Mr.Chowdhary and then smiles at Dev.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ Dev, we can’t say ‘No’ to Sam . We can accept you for Sam . As far as we know you are a good person – good at business, good looking , smart. But before we decide about the marriage, you should know Sam well. Our daughter is best at everything but she is not someone with flaws”.
Dev – “ No one is perfect . But I don’t get you “.
Mr.Chowdhary – “ Sakshi , our Sam is perfect . Don’t talk like she has major problem”.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ For every parent their child is special , but when it comes to decisions like marriage we should be transparent with our future son-in-law. Hope you understood my point, Dev”.
Mrs.Chowdhary looks Mr.Chowdhary to assure him. Dev is left confused.
Dev – “You can tell me anything , you need not worry. My love won’t change in any circumstances”.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “That’s all we want from you. Sam is little possessive about everything and everyone she have in her life. Now you are special to her. Sam won’t shout or create a scene if she doesn’t like anything but her expressions can communicate whether she is upset or not. But sometimes her actions can get dangerous if gets angry”.
Mr.Chowdhary – “ Dev , it’s simple . If anyone hurts Sam or anyone she love , she won’t spare them. When found that getting engaged with your childhood friend was a mistake , you called off that marriage. It’s normal and nothing wrong in it. Now you feel like Sam is your true love , but what if you feel otherwise in future? But let me remind you , don’t you ever think to cheat our daughter . It will be your last mistake in this life”.
Dev – “ I won’t cheat her … why would I do so ? She is my true love; I will stand by her always. She is my first priority. My love for her won’t vanish not even by distance or time or people. Today, you may have doubt on my love for her but time will give proof for my love for her”.
Mr.Chowdhary (thinks) – “ So this is how you flattered my friend and his family. I know very well about your ‘True love’ which destroyed by friend’s family. But this time Raichands will be finished”.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ Dev, we want to see power of your love for our daughter . Ask your family to come and meet us”.
Mr.Chowdhary – “We want to talk to them about your marriage”.
Dev – “Sure , my family will come with proposal officially”.

Mrs.Chowdhary – “Yeah , that’s great. Please do inform us a day before your family wants meet us “.
Dev – “ Yes ,Of course. So I take leave now. See you and take care”.
Mr.Chowdhary – “ Okay , bye”.

Raichand Mansion,
Daksh is sitting his room and he playing with a ball. Menaka Raichand walks in and pats on his shoulder. He turns his head and looks her.
Daksh – “What?”
Menaka Raichand – “You are here playing with ball like child and on other side Dev is going to get married”.
Daksh – “ So ,you saw that press meet. That doesn’t mean they will get married. Her family won’t agree”.
Menaka Raichand-“ Now stop living in false hope, Dev has already persuaded Sameeksha’s family for their marriage. Day after tomorrow, we all are going to her house to fix the marriage”.
Daksh gets up in shock. Menaka smiles sarcastically.
Daksh –“ What? But how ?”
Menaka Raichand – “It happened because Dev keep his words. He tell something only when he can fulfill it. Now you leave your stupid ego and get ready for eating sweets on your younger brother’s wedding”.

She leaves the room. Daksh gets angry and hits the wall.
Daksh –“I won’t let this happen”.

Sameeksha’s office.
Sameeksha and Dev is talking over phone.
Dev- “ Didn’t I told you that I will convince your parents? No one can escape from my charm , darling”.
Sameeksha – “ It’s not because of your charm but it’s because of our love , they agreed”.
Dev – “ Our love has doubled my charm.. “.
Sameeksha – “ Oho really.. anyway my Mom is happy and Dad is like okay after meeting you . I hope everything will be fine with time”.
Dev – “Yes. My family will come to your home day after tomorrow . I hope that meeting turns out really good”.
Sameeksha – “Yeah.. okay then, now I have some work . I will call you once I reach home”.
Dev – “Okay, my love”.
Sameeksha hangs up . Sameeksha gets into work. After sometime ,she gets a call from receptionist.
Receptionist-“ Ma’am someone has come to meet you”.
Sameeksha – “ Name ?”>
Receptionist – “ Daksh Raichand , Dev sir’s brother.. “.
Sameeksha gets surprised. Daksh is standing near reception desk.
Sameeksha – “Okay, let him in”.
Reception – “Yes , Ma’am”.
She cuts the call.
Receptionist –“ Sir , you can see her now”.
Daksh – “Okay”.
Daksh walks towards her cabin.
In Sameeksha’s cabin ,
Sameeksha (thinks) – “Daksh, I was waiting for you . But I never thought you will come so soon”.
Then she hears a knock on her door. She smirks. She pretends to be busy with some work.
Sameeksha – “Yes, come in”.
Daksh comes in . Sameeksha signs him to take the seat. He sits.
Sameeksha – “ What brought you here ?”
Daksh – “ Your marriage news”.

Sameeksha – “ Oho.. I hope you are here to congratulate me “.
Daksh – “ No, I am here to warn you”.
Sameeksha moves her eyes from laptop to Daksh.
Sameeksha – “What? I don’t get you”.
Daksh – “ Dev is my brother, but it’s not good if I don’t tell you about this “.
Sameeksha – “If you want to say something , say it directly instead of giving meme big introduction”.
Daksh – “ Dev, don’t love you . It’s all his drama. He is just fooling you for your wealth”.
Sameeksha (angrily) – “ Just shut up! How dare you ?”
Daksh – “Sometimes the truth is bitter. Raising voice won’t change the truth. Dev always loved Trisha , they have been in love for years and they were engaged too. Isn’t it strange that Dev broke his engagement with Trisha after meeting you ? Trisha loves him madly. She has no way other than supporting him. He wants to marry to just to get your money. You don’t know how crooked and cunning , he is..”.

Sameeksha – “ Enough is enough! Dev just love me . And he is just mine. You get it. Even if you say another such cooked up stories it won’t make any difference in our relationship. I am pretty aware of your intention behind this”.
Daksh – “ What do you mean ?”
Sameeksha – “You wished to marry me , you got jealous hearing thinking that the one who wished to marry is getting married to your younger brother. Isn’t it the matter?”.
Sameeksha looks him sternly. Daksh gets speechless for a while.
Daksh – “I really care for you , that’s the reason why I came here to warn about Dev’s vicious plan. My love is sincere , I don’t you to fall into trap”.
Sameeksha – “ Oho.. really ? You care for me ? You love me? You want me to believe your fake concern and love , what a joke ! Go & try these tricks on someone else”.
Daksh – “ Why are you always suspecting me? I don’t get it , what specialty does Dev has which I don’t have ?”
Sameeksha – “ Because you are a selfish person. And answer for your 2nd question, before I mention about Dev’s speciality. Let me tell you one thing , you don’t have any quality which gives a chance to compare you with Dev. Have you ever heard comparison between rotten egg and gold ? The case is same here”.
Daksh – “ What to do you mean?”
Sameeksha – “Simple, you are like rotten egg – neither you have character nor personality neither you have that status . Living on money earned by parents won’t make your class high , it’s your effort that decides your class. But Dev is really gold by character , personality, class and status which he has earned his own”.
Daksh fumes in anger hearing her insult but he controls. Sameeksha continues to insult him.
Sameeksha – “ And coming to why I chose Dev over you ? It’s simple Dev is the best, he is the person who I like. By the way, you were not even an option for me. My choices are always the best and it can’t be pathetic. And you don’t have that class to be my life partner. Dev is the only who deserves me”.
Daksh – “ You insulted me a lot today, one day you will realize your mistake of choosing Dev over me “
Sameeksha – “ That won’t happen . Now get lost , otherwise you will be thrown out”.
Daksh turns to leave in disappointment. But he turns back to her before leaving and looks her.
Daksh – “ Remember, all that glitters are not gold. I hope you rethink about all this. Otherwise go ahead, and one day , you will find yourself in Dev’s list of people who got cheated. Time will expose his fake face”.
Sameeksha looks him angrily. Daksh leaves. Sameeksha smile in an evil way.

Sameeksha’s house,Night.
Sameeksha and her parents are talking to each other.
Mr.Chowdhary – “ Dev is too smart , what an actor ! I really wished thatI could punch face when he was delivering dialogues about true love . I don’t know how I controlled my anger”.
Sameeksha – “ Even I use to get fumed when he talks about love, but now I feel like laughing seeing his acting. This is game is now interesting , I know that he is acting but I behaves I like he is genuine. On other side, he has doubt on me but he is also pretending like he is believing me. How was the meeting?”.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ We have done our part. Today ,we have tried to register your psycho image inside him”.
Sameeksha – “ He is Dev , he won’t believe all this easily. I know that well, but I asked you both to say those things to lay foundation for my future plans. But I am still confused about his motive behind this marriage drama”.
Mr.Chowdhary – “ But we need to find it . What’s your take ?”.
Sameeksha – “ That’s what making me confused. Why would a obsessive lover like Trisha ,let her lover marry someone else, whose presence makes her insecure? How did he convinced her for this ? ”

Mr.Chowdhary – “ Why would Dev marry someone who is suspect to be his enemy ? And that to when he knows that it can be harmful for his family”.
Sameeksha – “ Why would he do such things taking so much of risk ?”
Mr.Chowdhary – “ What if it’s Roma’s plan to take over Sameeksha’s wealth for themselves?”
Sameeksha – “ There is a chance for that too but still… Trisha is the one who makes me confused”.

Mrs.Chowdhary thinks and start to smile. She looks Sameeksha and Mr.Chowdhary.

Mrs.Chowdhary – “ Fighting an enemy is easier but what if the enemy is invisible ?”

Sameeksha – “Right, when your enemy is unknown to one person ;how will you fight the person?
It is the most dangerous situation, so anyone will take risk to find out their enemy. My identity is the crisis for them”.

Mr.Chowdhary – “ Explain the connection between your identity and marriage”.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ He is trying to find about her real identity. Marriage is a function where relatives and friends come together. Dev’s logic is simple , he is thinking that if her identity is fake ; he can get a clue from our relatives and friends during the functions. A situation where a single wrong move can be fatal”.
Mr.Chowdhary – “ Oho.. that’s it . It will be really a tough situation for us , once it reaches pre-wedding ceremonies”.
Sameeksha – “ We should plan to extent the date as much we can . That can happen only when problems arrive at every stage. But it shouldn’t look like it’s my plan. We need puppets”.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ Who is your choice ?”
Sameeksha – “ The weak links around Dev . I have started to initiate it . We need to bring out Trisha’s insecurity and jealousy to that extent that she turns out to be biggest hurdle for Dev’s plan. Daksh as the catalyst to execute our plan. Today, I have given both of them an initial dose. They maybe already started to feel insecured.

Raichand Mansion,
Trisha is in her room and she is thinking.
Trisha(thinks) – “ I hope this plan of Dev’s turn vicious for me. What if I lose him?
No.. never . I won’t let that happen! If she turns out to be real Samika, then I will kill her before Dev gets to know about her truth. Then my life will be in my hand, Dev will be always mine”.
She smirks.

Daksh is angrily looking Dev in their family photo and then looking Sameeksha’s photo in his laptop.
Daksh – “ Now this is my prestige issue. I won’t let this marriage happen. I won’t let Dev win this time. I will be the only one will marry her”.

On the other side, Sameeksha talking to her parents.

Sameeksha – “ We need to give them such doses repeatedly, so that they turn vulnerable and indirectly help us. Dev will fail in his plan this time too”.
Sameeksha smirks.
Raichand Mansion.
Dev (thinks) – “ You can’t find out , what is my real plan! You will understand that only once you are trapped completely”.

Split screen (in 4 parts)– Sameeksha , Dev ,Trisha and Daksh smirking .
Bgm– Ishq mein marjawan intense tune .

Precap:- Roma Raichand, Menaka Raichand and Shashikala Raichand has come to meet Sameeksha’s parents. 

Roma Raichand- “ I think we should now get our children married very soon”.

Mr.Chowdhary – “ This will be an alliance without any other business benefits. Completely personal”.

Shashikala Raichand- “ Dev and Sameeksha love each other , we only want to get them married”.

Mr.Chowdhary – “ Before deciding marriage, we need to talk about something”.

Raichands looks on. 

The post Ishq Mein Marjawan FF #Ishq Nahi Aasan (Episode 61) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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