Hello all thank you so much for the love shown. Here is next chapter
Chapter 26 Blood
Vansh is shocked at the sight he sees. He walks forward to see Ridhimaa lying in a pool of blood oozing from her hand. He takes her in his arms. Hearing all this Aryan rushes there with his mother
Aryan: What happened Vansh?
Vansh: Ridhimaa…Ridhimaa..she is losing a lot of blood..lets take her to the hospital soon
Mrs.Khundra: Aryan get the car fast
Aryan: Haan maa
Mrs Khundra: But who did this?
Vansh: Its all my fault..I should not have let her open the door…some idiot has shot her
Mrs.Khundra: But why didn’t he shoot in the chest if he really wanted to kill..leave it Vansh rush now
Vansh carries Ridhimaa and runs to the car. Once into the car he dials Angre
Angre is shocked to hear the news
Angre: Bhai Ill be there in few minutes
The call disconnects
Aman: What happened?
Angre: Someone shot Ridhimaa…
Veer: What? But who is that?
Karan: Lets ask that we are going to meet Ridhimaa
Everyone rush to the hospital except Gaurav, Maya and Chandrika. While Maya and Chandrika are talking the matter seriously Gaurav goes to his room and locks himself. Even Meghnand is unable to talk to him
The scene shifts to a Lonely tower
Shivaay along with Pankhuri, Harish and Avantika enters the tower room. He is surprised to find two people there
Pankhuri: They are Kartik and Naira my colleagues. Great wizards and awesome potion masters
Kartik: Hello Shivaay..nice to meet you
Shivaay and Kartik hug
Naira: The potion to break the connection is ready Pankhuri..
Shivaay: What kind of connection?
Kartik: To tell in lay man terms it’s something like hypnotism and brain reading. Dont worry this potion will work well
Shivaay: How do you find if the connection is broken or not?
Naira: Thats very simple Adi…once the connection is broken Haden will stop reading their minds and that will bring off the paleness from their face. They will become themselves again and then their memory will get back easily
Shivaay’s phone rings
Shivaay: Sir..
Voice: Shivaay I know that you are with Kartik Naira and Pankhuri but you have a bad news
Shivaay: Whats it sir?
Voice: Ridhimaa is shot..but in the hand..can you guess who did it and why did he do it?
Shivaay: What? She is shot and it is Of course…for blood
Voice: now…
Shivaay: Restoration of memory is very essential..
Voice: And.
Shivaay: The mastermind is coming out of darkness so the struggle has become complicated
Voice: Right..we need to keep every step carefully
Shivaay: Sir shall I visit Ridhu?
Voice: Dont act mad Shivaay. You have other works which are important
The call disconnects
Naira brings the potions to feed them to Harish and Avantika. They dont open their mouths but Naira succeeds in feeding them
Once they take the potions their heads get dizzy and they lose balance. Shivaay gets tensed
Pankhuri: Wait..dont worry they will be fine
Minutes pass by and they become better. Their eyes get back that happy shine. Their unknown paleness fades off and they gain a facial glow
Pankhuri: Now we can go to the ancestral house to bring back their memory
Shivaay: But Ridhu is shot now..her blood has been taken
Kartik: That means he ..he….
Naira: Haan Kartik he is planning to come out
Shivaay: One who brought the black forces out and lost himself last time…one who was supported by that fraud Nagesh
Kartik: That Nagesh killed my parents
Kartik clenches his fist in anger. Naira hugs him
Naira: Dont worry Kartik..this time we will avenge the death of everyone
The scene shifts to the hospital
Having lost lot of blood and losing consciousness Ridhimaa is under ventilator. Vansh looks at her from outside. Anger boils inside him . Angre and others reach there.
Angre: Bhai..what happened?
Vansh tells everything
Aman: Not a wizard is a muggle attack
Roshini: But she has lost blood Aman..blood..have you forgotten that?
Vansh turns around in a shock
Vansh: Blood? Do you mean…
Roshini: With this happening just after the starting of the struggle it looks like that
Aryan runs to them followed by Ranveer
Aryan: Vansh..Vansh I saw the cctv footage…the person who shot Ridhimaa collected her blood in a jar and ran away. His face was covered with a mask
Karan: This confirms it
Aryan: Confirms what?
Vansh: We will tell you later..guys stay here..Ill be back in sometime
Angre: Ill also come bhai
Vansh turns back and stares at Angre. Angre doesn’t speak any other word. Vansh leaves from there
Tree house in the forest
Vansh climbs the stairs and finds a man sleeping there. He wakes him up
Vansh: Uto…uto…arrey uto nah Ritik
The guy wakes up with a start
Ritik: Vansh…you have come here? Whats the matter that you have come to meet this forest dweller?
Vansh: They have collected Ridhimaa’s blood? Did you see any suspicious movement here?
Just then a snake creeps inside. On getting near Vansh it transforms into a girl
Vansh: Shivanya did you see them?
Shivanya nods in affirmation
Shivanya: Yesterday itself they planned to collect her blood but it did not happen as you weren’t there but now they have collected it
Vansh: What now?
Ritik: As we know the one who brought the dark force out last time will be out now again with her blood
Vansh: How to prevent that?
Shivanya: We cant…just get ready to fight the battle Vansh
Vansh: Arghh…
Ritik: You knew that this day will come…but with you conquering the curse it wont be difficult
Shivanya: Haan right..dont let your love become your weakness Vansh
Vansh nods..his mobile rings
Angre: Bhai
Ridhimaa gains consciousness. She gets terrified at something and shouts for Vansh. Roshini and Bani go to her
Bani: are you feeling?
Ridhimaa: Where is Vansh?
Roshini: He..he will are you now?
Ridhimaa: I want to meet Vansh at once..
Vansh: Im coming
Vansh disconnects the call
Vansh: Im leaving…but I need your help
Shivanya: Nagmani will be under our supervision all 24 hrs and you will get it at the right moment dont worry
Vansh rushes to the hospital. He opens the door and walks in. Ridhimaa runs to him and hugs him
Vansh: Ridhimaa.. Ridhimaa what happened?
Ridhimaa: Where did you go leaving me?
Vansh: An important work dear
Ridhimaa: Oh its more important than me?
Vansh breaks the hug. He makes her sit and cups her face
Vansh: Even my life is less important than you. You are the most important thing for me. The reason for going out is related to you
Ridhimaa: Marry me Vansh
Vansh is taken aback
Vansh: Achanak?
Ridhimaa: Haan the guy who shot me said that we will be separated very soon while shooting me
Vansh: But Ridhimaa
Ridhimaa: Please Vansh…if that bullet had hit my chest I would have died..and it may happen anytime. I dont want to die as Ms. Sharma without a family..I want to die as Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania
Vansh closes her mouth with his hand
Vansh: Dont talk about death my want to marry right..okay fine we will marry. But to live not to die
Ridhimaa’s eyes shed happy tears. Vansh hugs her. The episode freezes
Next Chapter: Miracle
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