Friday, 9 July 2021

Choti Sardarni: A Different Perspective (Chapter 5)




“Bzzzz. Bzzzz. Bzzzz.” The alarm from Sarab’s phone brought him out of his daze and he quickly reached out to the side table to shut it off. He looked back to see his beautiful wife sleeping peacefully  on his arm. “Thank god” he whispered. Sarab was lost admiring his wife and didn’t bother noticing the time. Meher had been back for a week but Sarab still felt like it was yesterday that he saw her in the ambulance.

Sarab looked and in front of him sitting in the ambulance was his Meherji. Sarab had just received a new life line but he couldn’t move. Sarab stood still, frozen like a statue. He saw his Meherji say his name through her tears which spilled out of her eyes, her beautiful eyes. Sarab stood still as he saw his Meherji get up and take a step uneasily out of the ambulance. As her foot was about to touch the ambulance’s step, she missed causing her to lose her balance. Right as she was about to fall Sarab was immediately out of his frozen state and in the blink of an eye stepped up and grabbed Meher before she fell. “Nine” said Meher slowly while smiling as Sarab held her. “This is the ninth time you held me and stopped me from falling” she said. Hearing the words leave her mouth and finding his Meherji so close to him, Sarab defensively pulled her close, Sarab pulled Meher to him and held her like his life depended on it. Meher felt his strong arms close in around her waist and back and as she put her head on Sarab’s shoulder she felt at peace after so long.

Revisting his memory Sarab instinctively pulled a sleeping Meher towards him, closing his left arm around her waist and defensively putting his right hand on her back. Sarab closed his eyes and breathed her scent, kissing the top of her head he could feel Meher move slightly. “I’m here” she said slowly waking from her sleep and smiling towards her handsome husband, “I’m not going anywhere” she said looking up at him and hugging him back. “Nor will I ever let you” said Sarab. They both closed their eyes, with Meher on top of Sarab, they could both feel the other’s heartbeat, its like they beat together, for each other. They’re breathing was calm and with every breath Sarab took he could smell his wife, it was therapeutic for him and slowly he dosed back to sleep. Sarab didn’t know how long he slept even his wife who was usually an early bird slept peacefully. The past week Sarab, Meher and the kids had used to catch up on everything and anything. With the kids, Sarab and Meher played games, helped with their schoolwork, cooked etc. When alone Meher shared with Sarab what happened and why she was gone for so long . All five of them had been sleeping late, much to Meher’s annoyance. She claimed It wasn’t a good idea to get the kids used to his schedule of sleeping late which prompted in Sarab’s cheeky remark of maybe she should let him sleep earlier and earning him a nudge from her elbow. As a result they were all tired and used today to catch up on their sleep. Hearing the usual commotion from the house, Meher slowly woke up and was shocked to see the time, trying to get up she found Sarab’s arms closed around her waist. Meher pushed his chest trying to get up only to be pulled back down by Sarab, “Meherji five minutes please” “Sarabjitji, its almost 12! I need to get ready, Meher tried to leave again and failed.” “Where do you need to go, I’m here” said Sarab. “Sarabjitji I need to shower, pray, get the kids ready and so much more. Please let me go” said Meher trying to get up again. Plus Harleen di and Jij are coming today with Kushi, I need to get things ready for them” continued Meher. “I forgot to tell you said Sarab pulling Meher back, Di and Jij won’t be coming until next week or so. Di called me yesterday and said that Kushi wanted to tour another couple of private schools before she decided where she wanted to go. Plus our aunty that lives there asked Harleen Di to stay at their place for a couple of days so they won’t be back for another 10 days or so said Sarab who was now awake. Anyways when Harleen Di and Momsy are here your too busy with them to spend any time with me so I’m going to make the most of these 10 days said Sarab. Suddenly noticing the time himself and pecking Meher’s forehead Sarab quickly got up and grabbing his phone went to get ready, you get ready too Meherji, quickly” he said leaving the room. “God knows what happens to Mr. Jatt in Toilet Meher said perturbed. Just now he wouldn’t let me get up and then he’s up and leaves shooshatak.” Shaking her head Meher heads to the bathroom to get ready for another day with her kids and Sarab, she loved being back, surrounded by the chaos and the noise her kids and Sarab brought. She thanked god everyday, finally things were getting back to normal. The first couple days were hard as the kids asked questions she didn’t have answers to and she herself was mentally and physically tired from everything that had happened. But now she had shared everything with Sarab and the kids had also forgotten the past. The kids finally had their long awaited vacation from school and being home all day they kept themselves busy with one mischief or the other. Sarab worked from home a lot constantly teasing her with a back hug or a quick peck on the cheeks. The absence of Harleen Di and Momsy had given Mr. Jatt in Toilet a little too much freedom, but Meher loved it. She was able to have lunch with Sarab and the kids, and they sometimes piled in the kitchen to help her cook dinner. Everything was perfect, it couldn’t get better Meher thought smiling to herself.

“Sahil, I want everything ready in two hours. I’ll bring Meher and the kids on time there. Make sure all the paperwork is done. I don’t want any issues going forward. All the preparations should be complete and did you inform them? Sarab asked. “Yes sir, I have done all the paperwork for everything and all the preparations are done. I have informed them and taken care of their things as well. You don’t worry about a thing sir, I have also gotten all the work cleared at the office in an organized manner as well. Sir I have seen you happy after so long, you are not only my boss but someone I really care about and look up to. I will leave no stone unturned to make sure this goes exactly how you planned it said Sahil.” “I know you Sahil and I know whatever work you take up you do with perfection, don’t forget about making preparations for you and your family too,” “sir me” asked Sahil, slightly shocked, “you heard what I said Sahil, you better make preparations for you as well said Sarab ending the call.

“Papa, papa” yelled Karan as he ran to Sarab with his hair loose and his hair cloth in his hand. “Papa please tie my hair, mama can’t do it like you” said Karan running and jumping up to Sarab. Catching Karan Sarab quickly pulled him up and sat him onmhis shoulder where Karan sat and smiled at Meher who quickly followed behind “Karan what’re you doing, you still need to get ready, come down.” “No mama, only Papa knows how to tie my hair cloth correctly, I’m only going to get it done by him” replied Karan. “Ahaa, when you want to eat your favorite sweets or need help with your art homework you come running to me and now your on Papa’s side” Meher asked faking annoyance. “Meherji, not on my side, Karan is on my shoulder” replied Sarab cheekily, laughing and giving Karan a high five. “Sarabjitji that was a very bad joke” “Who said I was joking, look Karan really is sitting on my shoulder, its my Bandrus favorite spot, right Karan” asked Sarab. “Right papa”, replied Karan, giving him another hi five. Putting Karan down Sarab took the cloth and began tying Karan’s head cloth. “Besides if Param will only eat pizza made by your hands then can’t my Karan only get his hair cloth tied by me” Sarab asked smiling. “Karan is very specific with his hair cloth, like I am with my turban continued Sarab. He likes the front pulled tightly so it doesn’t move throughout the day but when you twist the back it needs to be loose before tying it to the top, it gives him space and comfort to move his head around especially when he’s busy reading his story books.” Said Sarab as he swiftly and quickly finished tying Karan’s hair cloth. “And like that its done, good asked Sarab” “Very good replied Karan giving Sarab a kiss on his cheeks before happily running upstairs to play with his siblings. Meher stood smiling, admiring the beautiful bond between Sarab and Karan, while she faked annoyance, deep down she knew that the bond Sarab shared with Karan was so special and pure nothing could compare with that. Even the bond she shared with Param was only a couple years old but Sarab was a part of Karan’s journey from the time he was in Meher’s womb to now, Karan spent all of his childhood with Sarab when Meher was in Kashmir. Sarab had practically brought up Karan single handedly. When Meher was away Param still had memories of her but Karan only had Sarab. Meher always wanted her child to be just like Sarab and Karan was becoming a splitting image of him and Meher loved that. From the way Karan tied his head cloth to his choice of food even his mischievous personality was like Sarab and Meher couldn’t be happier when she noticed the similarities between the two, like father like son she thought. “Meherji” said Sarab bringing Meher out of her thoughts, “what’re you thinking” he asked. “Nothing replied Meher, just thinking about how you tied the cloth the same way I do but your Bandru only wants it done by you.” “hmm reminds me of the day when Param said it was night in broad daylight after you asked him, Param putter its night right? Sarab mimicked remembering the memory. I told you my Bandru will be on my side, he’ll be my partner” Sarab continued smiling. “your just jealous” “I’m jealous asked Meher” “do you see anyone else here who I’m talking to” “jealous my foot” “no not just your foot, your jealous from your foot to your head” continued Sarab. “Sarabjitji don’t mess with me” “too late I already messed with you” “Sarabjitji” “Meherji” “Sarabjitji” “Meherji”.. They both continued back and forth.

“Umm Sir” interrupted Sahil breaking Meher and Sarab’s lovely banter. “Sahil, your here already, oh god I didnt realize what time it was, some people love to waste time said Sarab pointing towards Meher. Meher rolling her eyes walked towards Sahil “Sahil your just on time, come sit breakfast is almost ready, have breakfast before you leave today. “No Meher babhi, I cant today, I just came to have this signed by Sarab sir before..” “Before I sign Sarab said quickly cutting Sahil off, I need to shower and get ready, I’ll sign and have this ready, come to pick this up later signaled Sarab quickly sending off Sahil. “Sarabjitji you could have atleast asked him to eat before he left, your always making the poor lad run. And what’re you hiding, Sahil was about to say something and then you cut him off and made him leave, what’s going on asked Meher suspiciously?”  “Nothing Meherji, replied Sarab holding his wife by the waist, do you think I would ever hide anything from you said Sarab putting a innocent face on” “Sarabjitji said Meher putting her hands behind his neck, you know even if you hide things from me I eventually find out, so why don’t you just tell me, before I make you drink jamalgota and find out the hard way Mr. Jatt in Toilet said Meher smirking. “Meherji replied Sarab suddenly serious, I’m hiding nothing from you, and don’t you dare talk about jamalgota, otherwise my entire surprise will be ruined. “Surprise asked Meher, what surprise” “yes surprise, and that Bandriji, you’ll find out in about an hour said Sarab checking his watch. “Now I’m going to get ready, you also get ready we’re going to be leaving in an hour, tell the kids too please said Sarab kissing Meher on the cheek before quickly leaving to go upstairs. “Leaving where asked Meher as Sarab ran up the stairs, “Surprise” he yelled back.

Closing the door behind him Sarab walked into his bathroom to get ready for the big day ahead. Sarab was taking his entire family out for a vacation to Himachal Pradesh. It was getting warm in Punjab and the kids also had their school vacation so he figured the picturesque Himachal Pradesh would be a perfect place to visit. It was a perfect time, Meherji was back, his kids were happy, he wanted to take them out and teach them to appreciate things apart from what they had grown up with. Seher had still lived outside this perfect bubble and Param knew about it because Meher had introduced him to it a bit but Karan was still in this perfect world of theirs and as a result constantly lost in his fairytales. Sarab knew it was partly his fault but he never wanted Karan to feel left out since Meherji wasn’t there. He wanted to teach his kids the diversity the world has to offer both in terms of places and people. And the first step Sarab wanted to take to show them that was by telling Karan the truth. He wanted to tell Karan that he was not his biological father and explain to him their family dynamics. He wanted Karan to understand that the world was not black or white, he wanted him to see and understand that there was so much more depth to everything in life. Hopefully visually seeing a different place would help his young mind understand that while Sarab may not have given his genes to Karan, he had his heart and that would always be more important than anything in life. Param was aware of this because he was a part of everything from the beginning and when he would grow up he would understand, Seher was also partly aware. It was time for Karan to find out now, and Sarab wanted to be the one to tell him. With everything that happened in the past few weeks Sarab learned one thing, that life was unpredictable. He didn’t want Karan to ever think even for a second that his father lied to him or hid things concerning him from him. In all honesty Sarab had spent more time and really lived the process of becoming a father with Karan. With Param, Sarab was young, he was busy juggling his married life and trying to establish his political career along with managing the family heritage so he rarely had time to spend with Simran while she was pregnant. Simran practically did everything for Param, as much as he’d have liked to be with her and Param he was overloaded with responsibilities. Thats partly why he felt so lost when Simran passed away. Param was growing older and as much as he tried he just couldn’t become his mother, Sarab liked to believe it was God’s way of bringing Meherji into his life, she completed him and his family. With Meherji, Sarab realized what’s really important in a family. Sarab was Params father but with Karan Sarab had relived and understood the true feeling of what’s its like becoming a father. With Karan, Sarab was there every step of the way, from Meher’s blood tests to her first sonogram Sarab was there. Sarab remembered how seeing his Bandru for the first time on the hospital’s monitor brought him to tears. It was Sarab’s first time seeing a small life forming in front of his eyes. While Sarab was constantly working during Simran’s pregnancy, he always prioritized Meher’s pregnancy. Initially he just felt responsible for taking care of her and her child but he didn’t realize when that responsibility turned into love. Maybe that’s why in Meherji’s absence he was able to care for and help Karan with everything even the smallest details which he didn’t understand in Param’s case. In a way Sarab was both Karan’s mother and father for the majority of his life, even now Karan instinctively came to Sarab for everything and Sarab would make sure that if anything their bond only grew stronger, he will not let it get weak. There were lots of loose ends in his family and with everything that he had been through Sarab vowed to bring closure to it all, he would begin by telling Karan the truth, the rest would follow soon after.

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