Tuesday 22 June 2021

RIANSH: Becoming Mrs. Raisinghania – Episode 23


Link to Episode 22: https://www.tellyupdates.com/riansh-becoming-mrs-raisinghania-episode-22/


Two days later,

Riddhima wrapped her palms around the warmth of the coffee mug and looked up beside herself, softly smiling. She relaxed against the swing and pushed her feet softly against the ground to set it in motion while the midnight wind blew past the two of them.

Riddhima (sipping on the coffee): You needn’t have really said yes for that coffee. I know you’d have rather preferred a scotch or wine.

Vansh (sipping on the coffee and nodding): Unfortunately, Aunty didn’t really ask me about that. So, I said yes for whatever she offered.

Riddhima (chuckling): You could’ve gone back home. Ma knew you got stuck up with things at office.

Vansh: Of course, my fiancée is extremely responsible that way. But I did have to talk to you.

Riddhima: Yeah? What about?

Vansh: I’ve been in touch with DCP after (pausing shortly) that day and he’d been looking into the case. Apparently, you’re not the only one that b*stard tried assaulting, but they never got to the bottom of the case due to lack of witnesses so…

Riddhima: That’s what money does to you, I guess. It gives you that authority to misuse, you know.

Vansh fell silent at that and as a few moments whirled by, Riddhima looked back at him with a questioning. When she saw him staring into the distance, she berated herself for her choice of words.

Riddhima: I didn’t mean it that way. I-uh…

Vansh (interrupting): I know, but… we really do misuse the power. That’s what I did to you too, right? It’s probably why Ishani’s suffering. You know, karma does come back to you.

Riddhima: For how long do you want to carry the past on your shoulder? What’s done is done, and we’ve pitched out how our marriage should be. It’s going to be okay. As for Ishani, (standing up and stretching her hands) I think she’d do better without having someone like Angre beside her.

Vansh looked up at her, his face succumbing to a pained expression. Why did she always have to talk about their marriage like it would never be beyond a sham marriage? He wanted to add a true meaning to it and provide her all the happiness she deserved. He wanted to be the reason of her happiness.

Riddhima (turning around to him): Did you talk to Ishani? How is she doing?

Vansh: I did, but she’s been pretty amiss. She tried blaming… (inhaling deeply) but I told her that it was really just her fault. She ignored all the red flags even when I tried showing, so her heartbreak has really happened because she was being stubborn and blinded in love.

Riddhima (sitting down abruptly): You did not.

Vansh looked at her and shrugged his shoulder before looking faraway. He’d tried reasoning with her several times, but she’d always defended Angre and argued with him instead. When he’d realised that she was never going to trust him on this, he’d almost stopped trying.

Riddhima: Vansh, you can’t blame her for loving. Yes, she ignored the red flags, but it’s not easy to see them when you’re in a toxic relationship. And this is not the time to show her the mistakes she made. She needs someone to support her morally and knowing the two of you, I am sure she was expecting it from you.

Riddhima looked at him and as the moonlight fell upon him, she saw the tiredness on his face. She looked at him sadly, realising how difficult life had been for him. He’d been trying to shield his family from all the difficulties, but he’d no one to share his pain with. She pursed her lips and looked at him, quietly shifting closer to him and turned around to stare at the sky.

Moments later, she felt him rest his head against her shoulder and she smiled softly. She wished she could relieve him of his pain, but he barely tried sharing his problems with anyone. As the thought coursed in her mind, she attempted to recall the number of times she’d asked him of his problems. As the realisation hit her, she sighed heavily.

She hadn’t even been a good friend to him.

Riddhima: You want to talk?

Vansh shut his eyes and allowed the wind to flow past him. As he leaned closer to her, he caught a whiff of her sandalwood scent mixed with rosemary. He remembered of the time he’d caught hold of her presence in her study with her sandalwood scent and a small smile stretched the corners of his lips. However, as the memory invaded his mind, he sucked in a deep breath, willing to apologize for his actions.

Vansh: You know I’ve wronged you so many times. That day when we’d the musical at home and I found you in the study . . . (pausing shortly) I shouldn’t have kissed you. It was wrong on so many levels, but first because I didn’t ask for your consent. It doesn’t make me any different from Angre, to be honest.

Riddhima looked down at him and noticed how his eyes were completely shut, his forehead creased with tension. She ran a soft finger along the lines, trying to ease his pain. When the crookedness did not disappear, she wondered for how long he’d inflicted himself to the pain and worries.

Riddhima: The fact that you’re here, sitting beside me and apologising is what makes you different from him and I don’t need anyone to validate how genuine and kind you are ever, Vansh.

Riddhima (a few moments later): You know, sometimes, talking really helps. We all need a vent to get stuff out of our system, and maybe I can provide you that comfort for the time being.

Riddhima continued pressing her finger against his forehead, wanting to ease him of the pain. She’d never seen him so exhausted and pained since all the days she’d known him. He opened his eyes moments later and looked up at her, his expressions softening as he looked up at her in admiration.

Vansh: Why are you doing this, Riddhima?

Riddhima: Because you’ve always given me that space since we’ve known each other, or at least from a few days after. It doesn’t have to be always about if I’ve shared or no. I appreciate the thought and effort.

Vansh: You know I lost Papa when I’d just graduated from college. I think I was about your age back then, but at that time, I just knew that my family needed someone to fill in and I fit in so easily, you wouldn’t be able to believe. (chuckling) I think he’d always trained the two of us to be like that because life hadn’t been easy on him.

Vansh (inhaling a deep breath): But that day when I saw Ishani’s face, I knew how miserably I’d failed. If Papa had been there, he’d have protected her so much better. And perhaps, my words just reflected my frustration and pain. I didn’t want to owe up-to it. Although, there’s been this unsettling feeling within because I didn’t want to admit. It made me restless and for the past two days, I kept thinking it was because I couldn’t do anything for you.

Riddhima stretched her hand forward and laced their fingers together, trying to comfort. She knew what it felt like to lose someone so dear to yourself, how it shifted your perspective and forced you to see life from a different lens. She sucked in a sharp breath and as he lifted his head from her shoulder, she craned her head to look back at him.

Riddhima: You’ve done more than I’ve asked for, Vansh. Just because I don’t share or say, doesn’t mean I don’t acknowledge or appreciate.

Vansh: I know, but sometimes just hearing it feels better. It feels more reassuring. (pausing briefly) I don’t know if Ishani would ever forgive me. She’s always been there for me when I’ve needed, whether I’ve shared or no. Her company just helps.

Riddhima: I think, just give her some time. I know you were going to tell me earlier that she tried blaming me, but you’ve to be considerate. It must’ve been a shock for her. If she’d really felt like that, she wouldn’t have thrown that ring on her finger in that moment itself. If she’d really thought it was my fault, she wouldn’t have even supported me.

Vansh (looking at her softly): Ishani is not a bad person, Riddhima. She’s just…

Riddhima (chuckling and interrupting him): You don’t have to tell me that. We don’t share the best of bonds, but I know we can really on each other when needed.

He looked at her, a sense of pride filling within him. Despite the circumstances, he’d been extremely lucky to have her in life and he wished, he could tell her that. He wanted to tell her how important she was to him and how much he loved her, but as he looked at her, she turned away and smiled softly.

In that instant, he just wanted to continue loving her in the silence and admire her.

Riddhima (rubbing her hands together): You should go home and talk to Ishani.

Vansh: Are you shooing me away, Ms. Goenka?

Riddhima (smiling softly): I would never! But bye for now, Mr. Raisinghania.

When she held the door open for him several moments later, he looked at her and stepped closer to her, trying to bridge the gap in between. As their breaths began mingling, he kissed her forehead, and his woodsy cologne filled her nostrils again. She felt a wave of warmth course through her and as he stepped away, she smiled back at him.

Moments later when Vansh drove his car away, he knew he’d decided his mind for the next time they met. He couldn’t wait any longer to confess to her about how important she was for him.


Next episode, Riddhima is admitted in hospital.

Apologies for the late update, but things have been a little hectic right now. Anyhow, that’d be it for now. Thanks for reading and stay safe everyone!

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