The episode starts with Vansh coming near Angre to congratulate him for being a father.
Vansh: Congratulations Angre. I told you that Ragini and your little child will be fine and here this what has happened. Congratulations bro. I’m so happy for you and I’m really happy that I will be an uncle to your lovely child.
Angre was so happy that he has became a father.
He was also happy while hearing Vansh’s words.
He has immediately hugged Vansh to express to him his happiness.
Angre: Thank you so much boss. Thank you for always supporting me. You are my real brother. Thank you bro.
Angre starts to be emotional.
Riddhima has came near him and she was looking at him in a cute way.
Riddhima: Come on Angre it isn’t the time for being emotional! You have to be so happy now as finally you became a father and also everything is fine with Ragini and this little soul. So chill and smile.
Angre has smiled and he was really very happy.
Kabir and Ishani along with everyone have came near Angre to congratulate him.
Kabir has hugged Angre a very tight hug.
Kabir: You don’t how much I’m so happy for you Angre. I’m so happy for my dearest best friend who we have done everything together. Finally, you became a father Angre and after some time we will find you changing diapers and looking so funny.
Everyone starts to laugh.
Angre( being irritated): Let’s see what will be your look when you became a father Mr. Kabir Singh Travidi.
They all laughed.
They were so happy for this new happiness that entered their lives.
Afterwards, Ragini has got conscious.
Angre, Vansh, Riddhima, Ishani and Kabir have entered to her.
Angre has hugged her so tightly and he was being very happy.
Then he has seen the baby.
He was so cute little innocent newborn boy.
He was so small and Angre wasn’t able to know how to hold him.
He was happy and he has kissed the baby’s tiny hand.
Then Vansh and Riddhima requested to hold the baby.
They have lifted the baby together.
They were smiling at each other so much while they were doing so.
Riddhima: He is so cute Vansh.
Vansh: Babies are so innocent Riddhima. They are able to make your life so beautiful just by their lovely expressions.
Vansh to himself: I wish I could have my own baby from you Riddhima.
Riddhima: I’m ready to give you this happiness very soon Vansh. I just hope that God could give us this happiness as soon as possible because we really need a lovely innocent soul to enter our lives and we could be the ones who are responsible about this soul.
One month has passed.
During this month , everything was just perfect in Vansh and Riddhima’s lives.
Riddhima was using the artificial legs in a very perfect way.
She was able to move and walk with it very professionally.
Even she has got able to return to her work and she started teaching again after the break that she took it because of her state.
Vansh was supporting her as usual and being happy seeing her returning to live her life normally.
Everyone was happy with Angre and Ragini’s baby boy who they have named him Ritrik.
He has spread happiness and joy allover VR mansion.
Everyone was loving him a lot and taking care about him.
During this month, Kabir-Ishani and Vyom-Sejal’s wedding date has got fixed.
They have started in doing the rituals of it at the end of this month that has passed.
Today supposed to be their wedding day.
They have done all the rituals and just the marriage itself must happen today.
Everyone was doing so many preparations for this day.
Riddhima and Vansh were being so busy in making those two couples be ready.
They were busy in being sure that everything is perfect in this important wedding to them.
They were happy that their brother and sisters will get married today.
Riddhima was being very exhausted due to the effort that she has done it.
She starts to feel dizzy and she was going to fall, but Vansh has came at this right time and he has lifted her.
Then he has made her sit on the near chair.
He was being very worried about her and he was looking at her in a very caring and worrying way.
Vansh: How you could be that careless Riddhima?!!!! Do you know what could has happened with you if I wasn’t here?!!!! You were really near to fall!!!!!!!
Riddhima has got closer to Vansh to feel his breathes.
Then she has kissed him in his forehead to calm him down.
Riddhima: I’m sure that nothing would happen to me when my backbone is here. I know that when I will be in danger, I will find you here for me protecting me as usual. So please relax and calm down. I’m really fine. It is just a normal dizzy after all this work that I have done it as you know that today isn’t a normal day for us Vansh. It is the marriage of our sisters and brother so it is okay to do some effort for them.
Vansh has surrounded Riddhima by his hands.
Vansh: But this doesn’t mean that you could be that careless Riddhima and you don’t care about your health. I knew that you didn’t have eaten anything since morning, Am I right or am I right?!
Riddhima has done an escaping look.
Riddhima to herself: How this man is always able to catch me?!!!!
Vansh: Because I’m your husband and your soul mate sweetheart so of course I will be able to catch you.
Riddhima has for shocked that Vansh has known what she was saying to herself.
Riddhima: Just a second, how you have known what I was saying that to myself?!!! Do you are reading my mind Vansh?!!!
Vansh has smiled from Riddhima’s innocent question.
Then he has made her sit on his lap to make her very close to him.
Vansh: You forgot that I know you more than you yourself know your own self sweetheart. So of course I will be able to know what you think about it. At the end, I’m Vansh Rai Singhania which could never anything be hidden from him.
He was saying those words in a very confident way which has made Riddhima smile.
He also has smiled seeing her smiling.
They were smiling so much and being happy together.
Moreover, Vansh has made Riddhima eat with him so he could be sure that she will not escape and be careless and don’t eat.
He was taking care about her so much.
He was feeding her by his own hand.
So he could stop her childish attitudes and not eat like a tiny bird!
Riddhima was very happy while seeing his care.
She was smiling very widely.
Riddhima to herself: Thank you God for giving me such an amazing husband. Even after all what we have passed it together, still he is caring about me that much and loving me so much.
Vansh to himself: I will always be grateful to God that he has sent you to me Riddhima. You were my best friend at the beginning, but now this lovely friendship turned into a love story which will always be a legendary love story my sweetheart.
At night, Riddhima was being in Ishani’s room making her get ready.
Ishani was looking so beautiful.
Riddhima: Oh wow!!!! You look gorgeous my lovely bride!! I’m sure that Kabir bhai will get mad seeing you that stunning.
Ishani has got shy.
Riddhima has smiled seeing her being shy.
She has just hugged her and wished her all the best in this new life that she is entering it.
Afterwards, Riddhima has also gone to Sejal to check on her and be sure that she is being ready.
She has also encouraged her and wished her.
Sejal was so happy with Riddhima’s love and care.
Sejal: Thank you so much Riddhima bhabi for everything you have done it and still doing it to me. I’m so grateful to have such a bhabi like you and I’m really sorry for everything bad I have done it to you at the past. I really blame myself for hurting you one day. I love you so much bhabi. I love you and I’m really sorry.
Riddhima has came near her and has hugged her to calm her down.
Riddhima: Come on Sejal why you are talking about such old things that I have already forgotten it?!!!! Now everything got changed and everything is so much better than the past so don’t think about the past and just think about the present and the future. Your bhabi will always be here for you and will always support so chill.
Sejal has smiled and hugged Riddhima more closely.
Sejal: I love you bhabi.
Riddhima: I love you too my dearest little sister.
At Riddhima and Vansh’s room, Riddhima starts to feel very very dizzy more than on morning.
She was vomiting and not being in her normal state.
Riddhima to herself(talking loudly): Why I’m feeling this abnormal feeling?!!! I didn’t have felt myself that weak before! What is happening with me?!!!
Ragini has came at this moment.
Ragini: I think I know what is happening with you my best friend.
Riddhima: What Ragini?
Ragini: Let’s just be sure of it and then you will understand.
At the mandap, the two brides and grooms were ready to get married.
Vansh was being also there and he was just wanting for Riddhima.
He starts to worry about her.
So he has left the mandap and went to their room.
He has found Riddhima there smiling at him.
Vansh: You are smiling here Riddhima and leaving me being so worried about you!!!!! Why you didn’t came downstairs?!!! You know that the marriage rituals will start now. So what has made you being here?!
Riddhima was silent.
She was just keeping smiling and being so happy.
Vansh wasn’t understanding her attitude.
He has came near.
The he holds her hand.
Vansh: Tell me sweetheart what has happened? Is everything fine? I’m not understanding anything.
Riddhima also holds Vansh’s hands to calm him down.
Riddhima: The news that I have it will make you so surprised Vansh and will not make you be able to understand anything as I’m also not able to understand it till now, but it is making me so happy.
Vansh was still confused, but he was feeling that something very special is going to be folded now.
Vansh: Please Riddhima say it fast. You made me so worried and curious at the same time. So say.
Riddhima has just took Vansh’s hand and has putted it above her tummy.
Riddhima: Say hi to your papa baby. This is the first moment for you both after he has known your presence now. So you have to greet your papa so nicely so you could be a very good child, right baby?
Vansh was surprised from hearing Riddhima’s words.
Vansh: Papa?!! Baby?! Riddhima, you are pregnant?!!!!
Riddhima has putted her hand on Vansh’s face.
Riddhima: Yes Vansh. I’m pregnant. I have just got sure about it from a very little time when Ragini has came and speculated about the same so she has made me made a pregnancy test and we got sure from it that I’m pregnant Vansh! We will be a mother and father very soon. We will have the sign of our love very soon!!!
Vansh was smiling and being very very happy.
Vansh: I will really be a father?!!! Does I will really have a baby from the only woman that I have loved her in my whole life?
Riddhima has got so close to Vansh.
Riddhima: Yes my love. You will be a father very soon. You will be the best father ever Vansh.
Vansh was being so happy.
So he has lifted Riddhima so high.
Vansh: I’m so happy Riddhima. You have given me the best unexpected news in my life. I promise you sweetheart that I will be the best father ever.
Riddhima: I’m sure my love. I know that my dearest husband will be the best father like he is being the best husband in the world world.
Vansh has kissed Riddhima’s tummy.
Vansh: I promise you my baby that I will care about you so much and I love you so much. I will give you a big place in my heart, but sorry baby still the biggest place will be for your momma as your momma is my whole life. I love her more than my own self.
Riddhima has hugged Vansh so tightly.
Riddhima: You are my true and innocent love Vansh. You are the best gift from God. He has blessed me for getting you to me my love. Our story started from a a close friendship to a strong love story. This lovely friendship turned into a love story that will never be forgotten.
Vansh: And now this love story will reach to another level with the arrive of this lovely baby. I’m so excited to start this journey with you sweetheart.
Riddhima: Not more than me Vansh.
They have got so close and they were so near to kiss.
But then it got interrupted by Angre and Ragini.
Angre: There we are waiting for you both and here you are doing romance now!!!
Ragini: It isn’t the time for it at all guys. Let’s just make them marry and then you both could do what you want, but now we need to make those grooms and brides who are waiting there husbands and wives. So let’s go.
Vansh and Riddhima have went together to where the marriage will occur while they were being so happy and smiling at each other.
They went to join celebrating the marriage of Sejal and Vyom along with Ishani and Kabir’s marriage.
Vansh and Riddhima while being so happy.
Vansh: Our love has passed through so many stuff Riddhima and still has got able to defeat it.
Riddhima: Because our love is so strong Vansh. It is an unconditional and unlimited love. Our love has got formed from a friendship and has got so strong now.
Vansh: You will always be my best friend before being my love Riddhima. I love you so much sweetheart.
Riddhima: I love you too Vansh.
They completed throwing flowers on the couples while smiling at each other.
They have passed so many sorrows together and now it is the time to enjoy their happiness.
The end of this ff. Thanks to my dearest Mahira for this special cover as well. I have you have enjoyed it and have loved this journey of friendship turned into a love story ff. I would like to thank you all for your love and support. I wouldn’t have reached to this century without you all. Love you so much my second family. Wait for the new ff very soon. I hope you could like it as well and see it special and keep supporting me in this way. Thank you so much for everything guys. The respond here is what will make me know when I will start the new ff. I have a special target for this last episode. My target this time is 50 comments( excluding my comments). I hope you all could make me be able to reach to it so I could start the new ff soon. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.
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