Friday 25 June 2021

Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 99


The episode starts with Vansh rushing to Riddhima and has hugged her very tightly after she has said those lovely words.

He was hugging her so tightly.
He wasn’t caring about anything or anyone and he was just making her so close to him.
He was just wanting to express to her how he is so happy and blessed that she is his wife.
Vansh: What I have done isn’t supposed that you thank me about it Riddhima because you aren’t just my wife. You are my everything in this life. You are the breath that I breath it Riddhima. My happiness is uncountable while seeing you able to walk and stand. I don’t need anything in this life after I have seen you fit and fine. I love you so much Riddhima.
Riddhima: I love you too Vansh.
Riddhima starts to get emotional from Vansh’s words.
For the first time to Riddhima to not feel shy and think about other’s point of view when she has kissed Vansh in his cheek to just express her love towards him. 

Then they got into more tight hug.
Everyone was being very happy while seeing Vansh and Riddhima’s happiness.
They were happy that finally they have got the chance to laugh and smile again after what they have passed through it.
Riddhima has forgotten anything bad she has passed through it when she was on Vansh’s arms celebrating her success after wining against sorrows and could be able to stand and walk again.
After some time, Angre and Kabir have came while holding a cake written on it Riddhima’s name.

Angre: This is just a quick and tiny celebration for our lovely girl.
Kabir: But promise we will do a huge celebration for our princess very soon.
Angre: We could just celebrate with this cake as an occasion like that couldn’t pass without celebration. Even if it will be a tiny one.
Riddhima: All your happiness and love guys is what really matters to me. I love you all so much and I’m really grateful to have you all in my life. I’m really the luckiest girl to be blessed with such a very caring and loving family like you all. Love you all my supporters.
They have been into a group hug.
They were feeling warm while they were hugging each other.
They were knowing that their strength is in their unity.
Moreover, Riddhima has cut the cake.
She has made Vansh eats from it firstly.
Then she starts making everyone eats from the cake.
She was being happy while able to come to everyone by her own self and stand and walk in a good way.
She was just very careful to not put any stress or pressure on her artificial legs.
So this happiness couldn’t turn into a very big sorrow.
Riddhima to herself: I will do my best to be very careful. I don’t want what I have reached to it to be soiled because of an hasty move from me. I have to protect what I have reached to it. It was hard and I can’t lose it. So always be strong Riddhima. You aren’t alone as you have all those people who love you so much. You also have Vansh who will never leave you so chill and be happy.
Vansh and Ishani have caught Riddhima and made her sit.
Then they start putting parts of cake on Riddhima’s face.
They were enjoying while playing with her and teasing her.
She also has done the same work them.
They were enjoying a lot and being very happy.
Vansh was looking at Riddhima in a very loving and happy way.

He was staring at her while she was enjoying her time with the rest of the family.
He was admiring her smile and enjoying it a lot.
Vansh to himself: Thank you so much God for giving me this happiness. Thank you for helping Riddhima and I to get out from this huge sorrow. Thank you God for making her move and stand again. I’m so happy to see Riddhima’s smile and huge happiness once again. I’m on the 9th clouds while seeing her laughing from the bottom of her heart and being very energetic. Now, I just could be very happy and relaxed. I could now sleep calmly after all those months. Thank you God.
At midnight, Vansh and Riddhima were being on a romantic mood.
Riddhima was sitting on Vansh’s lap and being very close to him.

Both of them were happy and being very relaxed.
Riddhima: I wasn’t expecting that everything will return that happy and lovely like before Vansh. I really wasn’t expecting that I will get back to move and walk even if it will be an artificial legs, but of course it is so perfect and better than this wheelchair. I’m so happy Vansh. My happiness is really very high. God was so generous with me. He has blessed me with so many things and the great blessing in my life is you Vansh. You are my backbone.
She has kissed him in his forehead in a very romantic way.

Riddhima: I could have never reached to being able to walk again if you weren’t in my life. If you weren’t here with me to support me, I would have easily given up. I would have never thought to get up and do my best again. I would have destroyed my life by my own hand. You are the one who kept holding my hand and never being bored from me. You are the one who has gotten me out of this darkness. You are the best husband and the best man in the whole world.
She has got so close to him.
She was putting her hands around his face to surround him and make him very near to her.

She starts getting more closer to him till her lips have touched his lips and they have gone into a very romantic kiss.
Riddhima was forgetting all her shyness at this moment.
She was just concentrating on how she could express to Vansh how she really love him.
She was enjoying being with him and being that close to him.
Vansh has also kissed her back.
He was being very happy after the words that she has said to him.
He was happy to feel and observe how Riddhima really love him so much.
He was happy to feel how she sees him very important.
He was happy that he is able to make her secured being with him.
They were hugging each other and enjoying their time and their happiness.

At morning, Riddhima has got so happy when Vansh has discussed with her about Kabir-Ishani and Vyom-Sejal’s wedding and deciding to marry.
She was smiling and being very excited.

Riddhima: It is the best announcement ever Vansh. Finally, my brother and my lovely sisters will get married. I’m really being so happy.
Vansh: I also got very happy when they have came and told me that.
Riddhima: But just a second, why they didn’t have came and told me as well?!! Why my brother Kabir didn’t has came to tell me?!!
Vansh: I think that they start to fear from you sweetheart as you weren’t seeing yourself during the past months how you were being in so many different moods which makes everyone fear from you as you could beat anyone at this moment.
Vansh has said those words in a sarcastic tone.
He was just teasing Riddhima.
He was smiling while doing such.

Riddhima has got very irritated from Vansh’s words.

Riddhima: Oh really?!!! Fine I will go to them now so they could face the anger of that monster that they have feared from her!
She has left while being so angry and Vansh was still laughing and smiling so much.
He has followed her to see what she will do.
She has rushed to Kabir’s room which she has found on Ishani, Sejal, Ragini, and Anger being there at Kabir’s room.
Riddhima was being so strict and angry.

She has came near Kabir and she starts hitting him with a pillow.
Everyone was being surprised from her attitude.
Riddhima: I will not spare you bhai!!! How I could know that you will marry from Vansh and not from you?!!! Does I’m not your sister?!!!! Do you really thought I will not be happy from this announcement?!!!! I’m so angry from you bhai.
Kabir was understanding Riddhima’s upset and anger.
So he has just came closer to her.

Then he has hugged her a very lovely sibling hug.
Kabir: Relax my cute little child. I don’t want my lovely sister to be upset and some wrinkles could start to appear on her forehead which will not make her look that beautiful. So smile please. I was really going to tell you that first. I just didn’t wanted to disturb you at that time that you were doing your best to get up again and when I was really coming to tell you you have surprised us by seeing you moving so I didn’t got the time to tell you.
Ishani: Yes bhabi. We were really going to tell you, but just your surprise hasn’t made us say anything from that. Trust me we could never do such step without telling you and taking your approval and blessings. So please don’t be upset from us.
At that moment, Riddhima’s anger and strict face look has turned into a wide smiling face.

Riddhima( laughing): Relax guys don’t take it that serious. I was just joking and I was wanting to see what you both will do!! I could never be upset from you both and I’m really happy that you both will marry each other. Love you so much.
She has hugged them.
Riddhima: I’m really super excited for your both marriage. It will be my brother and my sister in law’s marriage so it is my biggest happiness!
Afterwards, she has also came near Sejal.
Then she has hugged her a very tight hug.
Riddhima: I could never forget you Seju. You don’t know how I’m so happy that you also will marry and that you have finally found your perfect partner. I hope you always be happy my dear sister.
Sejal: I’m happy to see this lovely smile of yours bhabi.
They were happy and enjoying.
While their were laughing and smiling, Ragini starts to scream and shout.
She was paining so much.
Everyone has got near her to check on her.
Angre was very panicked about her.
Angre: Ragini, what has happened???????! Are you fine??????!
Ragini( screaming and paining): I’m not fine!!!!!!! I feel that I will deliver the baby now!!!!! Please get me to the hospital I’m really paining so much.
Everyone has got surprised of what Ragini has said as still 2 months left for her time to deliver the baby!
They have rushed her quickly to the hospital.
Angre was being very worried about Ragini.
Riddhima and Vansh were being with him and supporting him so much.

Riddhima: Relax Angre. She will be fine. Early giving birth like that happens and the baby and the mother come from it healthy so please don’t worry everything will be fine. 

Angre: Are you sure Riddhima??? She will be fine, right? My baby will be fine as well, right?
Vansh: I’m sure that she will be fine. She will get out with baby and you will be the most lovely father. So just chill and pray for her a lot.
Angre: I hope everything could be fine.
After some hours, they start to hear a scream and cry of baby.
They all got so happy.
Angre was smiling.
Angre: It is the sound of my baby’s cry!!!!!!
Then the doctor came.
Doctor: Congratulations Mr. Angre you have got blessed with a baby boy and he is fine as well.
Angre: What about Ragini?
Doctor: She is also fine. We will shift her with the baby soon to a normal room.
Everyone was happy with the early arrive of the baby.
They have came to congratulate Angre.
Precap: Unexpected news!!!!

The end of the os. I hope you like it. Just one episode left for the end of this ff. Stay tuned for the final episode. I want to thank my dearest Mahira for this lovely cover. Thank you guys for making me succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 42 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

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