Monday 21 June 2021

Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 98


The episode starts with Riddhima being seated on the floor after she has got tired from using the artificial legs.

Riddhima to herself: My happiness is so high now, but still I have to be very careful and try once, twice and triple before giving such happiness to Vansh along with that I haven’t to put any pressure on my muscles and be very best alert. I have to always remember my Vansh’s advices. I don’t want to make him down. I want him to be always happy. I have to surprise him in a very special way.
At the same time, two new love birds have came to Vansh to discuss with him about their marriage.
This time those love birds were Kabir and Ishani.
Who were afraid to discuss with him about this topic for the same reason that Vyom and Sejal were afraid because of it.
Ishani was the one who has started talking.
She was looking so innocent while she was talking.

Her so much innocence was making Vansh catching her and he was sure that she wants something!
Ishani: Vansh bhai, you are always being the most supportive and caring brother in the whole world and I know that you always do the things that makes me happy. Actually, I depends on you in so many stuff more than depending on mom because I have lived with you more than I have lived with mom so that’s why you are so special to me.
Vansh has smiled at Ishani in a catching and understanding way.

Vansh: Ishani, be direct. I could understand from your long introduction that you want something so say it directly as I could catch my sister. So say I’m hearing you carefully.
Ishani has signed Kabir to start talking.
So Kabir has came closer to Vansh.

Then he starts to explain what he wants to say, but in a hazy way.
So he wasn’t saying any logical stuff.
Kabir: Vansh bro. I need to tell you a very important decision that Ishani and I have taken it and we need your approval on it. I hope that you could accept it. We have decided that…that…that….
Vansh: That what Kabir?! Why you started to be like a not working radio?!!!!
Ishani has looked at Kabir in an irritated way.

Ishani( lowering her voice): Come on Kabir say!!!
Kabir has got silent.
It is the first time to him to worry and get that hazy in saying anything.
Kabir to himself: What has happened to you Kabir?!! You are the most brave police officer who has never got that panicking in front of anyone. So how you are now panicked to just say to Vansh that you want to marry his sister?!
Vansh was smiling seeing Kabir’s panicking.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I could observe that the great inspector Kabir Singh Travidi starts to panic a lot in front of Vansh Rai Singhania! Actually, I could guess what you both want to tell me. But you still have to say it by your own Mr. Kabir Travidi.
Kabir has got irritated from Vansh’s challenging tone.
Kabir to himself: No one could challenge me Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania. I would never be panicked in front of anyone.
Ishani has looked at Vansh in an innocent way.

Ishani: I think that he will not say anything bhai. I think that Kabir starts to be a little coward!!! Anyway, forget about it!
Ishani was saying such words to irritate Kabir and make him be brave.
Kabir has got so annoyed and irritated.

Kabir: Oh really?!!!! I’m not coward at all Miss Ishani Rai Singhania. I will make you see who is the coward.
He has came near her.
Then he has got so close to her by putting his hands around her waist in a very romantic way.
She has got so shy from what he has done.
Ishani( lowering her voice): Kabir, what are you doing?!!! Vansh bhai is standing. I’m being shy. Please leave me.
He has whispered at her ear.
Kabir: You are the one who has forced me to do such stuff. Do you think that I will keep quiet after you annoy me in that way?! No my love. Still I’m Kabir Singh Travidi. I have my own ways.
After he has said those words, he has kissed her in her cheek not giving any concentration that Vansh is being with them.
Vansh( raising his voice): I’m still here by the way and it isn’t allowed to you Kabir to be that close to Ishani, Am I clear?
Kabir( while still holding Ishani so close to him): From now on I will have the right to be very very close to Ishani because I will marry her Vansh. You know how much I love your sister so much. She is my sunshine and the reason that I live for it. I do want to make her mine Vansh. I want to make her my wife till the end of my life. I want to spend my whole life with her. So please accept our marriage as I want to marry this angel as soon as possible.
Ishani was smiling hearing those lovely words from Kabir.

Ishani: I also love Kabir so much Vansh bro and I really want to be his wife. I do want him to be my husband. I want to be with him forever. I do want to marry him as soon as possible. So please accept our marriage bro.
Vansh was smiling hearing this expected proposal from them.

Vansh: I was sure that you both have came to talk about marriage. I think that today is the day of marriages in VR mansion as also Vyom and Sejal have came to me to talk about the same thing as they also want to get married. I think that we have to make your both marriages at the same time so the happiness could be doubled.
Kabir has smiled.

Kabir: You mean that you have accepted our marriage?
Vansh: Of course Kabir. How I can’t accept it?! I could observe the true love that you both own it to each other so how I can’t accept it?! You aren’t just my best friend Kabir and my wife’s brother, you are a very close person to me who I really trust so much. So of course I could give you my sister and I’m 100% sure that you will protect her and care about her.
Kabir has came near Vansh while he was smiling so much.

Then he has hugged him.
Kabir: Thank you so much Vansh bro for your trust. I promise you that I will never break your trust.
Vansh( in a strict tone): Of course you will not be able to do that as Vansh Rai Singhania the real villain will not leave you.
The 3 of them start laughing after Vansh has said those words.
They were being very happy.
Vansh was being relaxed that finally his both sisters will get married to good men.
Vansh to himself: Thank you God for making me relaxed about my both sisters. I just hope that you could give more happiness by curing Riddhima.
While Vansh was thinking about Riddhima, he has received a message from her.
This message has shocked him so much.
Vansh has got worried when he has seen a message from Riddhima telling him that her happiness has got spoiled and she will never try the artificial legs again and she will totally give up.
He has left everything and he has rushed quickly to his and Riddhima’s room.
He was being very very worried about her.

He has entered the room, but he didn’t has found Riddhima there.
Which has made him worry more.
Vansh( raising his voice): Riddhimaaaaaaaaa. Are you here? Riddhimaaaaaaaa. Are you fine? Riddhimaaaaaaaa.
He has got a little relaxed when he has felt on Riddhima hugging him from his back.

He wasn’t understanding how she could be able to hug him from his back while being in her state, but he was being relaxed.
Riddhima( in a calming way): I’m here Vansh. Please calm down. Just sit and close your eyes and you will know everything. Just calm down. I got you in this way to surprise you with what I want you to see. So please relax and calm down my love.
She has blindfolded him.
Then she has made him sit on the chair.
She has started to move perfectly!
Riddhima: You could open your eyes now my love.
Vansh has opened his eyes and he has found Riddhima coming from a far area.

She was walking like before.
Vansh was smiling very very much.

He wasn’t expecting what he was seeing.
Vansh: Riddhima, are you really walking?!!!!! Do I’m really not dreaming?!!!!! Do you are really walking Riddhima?!!!!! I’m not believing my eyes!!!!
Riddhima starts to get more closer to Vansh while she was walking and he was surprised and smiling.

Riddhima: Believe yourself my love I’m really walking. You aren’t dreaming. Actually, I also wasn’t able to believe that Vansh, but yeah this what has happened. I’m finally got able to use those artificial legs. Finally, I got able to walk properly like before. Now, I will not need this stupid wheelchair anymore. Now, I could walk and live my life properly. Now, we will return like before Vansh. I didn’t have given up my love just for you and look what has happened now. I’m able to stand and walk Vansh! It is like a dream to me.
Vansh still wasn’t believing his eyes.
He has grabbed Riddhima towards him and he has hugged her from her back.

Vansh: You don’t know how I’m being very very happy sweetheart. I’m feeling as if a huge thing has got removed from my heart. I was really paining while seeing you paining, but thank God now everything got fine. Thank God my sweetheart is now able to walk and stand like before. I’m so proud of you Riddhima. You are my fighter. You are my brave girl who didn’t has given up. You are my lovely girl who has done her best and tried very hard until she has succeeded. I’m so proud of you Riddhima.
Riddhima was smiling while hearing Vansh’s words.

She was happy noticing his happiness.
Vansh was also smiling so much.

His happiness was very very high.
Vansh to himself: Thank you God for listening to my prayers. Thank you God for giving me this huge happiness. I don’t need anything other than seeing my Riddhima fit and fine and walking perfectly. Thank you God.
Riddhima has putted her hands on Vansh’s face in a very caring way.

Riddhima: I wouldn’t have got the chance to walk again without you Vansh. You are my supporter who didn’t has got bored from me. You are the one who has kept helping me and you have tolerated my stupid decisions and my breakdown. You are the real fighter Vansh. You are the reason behind my succeed. I love you so much my support system.
He has got closer to her to feel her breathes.

Vansh: I love you more than myself sweetheart.
Afterwards, Riddhima and Vansh have gotten to the hale of the house to announce this huge surprise to everyone.
The whole family was being surprised and so happy when they have seen Riddhima walking.

Kabir has rushed to Riddhima and has hugged her very tightly.

Kabir: I can’t imagine my eyes my cute Riddhima!!! Finally, you are walking!!!! Finally!!! Thank God!!!! I’m really being very happy for you my little sister. I can’t express how much I’m happy Riddhima. I’m so proud of you my lovely sister.
Ishani has also rushed to Riddhima.

She was also being very happy.
Ishani: I’m so happy to see you walking again bhabi. It is the best thing has happened ever. Love you so much bhabi.
Uma, Chanchel, and Rudra have also came to Riddhima and have hugged her very tightly to express to her their happiness.
Sejal and Ragini have also shared their happiness with Riddhima.
They were hugging her and turning her over and over to make her smile so much.
Angre has also came near Riddhima to express to her his happiness.

Angre: Finally, our old Riddhima is back. I’m so happy for you.
Riddhima was being overwhelmed from everyone’s happiness.
She was happy having such a caring family.
Riddhima: I’m really grateful to have you all in my life. I would never pass such a huge sorrow without you all. You are all my strength. I love you all. I also want to thank the great supporter to me. My husband who has never left me. I want to tell him in front of you all that I do love him so much. I love you so much Vansh and I can’t live without you.
Precap: Early giving birth.













The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Let’s see what will happen next at the final episodes. Stay tuned for the upcoming final episodes. Thank you so much guys for making me succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target has got changed. My target is to reach to 42 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to this target like you all used to do with the other targets. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 98 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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