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Flashback Continues:-
Year 2016:-
April 13:-
In Saint Teresa’s Institute, Darjeeling:-
Riddhima’s POV starts:-
It had been more than a week since I came here to Darjeeling although Dad asked me not to make friends but you know Girl’s hormones can’t stay at a place and that to with a curiosity of coming to a new place. Exactly I made many friends here but not close as one and only Vansh. He is a cute guy as he always help everyone around him but yeah some hours you know he was behaving like a jerk I mean even girls don’t have these type of mood swings when they are on periods like seriously ok listen actually what I told him as we were sitting in canteen having our lunch suddenly Vyom came to me to take my notes of economics till then it was completely ok but when I passed a cute smile at him after a sec or what I felt someone gaze or angry glare I looked around me but what I saw was my burger was crushed like a piece of God knows what I mean seriously Vansh crushed the whole burger into a paste Oh my God My lunch …. Its ok He’ll have to pay for that… Then Vyom left and I looked at Vansh who was eating his burger as if it’s some chicken leg seriously damn this guy he was like too chirpy right now…. I asked the reason from him to crush my burger and see he served me his burger I mean It’s ok we shared a pizza even so it’s ok….. Then my eyes fell on Vyom he was talking to some boy. He is really too good
Me- Vansh you know Vyom is too good by nature. Even once I had a doubt in Accountancy then he cleared it within a snap of time. He is too intelligent even and ngl he is even too handsome
And that’s it this guy turned into some Gorilla or what without saying anything he left throwing my lunch on the floor shocking everyone I Mean what kind of issue he had with my lunch I’m not going to leave him
I ran after him and that’s it from fifteen minutes I’m searching this Mr. Idiot Vansh Oh shit no this half gorilla and half hulk. And now see my class bell rang and Vansh must be there only now I’ll talk to him
Riddhima’s POV ends-:
Vansh’s POV starts:-
I ran too my class from canteen as I know she will come in search of me or it’s her class even. Ok so she came and sat beside me and I even have my self-respect I haven’t even glance at her and then teacher came. Look now she is continuously gazing me and now it’s my time to snap at her
Me- Want to score bad marks in exams?
Riddhima- No…
Me- Concentrate on the class
She looked embarrassed and without giving any emotions she looked in front
Did I said something wrong? But how I said same words which she said I didn’t felt bad at that time now why is she embarrassed. Let it be then to she was praising that Vyom now what happened?
Anyway I won’t talk to her let her talk to that Vyom
After 45 minutes class ended and before she could say something that Idiot came I mean Vyom, see the nerve of this man he always comes at the wrong don’t he have any work why he need to come to Riddhima again and again
My thoughts were broken by Riddhima’s voice
Riddhima- Yes Vyom
Vyom- Which class you have now?
Riddhima- Economics I guess
Oh shit it’s my free period I won’t leave her to this guy he also had same class
Vyom- Come let’s go
Before Riddhima could say anything I said
Me- She won’t
Vyom- Why?
Now what shall I tell him… Yr… Someone ask him to go or I will not only rip his head apart I will drown him into the a tub full of piranhas I mean see how he looks at her every time. I must let once killing someone become legal first job on earth of mine would be to kill this Vyom
Vyom- Vansh Why?
Me- because………
Voice- Because we all had some work
I looked around and saw Angre and our whole of her gang what work we had I didn’t remember from where this work came.
Forget it, it came at right time that’s most important and I love you Angre for coming at right time
Riddhima- Which work?
Can’t she stay quiet…..
Sejal- We had come na… Don’t worry ma’am is absent so we took this period
Vyom- Then it’s my free period also tell me what work you have I’ll help you
This guy surely had a death wish I’ll kill him in every birth I swear someone kill him If I did then he won’t be able to take rebirth
Voice- Vyom I need your help as I guess it’s your free period
We all looked at entrance and saw Manas one of our classmates and Vyom just nodded and left. Thank God otherwise I would have done some sin today
Vansh’s POV ends-:
As Vyom left all sat on different relaxing while Vansh and Riddhima were confused at their reaction.
Riddhima- Why you guys did that?
Ishani- What we did?
Riddhima- Don’t act to be innocent I saw economics teacher in the morning
Sejal- No she indeed is absent actually she came but she wasn’t well so she left
Riddhima- And which work we have?
Kabir (Sarcastically) – Actually our Adorable Librarian got impressed by the way we arranged the book shelf so as he got the work to arrange your fresher’s party so that librarian praised us in front of our dean and he gave that work to us
Riddhima- So what I’m a fresher here even Sejal, Siya, Ishani and Aryan we will take party why will we arrange
Aryan- Di… if they went to arrange na then forget party that place won’t be in the condition to enter
Angre- At least you can suggest us
Kabir- Please Riddhima as Sejal said you had great taste in decoration
Riddhima- Hmm….But on one condition
Angre- Accepted
Riddhima- First listen it isn’t for you
Kabir (frowning) – Then what’s the condition?
Riddhima- Condition is that Vansh need to say sorry to me
Vansh- What the….I won’t and why will I?
Riddhima- The way you threw my lunch I’m hungry right now…. What’s your problem I’m not getting that.… Say sorry or no help
Vansh- I won’t
Aryan- Bhai please you really need her
As ended the sentence at this word all glared at him and he saw it and said
Aryan- Help….
All shrugged it casually
Vansh- I won’t say but if you want I can bring the lunch
Riddhima- Then bhul jaao, bhul jaao ki hum help karenge (Then Forget it, Forget it I’ll help you)
Kabir- Vansh….please
Angre- Vansh…
Sejal- Vansh…
Vansh- Ok fine… I’m sorry
Riddhima- That like a good boy chaloo I’ll help you to arrange, but where is the party?
Angre- Audi only
Riddhima- I thought in some hotel Wait that means we need to even arrange whole décor themes and everything
Kabir- Exactly and we had 5 days
Riddhima- Fine let’s go….
All left for Auditorium
In Auditorium:-
All entered and was shocked to see such a big auditorium
Riddhima- Wow It’s too spacious……..
Vansh- Indeed…. Now tell
Kabir- What’s the dress theme?
Riddhima- Hmm…. Black
Vansh- And gold
Sejal- That’s good and
Siya- Something new and good
Riddhima- Masquerade party I mean it’s different and new
Vansh- Yeah…. Angre call the caterer
Riddhima- Angre Can you give me the number I want to talk to him
Vansh- Why so?
Riddhima- What’s your problem?
Vansh- You won’t talk
Riddhima- And now I will talk to him
She took the number from Vansh and left for a corner not before winking at him which went unnoticed by all except Vansh
Vansh (to himself) – What do she think of herself? I’ll talk to her
After 1 hour:-
Riddhima was standing on the stool while measuring the corner of the hall and rest all were doing some other work. She was about to come down and her dress got stuck with her sandal and she stumbled and was about to fall she squeezed her eyes shut ready to hug the floor
But when after a while when she didn’t hugged it she slowly opened her eyes and saw Vyom who was holding her, she passed a smile to him
All looked at the scene and then and came to her and Vyom slowly kept her down
Vyom- Riddhima are you ok?
Riddhima- Yeah and Thank you so much
Sejal- Riddhima are you okay?
Riddhima- Yeah…Thank God that Vyom saved me btw how you come here
Vyom- Actually I came to return your notes, Thanks for it
Riddhima- Thank you for coming at right time
Vyom- When are you guys leaving?
Kabir- Just now
Vyom- Anyway I’m getting late. Let’s leave
Vyom left and as Vansh saw them and that was enough for him
He went out and threw the vase kept beside the table of the door making it break into pieces
And he stood holding the railing and suddenly he heard a voice
Voice- Ahhhhhh……..
He turned around and was shocked to see
Episode ends
Precap- Jealousy
Do comment and vote guys If you like the chapter……I know guys It’s short but Definitely I’ll post big one
Sorry for any grammatical mistake………….
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