Hey this is aldy, I am with my new chapter….so enjoy.
Suvarna:- Surekha, don’t take decision without knowing the truth.
Surekha:- are, I am saying truth, Karthik and Anchal was hugging.
Suvarna:- so what? They are friends and may be that is why.
Dadi:- let it be, anyways, I am going to talk to Singhanias.
Suvarna thinks:- Karthik will be angry, if he know this. I know his heart. Now also, he loves Naira and can’t get over her.
Karishma:- naman, did you call Mishti?
Naman:- no, will call now.
Karishma:- ok.
Naithik:- don’t call now.
Naman:- why?
Naksh:- we should give her a surprise. Where is her flat?
Naman:- it’s near.
Naithik:- then we will go and surprise her.
Karishma:- ok.
They all smiles.
Karthik and Anchal was shopping.
Anchal:- do you know what Mishti likes most?
Karthik:- haan. Actually she don’t likes expensive gifts, she likes simple things given with love.
Anchal:- you know her well?
Kartik:- yes. She is my gff.
Anchal smiles.
Rishabh was in the same shop. Karthik sees him and gets shocked.
Karthik:- Rishabh..
Rishabh also gets shocked seeing him. He was also tensed because he was traveling with Mishti and naira, as they wanted a drive and kuhu, Kunal and Abir told them to come later.
Rishabh:- hi….. Karthik.
Karthik:- so, you know my name. I thought that, like your wife, you also forgets me.
Rishabh:- I don’t forget people.
Karthik:- nice. Where is she? With you or she cheated you also?
Rishabh:- mind your words. You don’t know anything about her.
Karthik:- yes, I don’t know anything. That is why I got cheated on her fake love.
Rishabh:- I don’t want to argue with you.
Karthik:- mujhe bhi.
Anchal:- Karthik, stop it.
Rishabh goes from there. Anchal follows him, and sees Mishti inside his car.
Anchal:- what is Mishti doing with Rishabh. Something is there. I have to find it.
Kunal was cleaning the party place, when kuhu comes there. She was very nervous. Abir assures her from a distance.
Kunaal:- kuhu, what happened?
Kuhu:- I want to talk to you.
Kunal:- tell me.
Kuhu:- very important.
Kunal:- what happened? Are you going to straighten your hairs?
Kuhu:- no.
Kunal:- then?
Kuhu:- I love you.
Kunal gets shocked and at the same time happy. Because he loves her from the day one, but can’t tell it to her. So, was arguing with kuhu for getting her attention.
Kuhu:- I know, it will be a shock for you. But I can’t hide it anymore. Mey heart will burst. Also, Iam not equal to you. But I love you. And I can’t control it. Sorry. (She turns to go, but Kunal holds her hands. Kuhu gets shocked.)
Kunal:- why did you say this late. Iam waiting for this for three years. What did you think, I can’t know you. Everything about you, I like it. For me, you are equal to me and I love you much. (They hugs. Two was longing for this. Abir sees them and gets happy.)
Next day Mishti, Abir and Naira were teasing Kunal and kuhu. Bell rings.
Mishti:- I will open.
Mishti goes to open the door and gets shocked seeing her family.
Mishti:- Papa, Mamma……(she hugs them. Even though, she didn’t goes to them in these years, she missed them very badly. Naman and Karishma also misses her.)
Naman:- why didn’t you come back? Colleges get over, isn’t it?
Mishti:- haan. Sorry.
Mishti then sees everyone. She sees Karthik and hugs him.
Mishti:- bff. How are you?
Karthik:- fine, my gff.
Mishti:- I missed you a lot.
Karthik:- I also.
She then hugs naksh and Kirti. She hugs Anchal.
Anchal:- how are you?
Mishti:- fine.
Anchal:- Mishti, are you not inviting us inside?
Mishti:- oh no. I forget it. Come. One min.
Karthik:- what happened?
Mishti:- I will call kuhu and come now. Wait. (She remember that, naira was there. She goes to them and tells them everything. Everyone gets shocked. They say naira to hide in the bathroom and goes out.)
Mishti:- Papa, this is kuhu, Kunal and Abir. My friends. They greets them.
Karthik: only friends? (Winks Mishti).
Mishti:- bff, Abir and I are friends, but kuhu and Kunal will marry anytime.
Kuhu and kunal gets shocked.
Kuhu pinches and Mishti:- when did we say that, we will marry anytime.
Mishti:- you don’t said it, but for a happiness, I said it.
They all laughs.
Karishma:- by the way, Mishti, why don’t you come to us?
Mishti gets nervous:- woh….kuhu will be alone. That is why. And many things happened there. I don’t want to get into that.
Mishti:- by the way, why don’t you tell me that you are here?
Karishma:- did you take our call?
Mishti:- sorry.
They talks a lot and goes. Naira was seeing Karthik, by hiding. After a long time, she felt her breath comes. Naira comes to Mishti, Mishti consoles her.
Mishti:- don’t worry dii.
Anchal:- why are you doing this?
They all gets shocked seeing anchal there.
Naira:- Anchal…. (Anchal comes and hugs Naira).
Anchal:- please come back. I know, you are right, and justify yourself. Tell them . Atleast tell Karthik, why are you doing this all? Please.
Naira:- no Anchal. You go. Please.
Naira cries and goes. Anchal also goes from there.
Kuhu:- Mishti, dii……
Mishti:- nothing will happen. I will talk to her. We will go to shopping today. Her mood will change.
Anchal comes home. Karthik notices her upset. But didn’t ask her. Singhanias and goenkas were discussing something. They see Karthik and Anchal coming.
Surekha:- Aanchal beta, come here.
Karthik:- what is happening here.
Manish:- we are discussing about Anchal’s marriage.
Anchal and Karthik gets shocked. Because Karthik knows that anchal loves kabir and no one other than him knows about it.
Anchal:- with whom?
Surekha:- with our Karthik.
Karthik:- what? Are you all gone mad?
Manish:- Karthik, don’t shout.
Karthik:- Iam not shouting. And how can you think of me and Anchal. We are friends, I consider her as my sister and she considers me as her brother. Then how can we. Also, did I tell you all to find a girl for me? No. I won’t marry anyone in my life. It’s over for me.
Naksh:- Karthik, till how long will you live alone?
Karthik:- I don’t know. And Anchal, tell them everything.
Naithik:- what she has to say.
Anchal:- Karthik, no.
Karthik:- yes. Look, she loves a person, Kabir. He is also a doctor. Nice guy. I had talked with him by phone. If you can, get them both marry. Don’t make any decision of my life.
They all gets shocked.
Suvarna:- I had already told that, he won’t agree.
Dadi:- you are correct. Let’s wait.
Naksh, Kirti and Anchal comes to Karthik.
Naksh:- Karthik, sorry.
Karthik:- why? You didn’t do anything.
Naksh:- I didn’t know about Anchal. That is why.
Karthik:- it’s ok.
Anchal:- so can we go for shopping?
Karthik:- now?
Kirti:- yes bhai. Please. Don’t deny.
Karthik:- ok. Get ready.
Anchal and Kirti:- done.
Naira, Mishti and kuhu are on the same mall as Karthik. Rishabh is also with them.
Naira:- Mishti, I don’t want to come.
Rishabh:- haan, Mishti. She is lazy.
Naira:- Rishabh…
Mishti:- ok. So naira and Rishabh, you both go. We have to buy some books.
Naira:- ok.
Naira and Rishabh goes and buys icecream. Naira slips, so Rishabh holds her. Karthik and naksh sees them in that state.
Naksh:- naira…
Naira was shocked to see naksh. She was about to hug them but stops herself.
Naksh:- you…..what were you doing here?
Naira:- bhai…
Naksh:- don’t call me. You are the worst sister anyone have. I hate you. Look at this man, he had lost everything. What you have to say about him?
Naira cries.
Karthik:- don’t cry.
Mishti was selecting books, when she see anchal.
Anchal:- Mishti, you here.
Mishti:- haan, for shopping. Alone?
Anchal:- no Karthik and naksh is there.
Mishti:- what?
Anchal:- kya hua.
Mishti:- naira is also here. That too with Rishabh.
Anchal:- what?
Mishti:- come… They runs from there followed by Kirti and kuhu.
Kartik:- don’t cry. Your tears are also fake, like you. I was wrong. I think, you loved me for real, but you are cheater. You broken my heart, you make me alone, you killed me. I fought for you with everyone. But I was wrong. I had tried to find you. But I shouldn’t. You are the biggest mistake of my life. I hate you. Hate you…
Naira was shocked hearing this. Suddenly she faints. Karthik and naksh gets shocked. Mishti comes there.
Mishti:- diii. Wake up. What happened to her?
Kartik:- she is acting.
Mishti:- no Karthik. She is having cancer, that is why did all this drama, so that you all can live happily.
All gets shocked hearing that. Screen freezes on Karthik’s shocking face.
Precap:- Karthik learns everything. Abir fights with Karthik. Naira’s condition worsens. Mishbir share a moment. Meenakshi comes to discuss kunal’s relation with kuhu. Goenkas gets shocked to see Meenakshi. Meenakshi:- for kuku’s marriage…..
Hopes everyone like this….please comment below…
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