Sunday, 2 May 2021

Kumkum bhagya (always there for you) Chapter 18 fan fiction


kiara- chotu you wake up first you are the smallest

ria- no didu you wake up first you are eldest

pragya- no you 3 wake up today sahana is coming

the 3 wake up

pragya- good now go and fresh yourselves

pragya goes out

prachi rubbing her eyes

prachi- senior what will we play today with sahana

kiara- lets play hide and seek

ria- no didu we played it last time

prachi- we will play ludo

ria- ok

they go to freshen up

pragya enters the room

pragya- his kids only wake up fast then him

pragya- wake up

abhi- 2 mins more

pragya- your children have wake up when will you wake up

abhi- please 1 minute

then suddenly prachi,ria,kiara enter

(prachi, kiara,ria wear same color clothes)

kiara- dad wake up

abhi wales up

abhi- so princesses woke up early what so special

ria- today sahana os coming

abhi- that means my mother in law sister is also coming so i have to get ready

after some time

a girl is running after a boy they are revealed to be


mishti- today i will not leave you

ranbir- first catch me

dida- stop fighting you both

they stopped

dida- so listen today we will eat at mehra house as today sahana is also coming

ranbir and mishti- yay we will paly with her

dida- lets go

they leave

(mishti and ria,prachi and kiara share good bond )

(sahana and aryan are of same age aryan is smaller by 2 weeks )

(prachi and ranbir , sahana and aryan always fight )

(aryan and aldeep have gone in vacation for 3 months)

(alia treats sahana as her daughter)

in mehra house

the kohlis enter

pragya- welcome

ria,kiara,prachi – hello aunty/uncle/dadi

vikram- hello child

prachi- where is mishti di

mishti- i am here

the trio hug mishti

mishti- so what game we will play today

kiara- we will ludo

ranbir- i will also play

kiara- so done mishti, ria one team ranbir, prachi one team , i and sahana in one team

prachi- i don’t want to be with this baklu

ranbir- i also don’t be with this chikchiki

prachi- you are repeating what i said

kiara- stop fighting then sahana,ria in one team mishti and prachi in one team and i and ranbir in one team done


prachi- why did you say the same time

their fight was interrupted

sahana- masi , rockstar

(sahana calls rockstar, kiara as di and prachi,ranbir,mishti, ria and aryan by their names )

prachi,kiara, ria ,mishti and ranbir run and hug her

vardhana(granny of sahana ,sister of sarla ) – everyone forgot me

prachi- no granny i will hug you

she gors and hug vardhana

pragya and abhi touch her feet

dasi,dida and vardhan hug each other

dida- bestie how are you

(vardhana, dida and dasi has become bff)

vardhana- good bestie

purab amd disha woth sunny enter

dishrub- namaste aunty

sunny- good morning granny

ria comes to sunny

ria- brother we need a judge while playing ludo please be the judge

guys please comment

The post Kumkum bhagya (always there for you) Chapter 18 fan fiction appeared first on Telly Updates.

5/02/2021 09:15:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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