Sunday 25 April 2021



hi everyone!! Thank you for everyone who supported me in this FF!!. I hope you like this episode too and let’s go to the episode 😍.


aryan is shocked seeing sahana fainted and he immediately lifts her and takes her to the room which is located in that party and makes her lie down on bed and sees her painfully…

Aryan POV: what happened to her suddenly?? I ..I. Think she drank the alcohol….ohh god..

aryan sits near her and watches her and then he sprinkles water on her and she gets up from dizzines but sleeps suddenly due to tiredness and she holds aryan’s hands in sleep….Aryan watches her cutely as she is sleeping cutely and he tries to take his hand from sahana but he couldn’t as she is sleeping peacefully holding his hands tightly….

Aryan POV: ohh noo..she is sleeping holding my hand..what I will do now? I could not phone ranbir also now….then I will also sit hear till sahana wakes up and take her to her house then …

thinking this aryan sits near sahana without taking his hand from sahana’s hold and sees her cute sleep…

aryan POV: how cutely she is sleeping?? I have never noticed her cuteness till now but now I can see her cuteness and I feel as if to hug her as she is more cuter than babies…

thinking this aryan smiles seeing sahana and suddenly he gets shocked as sahana starts to scream in her sleep….

Sahana (in sleep): please…please don’t come near me..I..I will kill you.. you already killed my mother father and my cute brother..and if you co..come near me then I won’t spare you  pleeease…please leave me….aaaaahhhhh

aryan gets shocked seeing her scream..

aryan POV: what is she screaming?? She told me that she is living with her mom and dad nearby but why is she screaming in dream like this??..I..I think it is just a dream…

suddenly sahana gets more scared in her dream and gets up with scare and hugs aryan and cries….

aryan : what happened sahana? Please relax…it’s just a dream…

sahana breaks the hug and sees aryan emotionally..

Sahana POV: no’s not just a dream.. whatever it showed in my dream is true….but i could not say to you…. because if I say then you will also land in trouble…I have to bear my pain myself…..I don’t want you or any of my friends to know my ugly past and get into trouble…….

thinking this sahana hugs aryan emotionally…

Aryan : is thee any problem?

Sahana: was just an horrible dream…

telling this sahana sleeps in aryan’s shoulder itself and Aryan makes her lie down and he gets pulled by sahana’s hand when he was about to get up and he sees again sahana sleeping holding his hand and so without disturbing her sleep he sits near her and suddenly he too falls asleep near her…..

and someone takes photo of them (the same person who took video of their intimate dance) and smiles….


ranbir and prachi searches for aryan and sahana and they get tired and prachi gets worried for them…

Prachi: ranbir..iam scared whether they have landed in any trouble..

ranbir: don’t worry..I think they would have went out for any purpose…

Prachi: no ranbir.aryan would never go without telling me…

ranbir thinks…

Ranbir: then..we’ll do one thing…

Prachi: what?

Ranbir: we will go out and search…may be they would be there nearby…

Prachi: ok..

both goes outside…

Ranbir: search them that’s side and I will search them this side okay?

Prachi: ok..

Ranbir: but be careful while searching them..

Prachi : ok…

both goes in separate direction and searches them while prachi without knowing anything she enters into rowdy’s factory as she thinks that also as party venue…

Prachi POV: Why this area is dark? I think this is also a party venue only…

but suddenly she is hold by some goon and she gets scared…

Prachi shouts: leave me..please leave me..

Goon shouts: it’s you who came here…how dare you?? You are a you won’t go from here till you get punished from me..

prachi gets scared…

prachi: i..I mistakingly came here..please leave me…please..

Goon: how could I leave you? If I leave you then you will inform us to police as we are hiding and doing illegal business here without knowing to police and you would have seen it right?

prachi gets shocked..

Prachi shouts: I dint know that you are frauds and goons until now but you yourself told that you are doing illegal business….

goon gets shocked…

Goon POV: I thought this idiot have watched us secretly and took our secrets but iam idiot as I myself blurted the truth…I should not leave her now or elase it will be a big problem…

thinking this he holds prachi tightly and takes her inside and pushes her and aims gun at her…

goon: I won’t spare you if you try to escape….

telling this goon ties her hands and legs and closes her mouth with tape…while prachi cries…



twinkle and yuvraj had fun time and then…

Yuvraj: shall I leave you in college?

Twinkle: ok..thank you..

Yuvraj: no thanks and sorries in friendship alright?

Twinkle: ok mr.police..

twinkle smiles and sits with yuvraj in his bike and he takes her to her college…

finally yuvraj leaves twinkle in college and waves bye and he leaves…

yuvraj goes in his bike to his station and suddenly he gets phone ring and he stops the bike and picks it…

Yuvraj: hello there any news to tell me?

Shivam (constable): yes sir..

Yuvraj: what’s it?

shivam: sir..a girl drove the car in drunken state and she had hit a guys car and that guy got injured and the girl fainted…

yuvraj is shocked…

Yuvraj: then you take them to hospital and we will arrest that girl after she gets conscious…

Shivam: but sir..she is a can you arrest a girl?

Yuvraj: law is law…it is implied on humans only and they dint specify specially for men’s…so we have to arrest for her crime work…

Shivam: ok I will take her and that guy to hospital and you reach there sir..

Yuvraj: ok..I will come to hospital…

so shivam takes that guy and the girl to hospital and admits them while yuvraj comes there and gets shocked seeing that girl..

shivam: sir..what happened? Why you are shocked seeing that girl?

Yuvraj: this is the same girl who stole jewels from different shops daily and I saw her in one of the camera in a shop and we were trying trace this girl only…

shivam is shocked..

Shivam: then our work became easy now…we don’t need to search her and she herself came to us…

Yuvraj: yes..this girl is spoilt brat I think..she is stealing and drinking too…

Shivam: yes…we should lock her for a year atleast…then only she will change…

suddenly that girl gets conscious and she sees the police and gets scared… yuvraj sees her waking and goes near her…

yuvraj: whats your name miss.criminal?

Girl(in scared tone): av..Avni..

Yuvraj: your name is good but you are so bad and criminal…

avni worries…

avni POV: what did I do?did this police found out about my stealings??

Yuvraj shouts: where are you lost? I know you stole from many shops for 20 days..and now you have drunk and drove the car and had made accident of another person…

avni is shocked…

Avni: sir…

Yuvraj: don’t try to tell any reason.. because there won’t be any reason for stealing and drinking…now you are under arrest miss.criminal Avni..

tellung this he shows handcuffs to Avni..

avni cries seeing the handcuffs…she remembers the reason for her doings..


avni’s mother is kidnapped by a guy named vidyut and it is known by Avni and she goes to vidyut and pleads..

Avni: why are you doing this?? What do you want?? Please leave my mother please…

vidyut laughs seeing her plead and he holds her hair tightly which gives heavy pain to Avni..

Avni shouts in pain: aaaahh..please leave me…(Avni cries in pain)..

vidyut shouts: shut up…if you want your mother you have to listen to me alright??

avni nods in fear of losing her mother..

Avni POV : I already lost I don’t want to lose my mumma too so I’ll do whatever he says….

Vidyut: you have to bring rs.1 lakh daily till the day I say you to stop…if you fail to bring then you will see your mother as dead person…

avni gets shocked…

Avni: how can I bring 1 lakh daily? If I work in a big company also they will give 1 lakh per month only but how can I bring daily??

vidyut holds Avni tightly and pushes her down and..

Vidyut: I dint tell you to work and bring..I just told you to bring 1 lakh can bring it by stealing jewels in the shop…

avni gets shocked and cries…

avni : please tell me any other work I will do it but don’t tell me to steal..please..I won’t become bad…please…

vidyut laughs seeing her plead..

Vidyut: you can only save your mum by becoming bad or you if you want to be good then lose your mum…choose your better option…

Avni cries: please…

Vidyut: don’t try to plead ..If you plead again then I will order the goons to kill your mum..


vidyut acts to phone the goons but Avni stops him..

Avni (with heartbroken): ok..I will do it..but please don’t harm my mum…

Vidyut: now only your a good child dear…listen carefully daily you have to bring 1 lakh completely and if you bring less then you should face the punishment of mine and then whatever you do it must not known to police and you should use your brain and steal jewels without knowing to police understood?

avni nods her head in fear…

Vidyut: the..if you try to bring police here then I  will go to station but you will lose your mother as I have kept your mother far away with the goons and they will kill her even if I went to jail….

avni becomes sad and nods her head in fear of losing her mother…so she does as vidyut says and she steals jewels and brings him 1 lakh daily and one day she brings 95 thousand as she couldn’t steal for 1 lakh….

Avni (in fear): sir..iam sorry I couldn’t get 1 lakh today alone..please forgive me sir…

vidyut becomes angry…

vidyut holds Avni tightly and slaps her hard…while Avni cries…

Avni: sir…

Vidyut: I already told you not to do this mistake now you done it…see what your going to face now…

avni cries in fear…

vidyut holds avni’s hair and he take wine bottle and then he makes Avni open her mouth and pours wine in her mouth and Avni tries to push him but holds her tightly and pours whole wind bottle in her mouth and pushes her away….

Vidyut shouts: if you do this mistake again then next time I will make you drink 2 bottles wine….

vidyut laughs seeing her….while Avni goes and drives her car in drunken state..

FB ends…

Avni POV: If I tell this to police then they will go and arrest vidyut but I don’t know where he kept my mother and so I can’t tell the truth to police as vidyut can kill my mom if police arrests him as police can’t reach to my mother’s place and save her….

Yuvraj: shivam… arrest her and bring to station…

Shivam: yes sir…

shivam arrests Avni and takes her to station and puts her in jail…

while Avni worries in jail…


pragya house in calcutta:

pragya and Sarita behen have went out while Rhea and priya enjoy themselves chatting with each other…

Rhea: I miss my twin sister…I hope I will see her soon…

priya: you will see her soon…I will pray for it..

Rhea: thank you..iam happy that you’re there for me…or else I would have become mad…

Priya: I will always there for you because iam your sister too..

both smiles each other and suddenly Rhea thinks something..

Rhea: one minute wait..I’ll take my chocolates and come…

Priya: what do you have chocolate??

Rhea: yes..

Priya: how dare you you dint tell me about it…

Rhea: because if I told you then you would have emptied the chocolate by now…

Priya makes aface..

Priya: now I want that chocolate…

Rhea: no chance…

priya gets angry…she goes fast to take chocolate first but Rhea pulls her and makes her fall down..and she runs…but priya throws pillows on her and makes her fall down….

Priya: I won’t let you take that chocolate easily…

Rhea: I won’t let you eat that chocolate…

both starts to fight with each other while pragya and Sarita behen comes there and gets shocked…

Paragya shouts: Rhea…what are you doing?

rhea and priya stops fighting and looks them…

Rhea: mom..I just told that I wnat chocolate…

Priya: it’s not fair pragya aunty…I too want it…

pragya and Sarita behen laughs..

Pragya: guys are fighting just for chocolate huh??

Rhea: yes mom..

suddenly pragya feels heart pain and she faints down which shocks Sarita behen, Rhea and priya…


precap: who is that girl who is exactly like bulbul?. Pragya suffers heart attack.kunj makes twinkle get punished from college.ranbir searches for prachi

The post WHERE IS MY DESTINY? Episode 2 appeared first on Telly Updates.

4/25/2021 03:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments