kiara- i forgot to tell prachi owns a diary producing company called a.s.p she once told me it this means aryan,sahana,prachi
sahana was feeling jealous of kiara but when she knew prachi named a company after her sje felt happy
aryan- prachi kept a company in name of me and sahana
kiara- oh so you are aryan actually i don’t know so can you all please do a introduction of your
they did introduction
i will show only some rooms
kiara showed abhigya room
abhigya felt good that the room had their choices
kiara- actually prachi had kept some choices in mind and made room
wardbode (i will only show one wardrobe )
abhigya gone in their room there was a photo of prachi0
in sahana room
kiara- she too had kept it per your choices
sahana- wow prachi still remember i like purple colour
kiara- yes and everyday she talks about you and prachi childhood stories
ranbir chose a room which had more pictures of prachi and ranbir had sneakily saw prachi room color
prachi photos (i really like to put mugdha photos)
in ranbir room everyone left ranbir is talking to prachi photo
ranbir- you know chikchiki you look good in modern dresses but i am angry you did not talk with me but i know that you are also angry that i accept that stupid bet but i promise to i will win you back ms.arora
rhea room
ria- di i know you are angry with me but you love me you know all my choices you know my favourite is oink so you kept it pink
prachi calls everyone for dinner she let everyone sit for dinner in their places when see saw ranbir was going to sit with her she sat between kiara and sahana then kiara saw the watch
kiara- prachi time
prachi sees the time
prachi- 10 mins are left for chowmein and sutli meeting
kiara- it sungt liee and chen lee
prachi- same only
pragya- prachi but how you both met
prachi- kiu and i met in a village actually kiu wanted to work and i wanted a personal assistant we met in a wedding pf a common friend oh yeah remembering comman friend i remember i have to go to sangeet this week of saanvi and shrey
kiara- yeah oh no 10 minutes over now go and do the meeting while eating food
prachi- ok sweetheart (she kissed her cheek)
after 1 hour
everyone is in sofa
kiara- aunty can you come to prachi room everyyime it be like this she doesn’t eat her food amd after finishing food she sleeps and i have to wake her up and tell her to eat but it’s hard to wake her up
pragya- ok
abhi,pragya, sahana,kiara leave to prachi room ranbir follows them
prachi room
there they saw prachi was sleeping while her head was tilted her back was in the back of the bed and laptop on her lap and the food was kept in table
ranbir- (in mind) my chikchiki looks so cute while sleeping
kiara- prachi wake up
prachi- just 5 minutes
pragya- prachi wake up
prachi- kiu from when did you started mimicking mom voice
ranbir,abhi laughed
kiara- it not me it your mom
prachi woke up with a jerk
prachi- woh actually i was feeling sleepy so i slept
pragya- nothing happens now eat
prachi ate the food
after some time
m.k family heard some music coming from terrace they went and saw
prachi and kiara sitting and prachi was singing with a guitar
(az hindi lyrics, kehte hain khuda )
kiara then gave prachi a overcoat
all the people were so lost in music that they didn’t notice the song jad finished
prachi- what are all of you doing here
sahana- we didn’t know that you were so fabulous singer
prachi- that i am now can you tell me what happened what alia did
pragya- prachi give her respect
prachi- those who don’t respect my mom i will mot respect them now please tell
i will reveal in next chapter what happened
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